The Unit:

CPM5/C03Establish and monitor project teams

The Standards which are part of this Unit:

CPM5/C03.1Select and form a project team

CPM5/C03.2Establish and monitor project team working methods

CPM5/C03.3Establish and monitor project organisation and communication systems

The Unit Commentary:

This core unit is about the candidate's competence in bringing a group from different disciplines together and forming them into an effective working team. This requirement assesses the project manager's abilities as an organiser and team builder. It establishes the teams working methods and essential reporting systems.

C03Establish and monitor project teams

C03.1Select and form a project team

(Based on CISC Standard B14.1 Select and forms design teams)

The Performance Criteria - this involves ...
(a)identifying the services and resources that are needed, and selecting those that meet the agreed timescales and budget limits
(b)negotiating and agreeing proposals for team membership which are likely to produce an effective team
(c)evaluating services and resources and circulating the results to decision makers
(d)following the procedures for obtaining services and resources
(e)producing appropriate contractual arrangements and terms of appointment for the services and resources selected and confirming the arrangements in writing with stakeholders
(f)negotiating contracts and agreements in a way which preserves goodwill and trust / The Range ...
  • specialist;
  • support services
  • human;
  • facilities
  • quality;
  • price;
  • value;
  • time;
  • reliability;
  • competence
  • organisational;
  • project;
  • legislation (UK and EU)
5Terms of appointment:
  • scope of service;
  • fees and disbursements;
  • terms and conditions

C03Establish and monitor project teams

C03.1Select and form a project team

(Based on CISC Standard B14.1 Select and forms design teams)

The Evidence - performance ...The Evidence - knowledge and understanding ...

Taken as a whole, the evidence must show that the Established from questioning the candidate or

candidate consistently meets all the performance from industry recognised education and training course

criteria, across the ranges for the element.assessment, which is matched to the Element. A

candidate's knowledge and understanding can also

References in brackets after items in the Evidencebe demonstrated through presented performance

specification refer to the corresponding performanceevidence.

criteria, eg. (a), and range, eg. [1], to which they apply.

Product Evidence:
There must be workplace performance evidence against each performance criteria. Where the workplace evidence does not cover a whole range, knowledge evidence must be provided to cover the remaining items of range for each relevant performance criteria.
The candidate must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the following items that are considered to be common and key/critical to demonstrating competence:
1Proposals for a project team, based on an evaluation of the services and resources available (a,b,c,d) [1,2,3]
2Contracts and terms of appointment (e,f)[1,2,5]
Process Evidence:
Not applicable / In relation to services and resources [1,2]
Know what and why
identify (a)
Know how to
circulate results of evaluation (c)
Know how to bring together in order that something
can be decided or acted upon
negotiate proposals for team membership (b)
Know how to weigh up ideas and make a judgement
select (a)
agree proposals for team membership (b)
evaluate (c)
In relation to procedures [4]
Know how to
follow procedures for obtaining services and resources (d)
In relation to terms of appointment [5]
Know how to
produce and confirm contractual arrangements (e)
Know how to bring together in order that something
can be decided or acted upon
negotiate contracts and agreements (f)
Simulations are not considered to be acceptable for producing evidence for this element

C03Establish and monitor project teams

C03.2Establish and monitor project team working methods

(Based on CISC Standard B14.3 Establish and monitor design team working methods)

The Performance Criteria - this involves ...
(a)preparing a strategy for the project which makes the best use of the capabilities of all members of the team
(b)challenging client design intentions which are unclear from the brief or thought to be unsound, discussing them with stakeholders, clarifying them and resolving them
(c)developing clear parameters which will enable the project to meet the requirements of the project brief and programme
(d)setting up arrangements to achieve effective communication between all the people involved in the design development
(e)setting up and agreeing with the team appropriate and realistic methods for project data development, evaluation, modification and updating
(f)identifying potential areas needing investigation and agreeing a realistic timescale and costs with the design team
(g)selecting and specifying a method of monitoring which is suitable for the project's time, cost and quality, and explaining the method to the team
(h)monitoring the progress of the team and providing team members with feedback on timing, task completion and team processes
(i)coordinating feedback sessions in a manner which is suitable for the needs and capabilities of the team and which allows each team member enough time to express their views
(j)summarising major learning points, conclusions, agreements and conflicts accurately and clearly / The Range ...
  • the client;
  • design consultants;
  • potential contractors;
  • partners in the development programme;
  • regulatory authorities;
  • public interest organisations
2Requirements of the brief and programme:
  • key decision stages;
  • scheduling and timetabling;
  • delivery of documentation;
  • statutory approvals;
  • team meetings;
  • procurement
3Arrangements to achieve effective communication:
  • oral;
  • correspondence;
  • reports;
  • organisation and minuting of team meetings and actioning outcomes;
  • key liaison personnel;
  • contingency arrangements
4Methods for development, evaluation, modification and updating:
  • responsibilities;
  • format;
  • content;
  • indexing;
  • distribution;
  • reviewing;
  • revising;
  • quality control;
  • storage;
  • security;
  • retrieval
  • documentary search;
  • investigative research;
  • field investigation;
  • consultation with people who have an interest
6Methods of monitoring:
  • exchanging and coordinating information;
  • checks and approvals;
  • meetings;
  • reporting

C03Establish and monitor project teams

C03.2Establish and monitor project team working methods

(Based on CISC Standard B14.3 Establish and monitor design team working methods)

The Evidence - performance ...The Evidence - knowledge and understanding ...

Taken as a whole, the evidence must show that the Established from questioning the candidate or

candidate consistently meets all the performance from industry recognised education and training course

criteria, across the ranges for the element.assessment, which is matched to the Element. A

candidate's knowledge and understanding can also

References in brackets after items in the Evidencebe demonstrated through presented performance

specification refer to the corresponding performanceevidence.

criteria, eg. (a), and range, eg. [1], to which they apply.

Product Evidence:
There must be workplace performance evidence against each performance criteria. Where the workplace evidence does not cover a whole range, knowledge evidence must be provided to cover the remaining items of range for each relevant performance criteria.
The candidate must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the following items that are considered to be common and key/critical to demonstrating competence.
1Project strategies (a)
2Design parameters (b,c) [1,2]
3Arrangements for communication between all the people involved in the design development (d) [3]
4Methods for project data development, evaluation, modification and updating (e) [4]
5Descriptions of areas needing design investigation, including timescale and costs (f) [5]
6Specifications for methods of project monitoring (g)
Process Evidence:
The candidate must produce observed evidence from the workplace covering the following item that is considered to be common and key/critical to demonstrating competence:
1Team meetings and feedback sessions (g,h,I,j) [6]
Simulations are not considered to be acceptable for producing evidence for this element / In relation to requirements of the brief and programme
Know how to
discuss and clarify unclear client design intentions (b)[1]
Know how to examine in order to understand, explain
or predict
challenge unclear client design intentions (b)
Know how to bring together in order that something
can be decided or acted upon
resolve unclear client design intentions (b)
In relation to arrangements to achieve effective
communication in design teams [3]
Know how to bring together in order that something
can be decided or acted upon
set up (d)
In relation to methods for design development,
evaluation, modification and updating [4]
Know how to bring together in order that something
can be decided or acted upon
prepare a strategy for projects (a)
develop parameters (c)
set up (e)
Know how to weigh up ideas and make a judgement
agree (e)
In relation to investigation [5]
Know what and why
identify areas for (f)
Know how to weigh up ideas and make a judgement
agree timescales and costs (f)
In relation to methods of monitoring [6]
Know how to
explain (g)
provide feedback (h)
summarise learning points, conclusions, agreements and
conflicts (j)
Know how to examine in order to understand, explain
or predict
monitor progress (h)
Know how to bring together in order that something
can be decided or acted upon
co-ordinate feedback sessions (i)
Know how to weigh up ideas and make a judgement
select and specify (g)

C03Establish and monitor project teams

C03.3Establish and monitor project organisation and communication systems

(Based on CISC Standard D21.4 Establish and maintain project organisation and communication systems)

The Performance Criteria - this involves ...
(a)identifying what organisational and communication needs there are for the project
(b)developing and introducing systems which are compatible with those used by the client and sub-contractors and which enable clear and effective management, and administrative and operational controls
(c)producing accurate and unambiguous information about stakeholders'roles and responsibilities and the organisational structure, and circulating the information to stakeholders
(d)introducing methods of communicating, reporting, recording and retrieving information which are appropriate to the needs of the project and monitoring the methods regularly for effectiveness
(e)identifying and investigating breakdowns in communication, and taking action to restore effective communication
(f)setting up systems for recording and providing feedback on the ways in which resources are allocated and used / The Range ...
1Organisational and communication needs:
  • project directory;
  • site management;
  • team interfaces;
  • contract administration
2Information about stakeholders' roles and responsibilities:
  • individual job descriptions;
  • organisation charts;
  • contractual arrangements
  • clients;
  • consultants;
  • contractors;
  • third parties
4Methods of communicating, reporting, recording and retrieving:
  • oral;
  • written;
  • graphic;
  • electronically
  • project personnel;
  • consultants

C03Establish and monitor project teams

C03.3Establish and monitor project organisation and communication systems

(Based on CISC Standard D21.4 Establish and maintain project organisation and communication systems)

The Evidence - performance ...The Evidence - knowledge and understanding ...

Taken as a whole, the evidence must show that the Established from questioning the candidate or

candidate consistently meets all the performance from industry recognised education and training course

criteria, across the ranges for the element.assessment, which is matched to the Element. A

candidate's knowledge and understanding can also

References in brackets after items in the Evidencebe demonstrated through presented performance

specification refer to the corresponding performanceevidence.

criteria, eg. (a), and range, eg. [1], to which they apply.

Product Evidence:
There must be workplace performance evidence against each performance criteria. Where the workplace evidence does not cover a whole range, knowledge evidence must be provided to cover the remaining items of range for each relevant performance criteria.
The candidate must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the following items that are considered to be common and key/critical to demonstrating competence:
1Records of project organisation and communication systems which have been developed and introduced (a,b) [1]
2Information about stakeholder's roles and responsibilities and the organisational structure which has been circulated (c) [2,3]
3Records of communicating, reporting and recording information which include investigations into breakdowns in communication and the actions taken to resolve them (d,e) [4]
4Systems for recording and providing feedback on the use of resources (f) [5] / In relation to organisation and communication needs
Know what and why
identify (a)
In relation to information about stakeholder's roles
and responsibilities [2]
Know how to
produce and circulate information about (c)[3]
In relation to methods of communicating, reporting,
recording and retrieving information [4]
Know what and why
identify breakdowns in communication (e)
Know how to
take action to restore communications (e)
Know how to examine in order to understand, explain
or predict
monitor (d)
investigate breakdowns in communication (e)
Know how to bring together in order that something
can be decided or acted upon
develop and introduce systems (b)
introduce methods (d)
In relation to project resources [5]
Know how to bring together in order that something
can be decided or acted upon
set up systems for recording and provide feedback on
resource allocation and use (f)
Process Evidence:
Not applicable
Simulations are not considered to be acceptable for producing evidence for this element


CPM5/C03Establish and monitor project teams