Article I

Section 1.Name

The name of this organization shall be "Agribusiness Club."

Article II

Section 1.Purpose

The purpose of this organization shall be to further the interests of those who are concerned with any of the various phases of Agricultural Economics, Agriculture Business Management, and General Agriculture; to promote open communication and a spirit of congeniality among students and staff; and to foster professional spirit among the students.

Section 2.Objectives

The objectives of this organization shall be:

a.To serve as a medium through which members of the staff may contact and become better acquainted with students in the aforementioned options, as well as other students who have interests in the same areas.

b.To hold open meetings each semester at which alumni, teaching, research, and extension staff members, and other authorities in agricultural science shall be invited to speak and discuss various phases of agriculture work and problems. These meetings shall be planned by the officers with the help and suggestions of any or all club members.

c.To provide a source of experience in leadership for students through their participation in the activities of the organization.

d.To provide club members with various educational opportunities and exposures which will give them a foundation of information and personal experience upon which they may base the alignment of their professional and personal objectives.

Article III

Section 1.Membership

Membership in this organization shall include full membership, conditional membership and associate membership as described below:

a.Full membership shall be limited to students enrolled in any Agricultural Economics options and any other undergraduate options within the School of Agriculture who have paid dues according to Article 9.


b.Conditional membership shall be granted to any Purdue student in any school or option other than those mentioned above, giving to them all the privileges extended to full members except the right to hold office in the organization, provided they have paid dues according to Article 9.

  1. Associate membership shall be granted to the personnel of the teaching, research, and extension staffs in Agricultural Economics, to graduate students in Agricultural Economics, and to interested parties employed in agriculture. They shall be extended all the privileges of full members except the right to hold office and the right to vote.

d. Active membership shall be defined by the club officers subject to approval by a majority vote of a quorum at any regular meeting and shall stand until changed.

Section 2.

While club meetings and most club activities are open to the public, club membership may be used as a criterion for participation in activities which are limited to a specific number of people.

Section 3.

Membership and participation are free from discrimination based on race, religion,color, sex, age, national origin or ancestry, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, disability, or status as a disabled or Vietnam-era veteran.

Article IV

Section 1.Officers

The officers of this organization shall consist of a President, a Vice President of National and Mid-American NAMA Activities, a Vice President of SS-AAEA Activities, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and an Ag Council Representative; the duties of which shall be those customary to such offices. Additional duties will be outlined in Article 5 and the Bylaws.

Section 2.Eligibility

a.The offices of President and all of the Vice President positions shall be limited to sophomores, juniors or seniors who have held full membership for at least one year.

b.The offices of Secretary, Treasurer, Publicity Director, Historian, Ag Council Representative and Webmaster shall be open to any students that have held full membership for at least one semester.

Section 3.Elections and Terms

a.Election of officers shall be held at the last regularly announced club meeting in the fall semester. The new officers will hold the responsibilities of their respective offices from the time they are elected until a new officer takes their place at the following year’s election. The old and new officer teams will hold one joint meeting so that the new officers may learn their various responsibilities.

b.A majority vote of full and conditional members present shall determine the election of officers, provided a quorum is present. There shall be no voting by proxy.

Section 4.Advisors

a.There shall be two club advisors selected from the faculty of the Agricultural Economics Department. One new advisor shall be selected annually for a two-year term, thereby maintaining two rotating advisorship positions with overlapping terms. Advisors can be chosen to serve more than one term. The Teaching Coordinator for the Agricultural Economics Department will remain as a third advisor in an ex-officio position. There will also be a position available for a Graduate Student Advisor.

b.The purpose of the rotating advisorship positions shall be:

1.To increase faculty awareness of and participation in club activities.

2.To decentralize student-faculty contracts by increasing the number of faculty members who are officially responsible for counseling with students.

3.To ensure the injection of new ideas into the club’s activities on a regular basis.

c.The advisors should be:

1.Willing to develop strong personal contacts with the club members and, in particular, the club's leaders.

2.Available for consultation and willing to give personal advice and advice as a representative of faculty opinions with regard to the planning of club activities.

3.Committed to his or her involvement with the club and willing to participate in club meetings and activities whenever possible.

d.The new advisor shall be selected from a list of nominees obtained from the club membership. The department head shall work with the Agribusiness Club and the nominees themselves in investigating their ability to serve with respect to relative freedom from conflicting responsibilities. A poll or consensus vote shall be taken during regular officer elections to ascertain the preferences of the total membership. The Agribusiness Club shall make final selection of the new advisor, with consideration given to the results of the poll and advice from the department head. The new advisor shall be instated with the new officers at the last regular meeting of the year.

Article V

Section 1.Officer Duties

a.The President shall run the meetings and coordinate the operations of the club as is customary with this position. The President is ultimately responsible for all of the activities in which the club participates.

b.The Vice-President of the National and Mid-American NAMA Activities is primarily responsible for all activities and awards that the club and its members can participate in through these organizations. Their responsibility is to keep the club updated, and see that these activities and awards get accomplished by their deadlines. In addition they are responsible for sending one club representative to every Mid-American NAMA meeting and have one Mid-American NAMA representative invited to each club meeting. This Vice-President is also responsible for the Spring Awards Banquet and the Agribusiness Club Scholarship. Other duties are outlined in the Bylaws.

c.The Vice-President of the SS-AAEA (Student Section of the American Agriculture Economics Association) Activities is primarily responsible for all activities and awards that the club and its members can participate in through this organization. This includes the Academic Bowl. This Vice-President is also responsible for the Senior Brochure. Other duties are outlined in the Bylaws.

d.The Secretary is primarily responsible for keeping minutes at all meetings, being responsible for publicizing the club’s events and activities, ensuring that a scrapbook is kept, and maintaining the club’s web page. Other duties are outlined in the Bylaws.

e.The Treasurer shall keep accounts, deposit the club’s funds, and make expenditures in a manner approved by the Business Office for Student Organizations. Other duties are outlined in the Bylaws.

f.The Ag Council Representative is primarily responsible to see that the club is represented at every Ag Council meeting, and that the club is informed of and participates in Ag Council activities and awards. Other duties are outlined in the Bylaws.

Section 2.Executive Committee

All of the officers of the club and at least one of the advisors shall constitute the executive committee. The executive committee shall meet at least one time per semester in order to plan the year’s events. All the members of the Executive Committee are responsible for their activities insofar as they see that they get completed successfully. Delegation of leadership to club members is encouraged.

Article VI

Section 1.Amendments

This constitution may be revised or amended by a two-thirds vote of a quorum providing total membership has been notified in advance. All amendments to the constitution and the bylaws are subject to the approval of the Office of the Dean of Student.Article VII

Section 1.Rules of Order

The rules contained in "Robert's Rules of Order" shall govern the organization only to the extent to which they are necessary to conduct the club's business and to the extent to which they are not inconsistent with the Constitution. The members present at any regularly called meeting shall constitute a quorum.

Article VIII

Section 1.Finances

The treasurer as prescribed by the auditor of Student Organizations shall handle all finances of the organization.

Article IX

Section 1.Dues

Dues shall be set by the club officers subject to approval by a majority vote of a quorum at any regular meeting and shall stand until changed.




Article I

Section 1.Additional Officer Responsibilities

a.The President will also be responsible for providing a club representative for serving on the Career Fair Steering Committee.

b.The Vice President of Scholarship will also be responsible for holding a dinner at a different faculty member’s house each semester for the club members, organizing an educational field trip each semester, and helping the department with the Spring Fest activities.

c.The Vice President of Awards will also be responsible for helping the department with the Alumni Dinner, Ag Policy Discussion Meet, and a Graduate Student Panel Discussion.

d.The Secretary will also see that the minutes get posted on the display board and e-mailed to all members. Furthermore, the secretary will be responsible for the Career Day Reception.

e.The Publicity Director will also be responsible for maintaining the display board and sending letters to the Exponent and Mortar Board. Furthermore, the Publicity Director will be responsible for the Fall Cookout/Callout for recruiting purposes.

f.The Historian will also see that the pictures taken get posted on the display board and sent to the webmaster.

g.The Ag Council Representative will also be responsible for the School of Agriculture Ice Cream Social.

h.The Executive Committee may assign additional duties not outlined here.

Article II

Section 1.Amendments to Bylaws

The bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 majority vote of the Executive Committee.




Date of Adoption Date of Recognition


President's signatureOffice of the Dean of Students


Advisor's signature