Constellations from

Ancient Greece Lesson

Grade 4


3-5 Science Blocks

Lesson Description:

In this lesson learners will collaborate together to study one constellation in depth. Each group will create a presentation to the class about the constellation they studied. Each student will be responsible and practice good listening and note taking skills during the presentations.

Maryland State Content Standards

SL.4.1: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher led) with diverse partners on grade 4 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.

SCI2.D.1.A: Observe and describe the stars and the planets as seen through a telescope, graphically in pictures or in video clips from reliable sources.

SCI2.D.1.D:Recognize and describe that the stars are not all the same in apparent brightness.

SCI2.D.1.E:Recognize that the pattern of stars in the sky stays the same although their locations in the sky appear to change with the seasons.

At the end of this lesson the students will be able to:

Compare/contrast between two characters

Discern the difference between myth and non-fiction

Understand the following character traits: courage, compassion, perseverance, resourcefulness

Write an opinion piece supporting their point of view with reasons and evidence from text

 Discern the difference between myth and non-fiction

Modify their writing

Make revisions to writing

Instructional Procedures:


a.)Review the difference between stars and planets.

b.)Review what our star is called and its location.

c.)Pull up the constellation webpage. Go over meaning of constellation.

d.) Review websites of the three constellations as a class and discuss.

B.Techniques and Activities:

a.Students will be placed into collaboration groupings of 3-4 people.

1.Each group will choose a constellation (picking constellation name of out a bowl).

2.Teacher will hand out questions to be answered by each group.

b. Teacher will model how to use Constellation Jigsaw website.

1. Students will research their constellation using the Constellation Jigsaw website.

c.Students will need at least a full science period to research (45 minutes).

d. Homework-students will try to find constellations in night sky.

e. Teacher will go over presentation rubric with class.

f.Students will then create a presentation about the constellation.

1. Presentation will include information from jigsaw activity, pictures drawn or downloaded, and other information students gathered.

g. Teacher will model how to listen and take notes during presentations.


a.Students will present their findings to class either digitally and/or physically.

b. Students will take notes of other groups presentations.

c.Discuss the process:

Was information easy to find?

What did you learn about stars?

 Did the presentation address everything from the jigsaw activity?

Dideveryone in your group participate?

d. Students will take an open-note quiz about all 4 constellations.


Student can choose to do this activity alone.

Provide assistance to students that need help writing (IEP).

Provide assistance in developing ideas for their presentations.

Provide assistance in the editing process.

Supplemental Activities:

Extension–research stories from other cultures that pertain to their constellation.

Remediation – Research 3 of the 6 questions/activities.


Monitor and discuss throughout the process.

Students self-check withpresentation rubric provided.

Teacher checks using presentation rubric provided.

Students will take an open-note quiz after all presentations complete.

NOTE: Teacher will create quiz from presentations.

Learner Products:

At the end of lesson, students will share a presentation with the class.