Consumer Behaviour
Consumer Research Exercise
Puerto Vallarta Autos
Puerto Vallarta Autos has been in business since 1967. It has always been a successful, professional organization. Since the locality has an economy based mainly upon agriculture, their traditional customer has been the aspiring Mexican consumer, usually business or professional people.
Recently they have noticed that their local market has changed considerably. Puerto Vallarta has become a center for tourism and recreation for Mexicans from Guadalajara and Mexico City, as well as North Americans and Europeans. There are many beach clubs, hotels, apartments, and holiday condos.
Doreteo Dominguez, the sales manager at Puerto Vallarta Autos, feels that the company may have a problem. They do not know who their customer is and hence cannot target advertising.
You are the Account Representative for Punta Mita Marketing Research Associates. Advise Doreteo Dominguez on an appropriate method of marketing research, and describe any advantages and disadvantages of such a method.
1. Define the problem. (Never conduct research for things that you would 'like' to know. Make sure that you really 'need' to know something. The problem then becomes the focus of the research.)
2. How will you collect the data that you will analyze to solve your problem? Do we conduct a telephone survey, or do we arrange a focus group?
(The methods of data collection will be discussed in more detail later.)