Community Connectivity Consortium
Consortium General Meeting
May 15th, 2015
1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Bellevue City Hall
Board Members Present:
Brenda Cooper-City of Kirkland, Chelo Picardal-City of Bellevue, Mehdi Sadri-City of Renton, Roland Rivera-University of Washington, Lora Ueland-Valley Communications Center, Tom Howley-Renton School District, Ashley Riggs-City of Auburn (phone), Aaron Barak-King County
Other Invitees Present:
Linda Hermanson-City of Redmond, George McBride-C3, Nathan Way-NORCOM, Stosh Morency-Kent School District, John McKlosky-UW, Darryl Hunt-King County, Thomas Fichtner-City of Federal Way, Gary Clesson-City of Bellevue, Garrett Solberg-City of Bellevue
Approval of Minutes from March 12, 2015Motion to approve by Tom Howley, seconded by Mehdi Sadri. Motion Passed.
PSERN Update
David Mendel, PSERN Project Director, provided an update on the project and next steps following the successful ballot funding measure of April 28th. The goal in sharing the information was for members to take it back to their agencies/cities. The nexus for C3 and PSERN is redundant pathways at the 10 PSAPs that will be using the radio system (excluding Port of Seattle and Washington State Patrol).
Project Updates
Ring Around the Lake/Puget Sound Region Optical Network: Roland spoke of the benefits of an optical network; technology, fiber capacity, restoration and reduced costs. In the shared network concept there are 3 phases:
· Phase 1 putting fiber in the ground
· Phase 2a shared optical backbone
· Phase 2b shared networks (communities of interest)
· Phase 3 shared services
In the high level design, segments have been identified along with equipment and node sites: Westin, Bothell, Bellevue City Hall and Renton. There has been recent discussion about extending the ring further south in conjunction with support from King County. Sabey was removed from consideration due to costs associated with cross connecting and maintaining a presence in the data center. Should a node be placed farther south, possibly Federal Way, it was noted for C3 it would still be a 4 node ring and the southern node would serve members in the south end. Aaron Barak stated King County is looking at picking up the entire costs of the southern hub.
Local Loop: Garrett spoke of the 40 gig local loop being developed by Redmond, Kirkland, Bellevue and the Lake Washington School District. Equipment being considered is by Brocade and looks to be under $40K for the entire loop. This loop could act as a template for other member built connectivity.
GIS Mapping Update: Recommendation was made at the last meeting to accept King County’s proposal to host the map viewer and that this project be a part of the 2016 budget. It has been referred back to the Operations Committee who is working with King County on the schedule and next steps.
Fiscal Report
Chelo reminded the membership that C3’s wealth is in the projects and collaboration we have and not necessarily reflected in budget numbers. Budget year to date (April 2015) shows we continue to underspend which is by design as 2016 is slated for several big project investments.
The 2016 proposed budget reflects the recommendation from the March Board meeting to include funding of C3’s portion of the UW ring and the GIS mapping view and inventory system with King County. Budget goals included keeping member contribution levels flat.
Aaron Barak made a motion to approve the 2016 proposed budget; second by Brenda Cooper. Motion passed.
Annual Policy Review
George walked through several proposed recommendations to the C3 bylaws:1. Project cost sharing primarily addresses relocates with clarifying language of responsibility for costs of relocates of fiber and assets. This change would also be reflected in the project template.
2. Addition of invoicing and collecting members for yearly dues. A change to the proposal noted by Thomas Fichtner was to add the word “Consortium” in the paragraph.
3. Rewords asset section to incorporate assets other than fiber assets as we are now moving to electronics.
Aaron Barak made a motion to adopt the amended bylaws with the added word “Consortium” in the member dues section. Nathan Way seconded. Motion passed.
Annual Policy Review, continued
Roland Rivera made a motion to approve the project template as written. Aaron Barak seconded. Motion passed.
A question was asked regarding previous agreements in light of these amended bylaws. Brenda will check with Oskar Rey, Kirkland City Attorney. Brenda will also research earlier proposed language for the project template that would allow for consideration of like services in lieu of payment and will bring a proposal back to the June meeting. Policy changes are posted on the Consortium web site.
Board Elections
The Board of Officers recommends re-election of two board members and board officers as follows:· Board members: City of Auburn and King County
· Board Secretary: Lora Ueland, Valley Communications Center
There were no nominations from the floor.
Tom Howley made a motion to approve the slate as presented. Nathan Way seconded. Motion passed.
Work Plan Status
Chelo presented the work plan as an informational item as it documents the work C3 has been doing. Roland requested the communities of interest and shared services strategy be re-initiated by the Board to bring ideas discussed by Operations Committee to the next level. This will be a topic for the June meeting. /Strategic Planning
A few minor updates were made to the plan including the schedule on page 3 and reframing the ring around the lake from laying fiber to reflect current implementation plans. The updated version will go on the website.
Brenda Cooper made a motion to adopt the changes and title the plan as a 3 year plan from 2015 to 2018. Aaron Barak seconded. Motion passed.
Open Discussion
Chelo spoke to City of Bellevue’s Smart City initiative.
Brenda stated Kirkland and King County have conceptual agreement regarding the Eastside Rail Corridor and next steps are to finalize analysis.
It was the wish of the members to use the Sharepoint site as the location for meeting packets and agendas. Chelo will ensure all members are re-invited to Sharepoint and they must accept and log in within a few days or the invite times out.
Meeting adjourned at 3:30 pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by,
Lora Ueland
Valley Communications Center, Executive Director
Consortium Secretary