Consultant on Monitoring and Evaluation on UNICEF Child Protection Response in Emergency

Duration: 2 months(up to 40 working days)

  1. Background of the Special Service Agreement (SSA)

The emergency situation affecting Ukraine has resulted in additional data collection requirements for UNICEF Ukraine Child Protection section. In order to identify and meet rapidly changing and newly emerging protection needs of children. UNICEF Ukraine Child Protection section has identified a need to review and improve data the collection, monitoring and evaluation of data for various internal and external reporting requirements. A short term consultant is needed to fulfil this requirement.

  1. Objective of the Special Service Agreement with expected results, outcomes, products

The objective of this SSA is to support UNICEF Child Protection implementing partners and enableUNICEF Ukraine Child Protection section to improve the collection and analysisofcritical data about the status of children in Ukraine. As a result of this contract, urgent, emerging and critical protection needs of children will be more easily identified, reported and addressed.

Expected result: As a result of this contract, urgent, emerging and critical protection needs of children will be more easily identified, reported and addressed by UNICEF child Protection section and by UNICEF implementing partners.

An M&E system will be in place for UNICEF child protection section, consisting of methodology, instructions, and templates. This M&E system will be comprehensive yet user-friendly and will allow for unique reports to be produced and analyzed as frequently

Activities: The consultant will produce user-friendly data collection and analysis tools such excel templates and simplified reporting frameworks. The consultant will ensure data collection skills of relevant Child Protection section staff and relevant staff of implementing partners are upgraded to meet the identified reporting needs. including and skills used by Child Protection section and their implementing partners meet all identified reporting requirements to identify needs and improve results for children.

Expected results: A monitoring and evaluation system for child protection is established, consisting of manual, methodology, instructions and templates:

  • A written report detailing the following:
  • Review, consolidation and analysis of UNICEF Ukraine Child Protection Section’s internal and external reporting requirements.
  • Review, consolidation and analysis of all other relevant data collection needs – such as those required by the Child Protection Working Group.
  • Analysis of all data collection tools and opportunities used by UNICEF implementing partnersbased on site visits;
  • Data collection solutions, such as simplified reporting frameworks, excel templates or excel reports, that ensure improved collection and reporting of data that meet all UNICEF implementing partner as well as internal and external reporting needs
  • Capacity-building sessions or training that enable relevant staff of implementing partner organizations and relevant staff of UNICEF Child Protection section to implement and utilize the solutions developed by the consultant are delivered.
  1. Delivery dates based on the work plan

The final report should be delivered by19June 2015in electronic form by email and on a data storage device. Other delivery dates to be determined upon acceptance of the workplan.

  1. Details of how the work should be delivered

The suggested work plan below should be adjusted by the consultant and supervisor at the initial briefing meeting. The work plan and deliverables are subject to change – upon negotiation and based on needs determined by UNICEF, during the contract. The final detailed work plan with deliverables and timetable has to be submitted to UNICFE within first week of the contract.

The final report, including all tools developed, signed by the consultant must be sent to UNICEF Ukraine Child ProtectionOfficerelectronically.

Activity / deliverable / Estimated Time allotment
Review child protection section’s internal and external data collection and/or reporting requirements / Attend Briefing by UNICEF staff members, collect and analyse information / 2 day
Review data collection tools, practices and opportunities currently in use or available to our partners – this will generally require site visits to identify data collection opportunities. / Attend partner sites to identify opportunities to collect dataDocumented in final report / 5 day
Consolidate partner reporting/data collection requirements / Excel / 3 day
Develop data collection solutions for each partner / Excel / 5 day
Develop system solutions for programme officers to address reporting needs / Excel / 1 day
Develop orientation training based on identified needs / Training, agenda, power point, hand-outs / 5-7 day
Provide brief training or orientation as needed to partners or staff – this may require site visits / Pre and post session questionnaire / 3-5 day
Final report / Final report signed by consultant and accepted by supervisor / 5 day
Total (including travel) / Up to 40 day
  1. Performance indicators for evaluation of results

The evaluation of results will be based on the following indicators:

  • Technical and professional competence (will be measured by the quality of the tools developed, training provided and report provided to UNICEF as well as feedback from implementing partners).
  • Quality of work (timely submission of the summary report to UNICEF).
  • Quantity of work (completing the key assignments)
  • In addition such indicators as work relations, responsibility and communication will be taken into account during the evaluation of the consultant’s work.
  1. Qualifications/specialised knowledge/experience required to complete the task

The national consultant selected for the Consultancy should meet the following requirements:

-MUST be fluent in Russian/Ukrainian

-Ideal candidate will also be functional in English

-Possess a University degree in a relevant field

-Proficiency with Excel

-At least 5 years of experience and/or training in monitoring and evaluation, data collection and analysis

-Familiarity with UNICEF programming including knowledge of key issues related to data collection in Child Protection context

-Understanding of the current social situation in Ukraine and its dynamics

-Experience coaching, teaching or sharing information with colleagues.

  1. Definition of supervision arrangements

The overall supervision of the consultant will be provided by the UNICEF Ukraine Child ProtectionOfficer.

  1. Description of official travel involved

Travels are envisaged to the pilot sites within the in-country mission. The local travel will be included in the contract. No travel shall be undertaken prior to completing the UN Basic and Advanced Security in the Field Courses. The cost of travel is included in the contract.

  1. UNICEF recourse in the case of unsatisfactory performance

In the event of unsatisfactory performance, UNICEF reserves the right to terminate the Special Service Agreement. In case of partially satisfactory performance, such as serious delays causing the negative impact on meeting the programme objectives, low quality or insufficient depth and/or scope of the assessment completion, UNICEF is entitled to decrease the payment by the range from 30 to 50%.

  1. Support provided by UNICEF

Day-to-day support for the assignment will be provided by UNICEF Ukraine Child Protection Officer and/or the Child Protection Working Groupcoordinator and will include relevant information sharing via e-mail, briefing and de-briefing sessions, and facilitation of the consultant’s meetings with UNICEF counterparts when necessary.

The deadline for submission of applications is 12 April, 2014.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Applicants that fulfil the above requirements are requested to complete a United Nations Personal History Form (P. 11) which is available at a web-site and submit it together with a CV and a cover letter describing your professional interests in working for UNICEF.

Please, indicate Consultant on Monitoring and Evaluation on UNICEF Child Protection Response in Emergency in the subject.

Fax No. 380-44-230-2506

E-mail: , (copy to )

UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified female and male candidates from all national, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of our organisation.