REF: G/S/KHT/P/1611/2017/ Consultant for Sustainability Study in Primary Health Care
Request for Quotation (RFQ) for
Consultant for Sustainability Study in Primary Health Care
REF: G/S/KHT/P/1611/2017
1About GOAL
GOAL is an international humanitarian agency, currently operating in 17 countries worldwide, dedicated to alleviating the suffering of the poorest of the poor. We are a non-denominational, non-governmental and non-political organisation. For more information on GOAL and its operations please visit
GOAL has been working in Sudan since 1985. We provide Health, WASH, Nutrition and REFLECT services to communities in Kutum and Alwaha localities in North Darfur and implement through partners in Kassala. We currently have offices in Khartoum, El Fasher and Kutum.
Line / Item / Date, year, time1 / RFQ published / August 15th 2017 (9.00am)
2 / Closing date and time for receipt of offers / Sep19th2017 (5.00pm)
3 / Evaluation of Offers / September24th2017 (5.00pm)
4 / Contract award forecast / September 28th2017 (5.00pm)
3Scope of Work
GOAL invites prospective consultants to submit their quotations to conduct a Sustainability Study in primary Health Care in Kutum and Al Waha Localities in North Darfur State, Sudan
The main aim of this consultancy is to fully understand the context of primary health care deliver (PHC) in Al Waha and Kutum localities, investigate the feasibility of various approaches[1] towards transitioning PHCs services from GOAL being the direct service provider to being a facilitator to eventually withdrawing fully its support (from these localities) in an incremental approach. The consultancy aims to further analyse the context and explore new areas of collaboration to sustain health care services to the targeted communities in Kutum and Al Waha for a structured transition, for implementation from 2018.
The study is to be delivered within a maximum of 60 days. The consultant is expected to, and must be willing to, travel to El Fasher and Kutum to conduct the study.
A detailed Terms of Reference can be found in this Request for Quotation, Annex 1
4Terms of bidding
GOAL, acting in its capacity as Contracting Authority, invites bidders from suitably qualified interested parties that wish to participate in conducting a Sustainability Study in Primary Health Care in Kutum and AlWaha Localities in North Darfur State, Sudan.
This competition is being conducted under GOALsRequest for Quotationprocedure. The Contracting Authority for this procurement is GOAL.
Any queries about this RFQ should be addressed in writing to GOAL via email on .Please include the reference number G/S/KHT/P/1611/2017 and words “clarification required” in the subject line
5Conditions of QuotationSubmission
Quotations must be completed in English.
Bidders must respond to all requirements set out in this RFQ and complete their offer in the formats where requested
In the event of a contract being awarded to a bidder that has knowingly withheld relevant information or otherwise misled GOAL in the evaluation process in any way, then that contract will be rendered null and void
Any conflicts of interest involving a tenderer must be fully disclosed to GOAL particularly where there is a conflict of interest in relation to any recommendations or proposals put forward by the tenderer
GOAL is not bound to accept the lowest, or any bid submitted and can terminate this competition at any stage.
Information supplied by respondents will be treated as contractually binding.
Unsuccessful bidders will be notified.
GOAL’s standard payment terms are by bank transfer within 30 days after satisfactory implementation and receipt of documents in order.
This document is not construed in any way as an offer to contract
GOAL and all contracted suppliers, and their subcontractors, associates or partners must act in all its procurement and other activities in full compliance with donor requirements and the highest ethical standards.
6Submission of Quotations
Quotes must be delivered in one of the following ways:
Delivered in a sealed envelope to the following address:
House No: 227, Block No: 65, Arkawit, Khartoum, Sudan
Telephone: + 249 (0) 183248076/520393/520393
The quotation envelope must sealed and labelled with your company name and the reference “Quotation for G/S/KHT/P/1611/2017”
Email d in the subject field state:
- G/S/KHT/P/1611/2017/ Consultant for Sustainability Study
- Name of your company with the title of the attachment
- Number of emails that are sent e.g. 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3.
(Proof of sending does not equal proof of receipt. GOAL is not responsible for any technical faults that may prevent reception of your email.)
Important: Offers transmitted in any other manner or offers received after the deadline date and time will not be considered.
All responses will be opened by the GOAL Procurement Committee and all Bidders will be notified of the results.
7Submission checklist
Line / Item / Tick attached1 / This document filled in and signed (including Section 9)
2 / Research Proposal/Technical design of the research which should:
- Outline the Research Methodology including data collection analysis and presentation/reporting
- Demonstrate a clear understanding of the objective and the scope of the consultancy workand the right methodology to meet the objectives;
- Also, clearly outline sampling issues;
- Show how analysis and data presentation will be done; and the efforts to be made so as to ensure data triangulation, quality and representativeness.
- Include proposed timeframe for the core activities in Khartoum, El fasher and Kutum levels;
- Show the timeline for the submission of 1) Inceptions report; 2) Interim report (first draft) and 3) Final report
- Indicate the timeline for sharing the preliminary finding at El fasher level and at Khartoum level with partners;
3 / Annex 2: Financial Offer filled and signed
Full price breakdown, to the greatest extent that is reasonable, that shows a daily rate for the various services and methods (inspections/observation) offered by the firm. Please include details of the company liability cap, if any
(Please do not include accommodation and transport for travel to field sites (El Fasher / Kutum) as it will be provided by GOAL)
4 / Annex 3: Declaration of Personal and Legal Obligations Form
5 / Annex 4: Declaration of Statutory Obligations
6 / Annex5: Standard GOAL Terms and Conditions agreed
7 / Two references from past clients (preferably INGO/NGO management staff), including detailed contact details for these individuals. Note: Only current employees with corporate email addresses of the reference INGO/NGO will be accepted.
Format for references have been included as part of Section 9 of this document, please ensure all necessary details are included.
5 / The consultant must ensure the following information and documents are included in the application:
- CV of Consultant(s): Outlining relevant previous experience with a focus on the health sector; in similar kinds of evaluation assignments, past achievements, technical experiences/qualifications;
- Copy of education qualification: Demonstrate relevant qualification in Master Degree in public health, HSS or directly related field;
- Description of relevant experience in the Health Sector (this can be clearly detailed in the CV or separately);
- Description of similar or related previous consultancy works (this can be clearly detailed in the CV or separately);
8Eligibility, Qualification and Evaluation Process Award Criteria
The first phase of evaluation of the responses will determine whether the bidder meets the preliminary eligibility criteria. These are:
Administrative instructions:
- Bid submission by the deadline.
- Submission of all supporting documents as outlined above in section 7. Applications lacking any of the requirements in Section 7 will not be considered.
- Costs may be quoted in SDG or USD.
Bidders not conforming to the administrative instructions may have their bids disqualified at this stage, and should not progress to the next stages.
Essential Criteria
All offers received under this agreement, which have conformed to the administrative instructions above, must meet the following essential criteria to be considered eligible bids:
- Consultant must have a Master Degree in Public Health, Health Systems Strengthening or equivalent.
- A minimum of 5 years’ experience in a relevant field
The second stage of the evaluation will involve an assessment of the bidders’ personal and legal circumstances, economic and financial standing, and technical capacity to fulfil the obligations of the Request for Quotation.
Each proposal that conforms to both of the above stages will then be evaluated according to the following Award Criteria. Any bids that do not conform to both of the above stages will be rejected at this stage.
Award Criteria
Bidders will be awarded marks under each of the award criteria listed in this section to determine the most economically advantageous bidders. Bidding companies subsequently achieving the highest score for this stage of evaluation will be considered for this contract.
- Quality (Qualification / Experience / Research Proposal or Technical Design
- Price
- Delivery Time
Marks for price will be awarded on the inverse proportion principle:
Scorevendor = maximum score x (pricemin / pricevendor)
9Company information – these sections MUST be completed
Company NameAddress
Registration Number
E-mail address
Website address
Year Established
Legal Form. Tick the relevant box / Company
Joint Venture / Other (specify):
VAT Number
Directors names and titles
Please state name of any other persons/organisations (except tenderer) who will benefit from this contract.
Parent company
Do you have associated companies? Tick relevant box. If YES – provide details for each company in the form of additional tables in this format.
Yes No
Provide details of contracts of a similar nature carried out in the last two years (please state customer name, delivery location, value of contract, and dates)
Provide details of any applicable Quality Assurance certificates or qualifications your company or employees have:
A statement of overall turnover and turnover in respect to the goods and services offered under the proposed agreement for the last three years as per the following table:
Year / Offered Goods Turnover USD / Overall Turnover USD
Please include at least 2 (two) references who may be contacted on a confidential basis to verify satisfactory execution of contracts:
Reference 1
Nature of supply
Approximate value of contract
Reference 2
Nature of supply
Approximate value of contract
By submitting an offer under this request for quotation KHT-P-1611, the bidder hereby asserts that the following statements are correct at the time of submission; and further undertakes to inform GOAL of any changes in status of these matters.
The bidder is not bankrupt or is being wound up, neither are its affairs are being administered by the court nor has entered into an arrangement with creditors or has suspended business activities or is in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure under national laws and regulation.
The bidder is not the subject of proceedings for a declaration of bankruptcy, for an order for compulsory winding up or administration by the court or for an arrangement with creditors or of any other similar proceedings under national laws and regulations.
Neither the bidder, a Director or Partner, has been convicted of an offence concerning his professional conduct by a judgement which has the force of res judicata nor been guilty of grave professional misconduct in the course of their business.
The bidder has fulfilled all its obligations relating to the payment of taxes or social security contributions in Ireland or any other state or country in which the tenderer is located or doing business.
Neither the bidder, a Director or Partner has been found guilty of: fraud, money laundering, corruption; convicted of being a member of a criminal organisation; nor of serious misrepresentation in providing information to a public buying agency
The bidder has not contrived to misrepresent its Health & Safety information, Quality Assurance information, or any other information relevant to this application.
Bid validity:
I confirm that the proposal and the costs provided to accompany it are an accurate reflection of the costs that will be charged to GOAL according to the information provided in this request for quotation; and that there are no other costs associated with using the service that my company offers.
Signed:Print name: / Position:
Company Name: / Date:
Annex 1: Terms of Reference
Terms of Reference attached in word with RFQ documents
Annex 2: Financial Offer
Financial Offer template attached in excel with RFQ documents
Annex3: Declaration of personal and legal obligations
To be completed by all bidders.
Name of Bidder:Address:
THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED AND SIGNED BY A DULY AUTHORISED OFFICER OF THE BIDDERS ORGANISATION. Please tick Yes or No as appropriate to the following statements relating to the current status of your organisation.
Yes / No
1 / The Bidder is bankrupt or is being wound up or its affairs are being administered by the court or has entered into an arrangement with creditors or has suspended business activities or is in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure under national laws and regulations
2 / The Bidder is the subject of proceedings for a declaration of bankruptcy, for an order for compulsory winding up or administration by the court or for an arrangement with creditors or of any other similar proceedings under national laws and regulations
3 / The Bidder, a Director or Partner, has been convicted of an offence concerning his professional conduct by a judgement which has the force of res judicata or been guilty of grave professional misconduct in the course of their business
4 / The Bidder has not fulfilled its obligations relating to the payment of taxes or social security contributions in Ireland or any other State in which the tenderer is located
5 / The Bidder, a Director or Partner has been found guilty of fraud
6 / The Bidder, a Director or Partner has been found guilty of money laundering
7 / The Bidder, a Director or Partner has been found guilty of corruption
8 / The Bidder, a Director or Partner has been convicted of being a member of a criminal organisation
9 / The Bidder has been guilty of serious misrepresentation in providing information to a public buying agency
10 / The Bidder has contrived to misrepresent its Health & Safety information, Quality Assurance information, or any other information relevant to this application
I certify that the information provided above is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.
I understand that the provision of inaccurate or misleading information in this declaration may lead to my organisation being excluded from participation in future tenders.
Telephone number
Signature and full name
Annex 4: Declaration of statutory obligations
To be completed by all bidders.
We, ______(Bidders name)
Confirm that
- We are fully compliant with the minimum terms and conditions of the Employment Law and with all other relevant employment legislation, as well as all relevant Health & Safety Regulations in the countries of registration and operations (list relevant countries).
- We have procedures in place to ensure that our subcontractors, if any are used for this contract, apply the same standards.
- Consistent with numerous United Nations Security Council resolutions including S/RES/1269 (1999), S/RES/1368 (2001) and S/RES/1373 (2001), GOAL is firmly committed to the international fight against terrorism, and in particular, against the financing of terrorism. It is the policy of GOAL to seek to ensure that none of its funds are used, directly or indirectly, to provide support to individuals or entities associated with terrorism. In accordance with this policy, we undertake to use reasonable efforts to ensure that it does not provide support to individuals or entities associated with terrorism.
I certify that the information provided above is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that the provision of inaccurate or misleading information in this declaration may lead to my organisation being excluded from participation in future bids.
Signed: (Director) ______
Date: ______
Print Name:______
Company Name:______
Annex 5: GOAL Standard Terms & Conditions
The Vendor shall be considered as having the legal status of an independent contractor vis-à-vis GOAL. The Vendor, its personnel and sub-contractors shall not be considered in any respect as being the employees of GOAL. The Vendor shall be fully responsible for all work and services performed by its employees, and for all acts and omissions of such employees.
In the event the Vendor requires the services of a sub-contractor, the Vendor shall obtain the prior written approval of GOAL for all sub-contractors. The Vendor shall be fully responsible for all work and services performed by its sub-contractors and vendors, and for all acts and omissions of such sub-contractors and vendors. The approval of GOAL of a sub-contractor shall not relieve the Vendor of any of its obligations under this Contract. The terms of any sub-contract shall be subject to and conform with the provisions of this Contract.
The Vendor shall neither seek nor accept instructions from any authority external to GOAL. Vendors may not communicate at any time to any other person, government or authority external to GOAL any information known to them by reason of their association with GOAL which has not been made public, except in the course of their duties or by authorisation of the GOAL: nor shall Vendors at any time use such information to private advantage. These obligations do not lapse upon termination/expiration of their agreement with GOAL.
Initiation of performance under this contract by the vendor shall constitute acceptance of the contract, including all terms and conditions herein contained or otherwise incorporated by reference.
The Vendor warrants the goods furnished under this Contract to conform to the specifications and to be free from damage and defects in workmanship or materials. This warranty is without prejudice to any further guarantees that the Vendor provides to purchasers. Such guarantees shall apply to the goods subject to this Contract.
The duly accredited representatives of GOAL shall have the right to inspect the goods called for under this Contract at Vendor’s stores, during manufacture, in the ports or places of shipment, and the Vendor shall provide all facilitates for such inspection. GOAL may issue a written waiver of inspection at its discretion. Any inspection carried out by representatives of GOAL or any waiver thereof shall not prejudice the implementation of the other relevant provisions of this Contract concerning obligations subscribed by the Vendor, such as warranty or specifications.