School of Business and Leadership

University of Puget Sound

Consumer Behavior

Fall 2010

320 McIntyre Hall

Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays

1:00 am – 1:50 pm BUS 443A

Professor:Dr. Mei Rose

Office:111DMcIntyre Hall


Office Hours:Monday and Wednesday 2:00 – 3:00 pm, and by appointment


Course Website:

Course Objectives

Consumer behavior is an exciting area. Every day, we are exposed to hundreds or thousands of marketing stimuli, which are designed to inform, persuade, and influence our purchase decisions. These stimuli are designed and constructed based upon the implicit theories that marketers have about how consumers behave. This course examines social science and consumer behavior research for concepts and principles that marketers can use to better understand customers and meet their needs. At the end of the course, students should be able to:

  • Understand consumers’ mental and physical processes of acquiring, consuming, and experiencing products
  • Understand the mechanisms of influence that are most likely to lead consumers to change their attitudes, their beliefs, and, most importantly their actions
  • Apply concepts, theories, models, and tools in developing consumer behavior driven marketing strategies.

Prerequisites: BUS 310 or 335 and MATH 160 or MATH 260 or PSYC 201.

Instructional Materials


  • Michael R. Solomon (2011),Consumer Behavior 9/e. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey07458: Pearson.
  • Additional readings available on Moodle

Course Evaluation

Grading Component:

Three Exams @ 20% each / 60% / Individual
Cases, Articles, & Application Exercises / 30% / Group
Participation / 10% / Individual
Total / 100%

Grading Criteria:

Grade / Percent Earned / Performance Level
A / 95-100 / Student demonstrates excellent performance in written work and oral presentations. Content, organization, originality, analysis, demonstration of understanding, and application of course material significantly exceed the minimum requirements.
A- / 90-94
B+ / 87-89
B / 84-86 / Student demonstrates above average performance in written work and oral presentations. Student exceeds the minimum requirements in some, but not all of the above mentioned areas.
B- / 80-83
C+ / 77-79
C / 74-76 / Student demonstrates average performance in written work and oral presentations. Student has satisfactorily completed the content and structure of the assignments.
C- / 70-73
D+ / 67-69
D / 64-66 / Student demonstrates below average performance in the quality of the written and oral presentations.
D- / 60-63
F / 0-59 / The quality of work is not acceptable for a college student.


Exams: There will be four exams given as scheduled on the Course Schedule. While you must take all four exams, your final score computation will include only three of your best scored exams. Any change in exam dates will always be announced in advance.Exam format will be in the form of multiple choice questions. Make up exams will NOT be given. No study guide will be given. You are expected to know ALL the materials in the text, lectures, articles, cases, and application exercises conducted both in-class and out-of-class.

Cases, Articles, and Application Exercises: We will be utilizing a number of cases, articles, and Application Exercises (AE) to compliment you knowledge of Consumer Behavior concepts in practice. Some cases and articles will be conducted in a general discussion format, and some articles and AE will be presented by Ad Hoc student groupsassigned in the course schedule.

General Discussion: In a general discussion session, students must submit a Test-Your-Knowledge (TYK) form for an article assignment or answers to the case questions in a case assignment. These deliverables must be in hard copy and can be handwritten or type written. No electronic submission will be acceptable prior to class. The deliverables must be submitted at the beginning of class before discussion begins. Students will earn participation points for these deliverables. No deliverables will be accepted after discussion has begun. Late excuse will not be accepted. You are expected to complete the readings and the deliverables prior to class and not during class. You should bring an extra copy of your deliverables to aid in your class participation. In sum, you will earn participation points for submitting the deliverables, as well as participating in class discussion. No participation points will be given if you are NOT in class to participate. No TYK forms will be accepted if you are excused from class (see attendance). TYK forms are available on Moodle.

Presentations: Some article and AE will be presented and facilitated by Ad Hoc student groups. You will be randomly assigned to present and facilitate the discussion of a number of articles and AE throughout the semester. Once you received you assignment, it is your responsibility to work with students that are also assigned to the article or AE as a group. The number of articles and AE assignment depends on the size of the class. In general, there will be a minimum of two students per group. Students assigned to ad hoc groups are expected to collaborate with students in the same assignment. Each group is expected to:

  • Conduct additional research to add value to the materials to be presented
  • Make a 15 minutes PowerPoint presentation
  • Facilitate class discussion
  • Prepare three questions about the materials

Grading of group presentation and rigor of discussion will be conducted by the class. Articles and AE assignments is available under course schedule and on Moodle. All cases, articles, and AE are available either in the text or on Moodle. Please ask if you have any questions.

Participation:Participation involves your contribution in the classroom. Active participation requires you to ask constructive questions and provide answers that add value to discussions. While I encourage constructive contribution to class discussion, any non constructive questions, comments, or actions leading to classroom disruption will result in a deduction of your Participation points. So, please be sensitive to our learning environment. To facilitate participation you will be required to complete exercises, readings, and /or activities prior or during class. Part of your participation also involves evaluation of facilitators/presenters’ performances in the classroom. Participation points will only be awarded if you are in class to participate.

Attendance: Attendance is required. Please e-mail me BEFORE class if you will be gone for any reason. After three unexcused absences I will deduct 1/3 of a letter grade from your final grade for each additional unexcused absence. Class attendance will not result in Participation points without active participation. You are an important part of the learning process and your input adds value to our discussion. Be sure to come prepared every day.

Course Policies

Academic Standards: You are expected to meet the traditional standards of honesty and truthfulness in all aspects of your academic work. While you are encouraged to discuss readings, assignments, and lecture material with each other, all individual work for the course must be completed without assistance from others. Please review the University’s academic honesty policies in The Logger (

Laptops and cell phones: Laptops are NOT allowed in the classroom. Cell phones must be turned off for the duration of the class period.

Return of Graded Work: All work submitted for grading MUST be in hardcopy. No e-mail submission will be accepted. Submitted work will normally be returned within two weeks. If you are absent, you may pick up your graded work during the Professor’s office hours or make arrangements to pick them up.

Posting of Scores: Your scores will be posted periodically on Moodle. You are expected to report any discrepancies within one week of the latest score posting. After one week, no adjustments will be made.

Disability Accommodations: Reasonable accommodations are available for students who have a documented disability from the Disability Services Coordinator (x2692). Please notify the professor during the first week of class of any accommodations needed for the course.

Course Schedule

Available on Moodle.

BUS443 Consumer Behavior

Syllabus and Schedule

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