Gulf Area Programme Cycle: 2007 to 2009
1. Key Results Expected (restate, EXACTLY as in the original Summary Results Matrix approved by the Board as part of the original approved CPD) / 3. Key Progress Indicators (state the indicator, baseline and most recent status: use the same indicators and baselines contained in the original Summary Results Matrix approved by the Board, and show the latest available value for each indicator, stating the years for the baseline and latest value)/ 4. Description of Results Achieved (a brief, precise description of aggregate achievements for each Key Result contained in column 1) / 5. Constraints and facilitating factors (a brief and precise description for each Result description in column 4)
1.1. The adoption of breastfeeding and nutrition policies in line with the latest WHO guidelines (all Gulf countries / Adoption of breastfeeding and nutrition policies in line with the latest WHO guidelines / A policy was issued in Saudi Arabia. 10 hospitals in Saudi Arabia were certified as BFHI & Lectures in colleges to promote breastfeeding took place. / Results were achieved in Saudi Arabia. As for the rest of the Gulf countries, result was not achieved due to unsigned CPAPs/Work plans.
1.2 Increased percentage of caregivers with precise knowledge of 8 identified early child care practices according to IMCI (Saudi Arabia) / Percentage of caregivers with precise knowledge of 8 identified IMCI practices / A Study on the Status of Kindergarten in Saudi Arabia was supported and is under preparation. / Achievement is going on and result on percentage of caregivers will be acknowledged through the completion of the study.
1.3. Revised basic school curricula including the introduction of life skills/civic education and the promotion of gender parity (2 of 5 Gulf countries) / Revised basic school curricula / All gulf countries took part in the League of Arab States Meeting on Quality education and standards for teachers' performance in Cairo, 25-26 October 2008. / No constraints
Implementation plan and mechanisms in place / Not achieved / Result is not a priority for Gulf counterparts.
1.4. Review of pre-school education (Kuwait) / Review of pre-school education carried out / Result was not achieved. / Unsigned CPAP/Work plan
1.5. Implementation of a study and development of a strategy to address non-enrolment in basic education (Saudi Arabia) / Strategy developed / A study on the Status of Kindergarten in Saudi Arabia is under finalization. / Study was postponed and result will be finalized in 2009.
1.6. Increased percentage of adolescents having precise knowledge of a number of key messages on life style issues (HIV/AIDS, drug abuse, accidents, etc) (all Gulf countries) / Percentage of adolescents with precise knowledge of a number of key messages on life style issues / Youth Leadership project was jointly implemented with UNDP in Saudi Arabia / Achievement is ongoing for Saudi Arabia.
“Youth to Youth on HIV Prevention Workshop” was implemented in the Kingdom of Bahrain to empower youth and create awareness among that group to fight HIV/AIDS. / Achievement is ongoing for Bahrain.
UNICEF GAO was assigned as the leading UN Thematic Group on HIV/AIDS in UAE and has signed with Dubai Police a work plan covering the years 2008 -2010 based on a five year Protocol of Co-operation to implement the "Unite for Children Unite Against AIDS" From Dubai to the World Campaign. / Achievement is ongoing for UAE.
UNICEF GAO arranged a coordination meeting in UAE to divide roles and responsibilities among UN and government. / Achievement is ongoing
A workshop for jail officers on HIV/AIDS prevention in prison took place in UAE to enhance the level of awareness on the disease. / No constraint
Launch a national awareness campaign on “prevention of childhood obesity” in UAE. / Achievement is ongoing.
Organize a series of consultation meetings on youth and drugs in Saudi Arabia. / A comprehensive and an analytical study on the status of drug addiction amongst Saudi youth is undergoing and the study will be conducted in 2009.
1.7. Strengthened capacity to assess, analyze and address specific violations of child protection rights among key institutions (all Gulf countries) / Number of studies assessing the child protection situation carried out / A study on “Child Smuggling from Yemen to Saudi Arabia” was prepared and three consultation meetings between Yemeni & Saudi committees took place. / MoU to be signed between SA & Yemen.
Improved standards / A workshop on Child Protection took place in Saudi Arabia. / No constraints
Number of capacity building activities carried out / Participants from the gulf attended the World Congress III against Child Exploitation workshop in Brazil. / No constraints
Number of professionals trained / Five participants from Saudi Arabia, three from Qatar and one Bahraini. / UAE and Kuwait did not take part in training event.
1.8. Improved system for reporting and addressing cases of child abuse (all Gulf countries) / Improved standards / Agreement was signed with Family Safety Programme on child abuse cases in Saudi Arabia. / Achievement is going on.
Number of cases of abuse and violence against children reported and referred by different entities / Not achieved. / Result remains a challenge to be achieved.
Coverage of reporting systems (hotlines, etc) / Not achieved. / Result remains a challenge to be achieved
Coverage of programmes attending abused children / Not achieved. / Result remains a challenge to be achieved
1.9. Strengthened capacities of the National Committees/Councils (all Gulf countries / Capacity building activities implemented / Consultation and mini-strategy meetings was convened by UNICEF GAO for all Gulf councils/committees in the Gulf. / A strategy meeting will take place in 2009 to review progress on the current APD and to orient them on the new APD cycle.
1.10. Improved monitoring and reporting systems for the CRC (all Gulf countries) / Quality and timely national reporting of the CRC / UNICEF GAO participated in the Child Committee meetings in Geneva for Kuwait and Qatar and is advocating for signing the two optional protocols for CRC. / Result achieved for CRC reporting for Kuwait and Qatar. Other Gulf countries will follow during the next cycle. With respect to the two optional protocols, results were achieved for Bahrain and Kuwait and achievement is ongoing for the rest of Gulf countries.
1.11. The establishment of DevInfo supported (all Gulf countries) / DevInfo installed and implemented / DevInfo was introduced in Saudi Arabia and UAE. / DevInfo to be launched and implemented in Saudi Arabia and UAE in 2009. Result was no achieved in the rest of the Gulf countries due to unsigned CPAP/Work plan.
1.12. A review of the state budget from a child rights perspective (Bahrain and Qatar) / State budgets reviewed from a child rights perspective / “Child Friendly Budget” workshop held in Bahrain in 2006 to be a model for the rest of gulf countries. / Achievement is on-going..
1.13. Enhanced consultation with adolescents through existing structures (all Gulf countries) / Number of sustainable initiatives by and/or for adolescents started / Two workshops on youth took place: in Saudi Arabia and in Bahrain.
I. In Saudi Arabia, a workshop on Youth leadership training for males and females took place. 130 female youth and 50 male youth were trained.
II. More than 30 Bahraini youth were trained on youth-to-youth prevention of HIV/AIDS. The trained youth took key roles in Bahrain’s national week on prevention of HIV/AIDS through communicating key messages on HIV/AIDS to other youth using various channels.. / No constraints
2. Key Results modified or added (IF modified or added to the original Matrix by the Mid Term Review or by other formal agreements with Government) / Key Progress Indicators (state the indicator, baseline and most recent status: show baseline and the latest available value for each indicator, stating the years for the baseline and latest value) / 4. Description of Results Achieved (a brief, precise description of aggregate achievements for each Key Result contained in column 2) / 5. Constraints and facilitating factors (a brief and precise description for each Result description in column 4)
2.1 The programme component on “Children Involved in Camel Jockey in UAE” extended / Percentage of repatriated, rehabilitated and reintegrated children in countries of origin (Pakistan, Sudan, Bangladesh and Mauritania) / All recorded and identified children were repatriated, rehabilitated, and reintegrated to their countries. / Field visits to countries of origin to assess progress together with donor reports are going on and will be finalized in 2009.