Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Association of New York State


Meeting Minutes March 17, 2017

Board Meeting

In Attendance (by phone):

Sean Gerow – Access: Supports for Living, Inc. – CDPAANYS President

Elizabeth Martin – Consumer Directed Choices – CDPAANYS Secretary

Susan McCormack - Long Island Center for Independent Living – CDPAANYS Vice President

T.K. Small – Concepts of Independence – CDPAANYS Treasurer

Sheila Middlebrook – Center for Disability Rights

Lindsey Haynes – Jawonio, Inc.

Babi Satzman – Independent Living, Inc.

Kendra Scalia – Consumer Board Member

Vincent Reiter – Independent Living Center of the Hudson Valley, Inc.

Taryn Birkmire – Recco Home Care Service, Inc.

Eileen Gerard – South Shore Home Health Services/Addus

Zvia McCormick – Resource Center for Independent Living

CDPAANYS Staff (by phone):

Bryan O’Malley – CDPAANYS Executive Director

Laura Cardwell – CDPAANYS Operations Manager

Sean Gerow, President,called the meeting to order at:12:04 pm.

  1. Introductions – Introductions were made and roll call taken.
  2. CDPAANY position statement on Wage Parity – The only agenda item for this emergency board meeting is to discuss having CDPAANYS officially support (with concerns) having the state include CDPA under the Wage Parity law. A draft position statement was sent to the board earlier in the day

Bryan provided a quick overview of the one-house budget bills that have been released by the Assembly and the Senate. Both houses include language to add CDPA to the Wage Parity laws in NYC, Westchester and Long Island. There appears to be support from the Governor’s office for the proposal.

The advocacy committee met on Tuesday, March 14th to discuss whether or not CDPAANYS should support the proposal to have CDPA included in the Wage Parity laws. The committee discussed several significant concerns with the potential impact of the proposal happening, which were detailed in the draft position statement that board members received. The advocacy committee approved recommending the board supporting the proposal with concerns. Bryan reviewed the advocacy committee’s concerns with the board.

Board members discussed the potential impact of having CDPA included in the Wage Parity laws and the concerns that were shared by the advocacy committee. Board members presented proposed changes (i.e. amendments) to the draft position statement:

  • Adding the need to create a high need risk rate cell for CDPA to the Wage Parity position statement. This will further emphasize the need for the state to ensure managed care plans are adequately funded to ensure Wage Parity and other regulatory obligations can be paid for.
  • Clarifying in the position statement that Wage Parity for CDPA will include NYC, Westchester and Long Island.
  • Changing the phrase “plans will renegotiate reimbursements” to “plans must renegotiate reimbursements” in the last sentence of the third bullet.

T.K. made a motion to approve the CDPAANYS position statement on Wage Parity as amended during the board discussion. Vincent seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

  1. Adjourn –Sean adjourned the meeting at 12:39 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Elizabeth Martin

CDPAANYS Secretary

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