Web Publishing

Content management whitepaper

Web Publishing

Prepared by Rob Weaver for MillenniaVision

Table of Contents


1.1.Design and approach






1.1.Design and approach

MillenniaVision Corporation takes the approach of designing web sites to provide a way to design and deploy a large number of web pages rapidly, providing scalability and maintainability. To that end we build a flexible design utilizing XML (eXtensible Markup Language) and the Java™ Servlet API.

Our approach utilizes several established design patterns including factor forward factor back, and model view controller. By developing software in this manner we allow separation of content, presentation and code.

Our model allows for rapid development of alternative display of web content, allowing a web site to be made accessible in a number of different formats on a large number of devices. We have a great deal of experience in building a highly usable interface tailored for specific devices, and because of our experience we are able to solve issues such as differing functionality between browsers and platforms.

For example, JavaScript on a PC functions differently than on a Mac or Solaris, and is completely unavailable on most mobile devices. Each device has different display characteristics as well: even on a single device, special care must be taken in UI design because of differences in color maps and resolution capabilities. Because of our experience, we are able to accomplish the necessary user interactions (such as field validation) effectively for each device.

XML is an easy to understand, human and computer readable document format that can represent any kind of information. The Java™ Servlet API is the preferred method of delivering dynamic content over the Internet. Together, XML and servlets combine the "what" and the "how" of business on the web[1].

Content developers and software engineers can focus on just the dynamic content without concerning themselves with the final presentation. Static content, style, and final presentation can be delegated to Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT). Figure 1 illustrates the approach, which allows for separating content, code and presentation.

Figure 1 - Java™ Servlet API and XML

We have developed systems, which consist of an J2EE (Java™ 2 Enterprise Edition) implementation utilizing XML and XSLT that provide a strong separation of content from presentation, and code. MillenniaVision has utilized commercial content management software such as Vignette (used at goCampus) and Interwoven (used for Echo). We have also written our own content management structure (as in the OnTool project), and utilized open source software (such as Xalan, and Cocoon at Branders and MoneySuite).


We have a great deal of experience in XML and HTML technologies. Wireless Markup Language (WML) is a standard that is roughly equivalent to HTML for web-enabled devices. Many of the newer mobile phones include the capability to access this content over WAP. Interacting with a web site via WAP is accomplished by passing requests and results through a gateway to a web server as shown in Figure 2:

Figure 2 - Accessing a web site with a mobile device

Communication between the gateway and the mobile device is handled by the WAP protocol. This protocol is roughly equivalent to HTTP as shown in Figure 3:

Figure 3 - WAP protocol map

WAP is however a very new technology, so many mobile devices rely on clipping services to transport web requests. These services perform the function of splitting the content up and formatting it appropriately for the target device (examples are Oracle’s OracleMobile at 2Roam.com at and Phone.com at

Alternatively content can be targeted at a specific device using the XSL transform at the server. This results in a better user experience, but does require additional knowledge of the target devices, and additional design work to be effective.

Ultimately however the flow is the same regardless of the underlying protocol, as this data flow diagram illustrates:

Figure 4 - Data flow diagram



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Web Publishing


HTML · 4


JavaScript · 3


to Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations · See XSLT


WAP · 4, 5, 6

WML · 4


XML · 3, 4

XSL · 6

XSLT · 3, 4

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Web Publishing

A.2.List of Diagrams

Figure 1 - Java™ Servlet API and XML......

Figure 2 - Accessing a web site with a mobile device

Figure 3 - WAP protocol map

Figure 4 - Data flow diagram

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[1] From the java.sun.com article PERSPECTIVE ON TECHNOLOGY: JAVATM SERVLET API AND XMLby Madhu SiddalingaiahAugust 15, 2000