Constitution of the Minnesota State University Moorhead

Chapter of the Minnesota State University Association

of the Administrative and Service Faculty

ARTICLE ONE: Name and Purpose

1.01 Name: The name of this organization shall be the Association

of Administrative and Service Faculty of Minnesota State University Moorhead,

hereinafter referred to as the Association. It is considered a

chapter of the Minnesota State University Association of

Administrative and Service Faculty, hereinafter called MSUAASF.

1.02 Purpose: The purpose of this organization shall be:

a. To promote the welfare of administrative and service faculty

at Minnesota State University Moorhead;

b. To encourage membership and active participation in association as well as MSUAASF activities;

c.  To conduct appropriate Association meetings and elections;

d.  To set Association policy and procedures;

e.  To provide participation in Association task force and

committee activities

ARTICLE TWO: Membership

2.01 Membership: Membership in this Association shall be open to any

person in a position designated in the bargaining unit as established by the Bureau of Mediation Services.

2.02 Good Standing: Persons shall be considered in good standing

when they have paid membership dues as set by state and local

chapters. A signed authorization to withhold dues via payroll

deductions shall be considered a paid membership. The Association Vice President shall settle all disputes over good standing

ARTICLE THREE: Organizational Structure

3.01 Executive Committee: Officers of this Association shall be:

President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and the officers

from the Grievance, Negotiations, Membership, and Legislative committees.

Amended January 2009 Executive Committee: Officers of this association shall be: President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and the officers from the Grievance, Negotiations, Membership, and Legislative Committees.

3.02 Election of Officers: All officers shall be elected by receiving

the largest number of ballots cast by members in good standing.

Elections will be held every odd numbered year. Eligible voters and

candidates for offices will be full-share members in good standing.

Nominations will be completed by March 1, and elections held by

March 30. (See Article Eight.)

Amended January 2009 Elections of Officers: All officers shall be elected by receiving the largest number of ballots cast by members in good standing. Elections will be held every even numbered year.

3.03 Terms of Office: The President, Vice President, Secretary and

Treasurer shall be elected odd numbered years for two-year terms.

The Grievance, Legislative, Negotiations, and Membership Concern's

Officers will be elected even number years for two year terms.

Amended January 2009 Terms of Office: The President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Legislative, Grievance, Negotiations, and Membership concerns, will be elected for two-year terms. The President and President-Elect will serve for one two-year term. All other officer positions will have no term limits.

3.04 Inability of Elected Officer to Complete Term: In the event any

elected officer, except the President, resigns or is unable to serve,

the Executive Committee may appoint a member in good standing to

serve out the unexpired term.

3.05 Removal of Officers: Officers of the association may be

submitted to a recall ballot upon the petition of the members which

contains the signatures of one-third of all members in good standing

as of the date of the petition.

ARTICLE FOUR: Duties of Officers

4.01 Duties of the President: The President shall preside at all

meetings, may call special meetings and shall be responsible for

conducting affairs of this Association. The President also serves as

Association representative for meetings or task forces unless

otherwise designating a representative. The President may also

appoint committees as necessary to complete Association business.

4.02  Duties of the Vice President: The Vice President shall assume duties

of the President in the event of absence of the President or in cases

wherein the President is unable to fulfill the term of office. The

Vice President, or his/her designee, will be responsible for coordinating

the Association's representation on all MSUAASF searches and to meet with

finalists during the interview process.

Amended January 2009 Duties of the President-Elect: The President-Elect shall assume the duties of the President in the event of absence of the President, or in cases wherein the President is unable to fulfill the term of office. The President-Elect will assume the Presidency once the two-year term of the President is completed.

4.03 Duties of the Secretary: The Secretary shall keep an official

and permanent record of all membership meetings and of business

transacted at each; shall distribute to all members in good standing

a copy of minutes of each meeting; and shall provide notification to

all members of Association meetings. The Secretary shall also

distribute any information designated by the Executive Committee to

all interested parties, as defined by the Executive Committee.

4.04 Duties of the Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be responsible for the

collection, keeping and disbursement of all money of the Association

and shall provide reports at each regular meeting of the Association.

The treasurer shall present the current bank statement for review to

the executive board once each fiscal year.

4.05 Duties of the Grievance, Legislative, Membership Concerns, and

Negotiations Officers shall be as follows:

Grievance Officer

1. Represent members (full and fair share) in grievance matters

and other contractual related membership problems/matters.

2. Assist/advise members regarding their rights and

responsibilities under the collective bargaining agreement.

3. Inform the State Grievance Officer of bargaining unit

member grievances or concerns and request assistance as needed.

4. Develop and administer Association policies and procedures

regarding grievance matters.

5. Serve on the State Grievance Committee.

Legislative Affairs Officer

Duties of the Legislative Affairs Officer will include:

participate on the State Legislative Affairs Committee; disseminate

information about legislative issues of concern to the association

and its members, encourage members to be responsible citizens who are

informed about and involved in the political process; and lobby and

coordinate association lobbying at the direction of the Board.

Membership Concerns Officer

The duties of the Membership Concerns Officer are: encourage

communication across campuses and provide a forum for exchange of

ideas on how to increase full membership; provide services to

members; and optimize professional development opportunities for

members. The Membership Concerns Officer should use all practical means for encouraging persons to become members in good standing of this Association.

Negotiations Officer

The Negotiations Officer serves as the campus representative for the duration of contract negotiations with MnSCU. Responsibilities include a minimum of 6-8 trips to St. Paul, depending on the length of the negotiations process. The person reports back to campus MSUAASF progress of negotiations, administers surveys for member input, and carries issues forward to the negotiations team.


5.01 Dues shall be set in accordance with the union affiliate, but

the MSUAASF BOARD and the Association may levy additional

assessments. These special assessments may be levied upon

Association members in good standing by a majority vote of those

members present at any regular or special meeting where a motion to

that effect is presented.

ARTICLE SIX: Transaction of Business

6.01 Regular Meetings: Regular meetings of this Association shall be

held once each month during the first eight months of the academic

year. A specific schedule of regular meetings shall be determined by

the Executive Committee and shall be established for the entire

academic year at the beginning of each academic year.

6.02 Special Meetings: The President may call a special meeting at

any time for any appropriate matter of business. A special meeting

must be called by the President if at least 10 percent of members in

good standing submit a written request to the President for such a

meeting specifying in the written request the agenda for that

meeting. The President may add other items to the agenda of such a

specially requested meeting.

6.03 Quorum: A quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting

shall consist of at least 25 percent of members in good


6.04 Notification of Meeting: The Secretary shall distribute to all

Association members in good standing a written notice and probable

agenda of any meeting, regular or special, at least one week prior to

the date of meeting.

6.05 Extraordinary Circumstances: In the event of extraordinary

circumstances (as determined by the Executive Committee), business of

this Association may be conducted by mail or phone. Quorum

requirements shall not be waived in these circumstances.

6.06 Mode of Voting at Meetings: Normally, motions presented at meetings shall be voted upon by acclamation unless a motion for a secret ballot is made and passed by a majority of members in good standing present at the meeting.

6.07 Authority: The Association shall be governed by this

constitution, by by-laws adopted by the Executive Committee which do

not conflict with this constitution and by pertinent state and

federal laws. Robert's Rules of Order (latest edition) shall govern

the procedure at all meetings for all matters not covered by the

constitution and bylaws.

ARTICLE SEVEN: Mergers or Affiliations

7.01 This Association may not become a party to merger or affiliation

with any professional employee union or group except by majority vote

of members in good standing. The status of this Association as a

chapter of MSUAASF shall not be construed to mean that this

Association shall automatically become a party to any merger or

affiliation which may be entered into by MSUAASF.

ARTICLE EIGHT: Elections and Balloting

8.01 Nomination and Election Committee: This committee shall be

responsible for conducting all balloting. The committee shall be

comprised of three members in good standing. The duties of the committee shall be to serve as a Nominations Committee, to follow the schedule specified in the constitution for elections, to certify ballots returned, to tally ballots, and to report election results to the Executive Committee. The Nomination and Election Committee shall meet in January

of every odd numbered year to prepare a slate of nominees containing, if possible, two nominees for each office. This slate should be presented to the Executive Committee on or before March 1. Ballots shall be addressed to individual members and sent to all members in good standing.

Ballots must be returned to the Nominations and Election Committee by

March 30. The Committee shall report election results during an

April meeting. Individuals who receive the largest number of votes cast

by members in good standing are elected officers. In the event of a tie vote between two or more candidates, a run-off election of nominees shall be completed by May 15. Previously stated election procedure shall be


Amended January 2009 The Nomination and Election Committee shall meet in January of every even numbered year to prepare a slate of nominees containing, if possible, two nominations for each office.

ARTICLE NINE: Indemnification

9.01 Ìndemnification: The Association shall indemnify Association

officers and committee members for the defense of civil or criminal

actions or proceedings as hereinafter provided and notwithstanding

any provisions of this constitution in a manner and to the extent

permitted by applicable laws.

9.02 Scope: The Association shall indemnify each of its officers and

committee members as stated above from and against any and all

judgements, fines, amounts paid in settlement, and reasonable

expenses, including attorney's fees actually and necessarily incurred

or imposed as a result of such action or proceeding, or any appeal

therein, imposed upon or asserted against her or him by reason of

being or having been such an officer, committee member, and acting

within the scope of his or her official duties, but only when the

determination shall have been made judicially or in a manner

hereinafter provided that she or he acted in good faith for a purpose

which she or he reasonably believed to be in the best interest of the

Association and in case of criminal action or proceedings, in

addition, had no reasonable cause to believe that her or his conduct

was unlawful. This indemnification shall be made only if the

Association shall be advised by its Executive Committee acting by a

quorum that the officer or committee member has met the foregoing

applicable standard of conduct. If the foregoing determination is to

be made by the Executive Committee, it may rely as to all questions

of law on the advice of independent legal counsel.

9.03 Coverage: Every reference to an officer or committee member of

the Association shall include every officer and committee member

thereof or former officer or committee member thereof. This

indemnification shall apply to all the judgments, fines, amounts in

settlement, and reasonable expenses described above whenever

allowable as stated above. The right of indemnification provided

within this document shall be in addition to any and all rights in

which any officer, committee member or the Association might

otherwise be entitled, and the provisions hereof shall neither impair

or adversely affect such rights.

ARTICLE TEN: Amending this Constitution

10.0 This constitution may be amended by a majority of members in good standing

cast in a mail-ballot election conducted by the Nominations and Elections Committee. Such amendment shall be presented to members of the Association at a regular or special meeting and shall have been presented in writing to the Association members in good standing at least one week prior to voting.

Revised 2/6/09