2016 Essay Contest Scholarship

State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasotastudents

Cash Awards

$ 1,000 First prize

$ 500 Second prize

The ConsularCorps of Tampa Bay is comprised of 24 Consuls who have been appointed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in each of their 24 countries. Everyyear the Consular Corpshosts a Holocaust Commemoration Ceremonyon or around January 27, which is International Holocaust Remembrance Day as designated by the United Nations. The Consular Corps’ mission includes promoting the art and culture of their countries, hosting diplomatic and business delegations, supporting humanitarian projects, and encouraging international brotherhood through various programs. Consistent with its mission, the Consular Corps is fighting anti-Semitism by holding an annual essay contest for undergraduate college students which relates to anti-Semitism and the Holocaust.


During the Holocaust there were many individuals and groups who at great risk to themselves and their families protected and saved the lives of Jewish people.

Your essay assignment:

Explore at least three exampleswhere individuals or groups helped to save Jews from annihilation. Then research how individuals and groups today are helping to combat growing anti-Semitism, and explain what you can do in the fight against anti-Semitism today.

You are encouraged to:

(a) include discussion of the ethical, psychological, or other factor(s) you find most interesting and significant about the motives, actions, or results of the rescuers you have selected to write about,


(b) make use of these research sites:

- https:/



Essay Contest Guidelines

Specific Criteria: This essay assignment will be evaluated by a qualified panel of judges based on the quality of your research (properly documented), reasoning and writing.

Who is Eligible: All undergraduate students at State College of Florida

Essay Length: The essay must be approximately 2,000 words. The word count does not include works cited/bibliography or citations.


Research Source: You must cite a minimum of four sources. Contestants should note thatwhile Wikipedia articles themselves will not be considered valid citation sources for this essay, Wikipediaarticles often contain easy to follow links to excellentsources that will be acceptable as research sources.

Source Format: Sources must be cited in a bibliography, using a standard format

Paper Formatting: The paper should be typedusing the standard Times New Roman font at size 12 and double-spaced. All pages should be numbered in the upper right hand corner. All papers should include either endnotes or footnotes. Papers should not have parenthetical references, that is, citation information in parentheses in the body of the paper. Do not include your name anywhere but on the cover sheet.

Cover Sheet: All papers must have a cover sheet that includes the following information: full name, postal address, e-mail address, phone number, the name of the college or university you attend, your academic department, and your current student status- for example: 2nd year undergraduate.

Submission: Essay must be submitted electronically before, but no later than, November 29, 2016

Submission to: Vincent Genovese <>

Questions?: Vincent Genovese- <>

Prize: Cash Award of $ 1,000 for 1st prize and $ 500for 2nd prize to the winners selected by independent judges

Award Ceremony: Location for the award ceremony will be announced at a later date.

Incentives and Recognitions: All entrants will receive a Certificate of Participation, a letter of thanks from the Tampa Bay Consular Corps, and an invitation to the International Holocaust Remembrance Day commemoration on January 22, 2017 held at the Italian Club in Ybor City. Local dignitaries, TV and press media will be present and the winning essayist from each participating school will receive a Certificate of Excellence presented by the Honorable Bob Buckhorn, Mayor of Tampa. One of the winning essayists will be selected by the independent judges to read all or part of his or her essay at the International Holocaust Commemoration.

To review prior year’s essay contest, you may visit our website: