2012-13 NYS Annual Probation and ATI Plans and Applications

New York State

Division of Criminal Justice Services

Office of Probation and Correctional Alternatives

2012-13 Annual Probation State Aid Plan and Application


2012-13 Annual Alternatives to Incarceration Service Plan and Application

(Community Corrections Plan and Application 2012-2013)

April 2012

Table of Contents

Section Page

Introduction 1

Section A: Plan and Application Instructions 2

Section B: Local Criminal/Juvenile Justice Data 4

Section C: Local Program Inventory 10

Section D: Data Review and Planning 19

Section E: Local Probation and ATI Training Inventory 22

Section F: 2012-13 Annual Probation State Aid Plan and Application 24

Section G: 2012-13 Annual Alternatives to Incarceration Service Plan and Application 44

Attachment A: ATI/Criminal Justice Advisory Board Members 59

Attachment B: List of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Trained Staff 62

Attachment C: Additional Blank Copy of ATI Program Application 64


In an effort to enhance local community corrections planning and align local funding opportunities with the state fiscal year, the DCJS’ Office of Probation and Correctional Alternatives (OPCA) has developed a two- step strategy. The first step was to provide continued funding for all probation and ATI programs through June 30, 2012. To accomplish this, funding notices were sent to jurisdictions and new contracts (extensions) were developed where required. Probation Departments and ATI Programs were notified that their 2011 plans/applications were extended for six months to June 30, 2012 to provide the basis for the funding for the period January 1, 2012 through June 30, 2012.

The second step in this strategy is for localities requesting continued probation and/or alternative to incarceration funding to develop plans and applications for the period July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013. This preserves the integrity of both plans and the separate allocations of state resources to probation and alternatives to incarceration programming. As part of the planning process, counties/City of New York are requested to review and consider important juvenile and adult criminal justice data in order to better plan and coordinate interventions and the effective use of local and state criminal justice resources and funding, with the goal of reducing offender re-arrest, effectuating offender behavioral change, reducing unnecessary reliance on incarceration, and reducing victimization. This new plan contains seven (7) sections including: Instructions, Criminal/Juvenile Justice Data, Local Program Inventory, Planning, Training Inventory, Annual Probation Plan and Application, and Annual ATI Plan and Application.

All of the questions in this Application must be answered and submitted together as part of the planning process.

Section A: Plan and Application Instructions

1)  Plan Time Period – The developed plan and related probation and ATI applications will cover the time period July 1, 2012- June 30, 2013.

2)  Planning Structure- The planning process may include the expansion of a current County/City planning committee or structure to include responsibility for planning for both the juvenile and criminal justice processing systems. At a minimum, the planning committee should include the the Probation Director/Commissioner, all of the members of the ATI/Criminal Justice Advisory Board, and any other individuals deemed essential by the Mayor, County Executive, or Chairman of the Board of Supervisors or Legislators. Localities may wish to include their local commissioners of social services and/or mental hygiene or other juvenile justice professionals. Attachment A should represent the members of the ATI/Criminal Justice Board, and additional representatives involved in the planning process.

3)  Section B: Local Criminal/Juvenile Justice Data – This section should be completed by the jurisdiction prior to any meetings which are scheduled to discuss the jurisdiction’s 2012-2013 criminal/juvenile justice strategy. It is intended that this data will inform planning and the development of the local strategy as reflected in Section D entitled Planning. All of the data required will be provided in County/City Tables as directed in each data question. The answers to these data questions should be submitted as part of your plan. All questions should be answered.

4)  Section C: Local Program Inventory – This inventory should be completed in two stages. The first stage is completion of information pertaining to programs available during 2011 which should be completed BEFORE the planning outlined in Section D: Planning occurs. The second stage is completion of the programming to be maintained, expanded, eliminated, or developed during 2012 based on the data and questions addressed during the planning process. It is intended that this program inventory will enable the locality’s to determine whether or not appropriate services are available to support the localities identified criminal/juvenile justice 2012-2013 strategy. This section should be completed in its entirety and submitted as part of your plan.

5)  Section D: Data Reviw and Planning – Once the data section and first part of the local program inventory are completed, the planning committee should meet to discuss and answer the questions provided in the Planning Section. This section includes conclusions reached by the committee regarding the criminal/juvenile justice strategies the locality will focus on during the period July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013 and a program gap analysis. This section should be completed and submitted as part of your plan.

6)  Section E: Local Training Inventory – This section identifies the specific types of training probation and ATI programs have attended in the prior year and the areas in which training is needed in 2012-2013 in order to support the localities criminal/juvenile justice strategy. This process will enable localities to pursue and consolidate training opportunities where appropriate. This section should be completed and submitted as part of your plan. Attachment B, which lists current staff members who have received training in Thinking For a Change, Motivational Interviewing, and Offender Workforce Development Specialist programs should also be completed and sent as part of your plan. This information is also to inform DCJS/OPCA’s annual training program.

7)  Section F: 2012-13 Annual Probation State Aid Plan and Application – The Annual Probation State Aid Plan application should be completed by the Probation Director/Commissioner and submitted to the County Executive, Chief Elected Official as part of the locality’s Plan.

8)  Section G: 2012-13 Annual ATI Service Plan and Application – The Annual ATI Service Plan and Application should be completed and approved by the ATI Advisory Board and submitted as part of the locality’s plan. The ATI Annual Plan should be in line with and supportive of your criminal/juvenile justice strategy.

9)  Plan Submission- In order for a submission to be considered complete the following certification pages with original signatures must be received by OPCA. The certification pages may be scanned and attached to the electronic document or sent to OPCA at DCJS/OPCA, 4 Tower Place, Albany NY 12203 via U.S. Postal Service. The Plans should be submitted to OPCA by May 18, 2012. The completed Community Corrections Plan and Application for 2012-2013 shall be submitted electronically by the County Executive or chief elected official as an e-mail attachment to on or before close of business May 18, 2012.

Section B: Local Criminal/Juvenile Justice Data

Juvenile Probation

Table 1: Using the data found in the” YASI Assessments” table of the attached 2012-2013 OPCA Community Corrections RFA Data Support Package, complete the following table to reflect the number YASI assessments completed by your county (probation department and any other agencies) in 2011.

Table 1: Number of YASI Assessments Completed in 2011

Agency / Initial Assessments
(Pre-Screen or Full) / Re-Assessments / Case Closures / Total YASI Assessments Completed

Table 2: Using the data found in the “Juvenile Workload Volume” table of the attached 2012-2013 OPCA Community Corrections RFA Data Support Package, complete the following table to reflect the 2010 Juvenile Workload Volume for your county/City.

Table 2: 2010 Juvenile Workload Volume

2010 / 2010
PINS Intake Volume / PINS Investigations Opened / PINS Supervision Cases Opened / JD Intake Volume / JD Investigations Opened / JD Supervision Cases Opened

Table 3: Complete the following table using the data found in the “Juvenile Adjustment Rates” table of the attached 2012-2013 OPCA Community Corrections RFA Data Support Package.

Table 3: 2010 Juvenile Adjustment Rates

# JD Adjusted / % JD Adjusted

Table 4: Complete the following table using the data found in the “Juvenile Supervision Case Outcome:2010 Case Closures” table of the attached 2012-2013 OPCA Community Corrections RFA Data Support Package.

Table 4: Juvenile Supervision Case Outcome: 2010 Case Closures (Includes JD and PINS)

Total Cases Closed / % Positive Outcome / % Negative Outcome

Adult Probation

Table 5: Complete the following table, using the data found in the “New Probationers Received: 2011” table of the attached 2012-2013 OPCA Community Corrections RFA Data Support Package.

Table 5: 2011 New Probationers Received

Sentenced Misdemeanors / Sentenced
Felonies / Interim Supervision / Other / Total

Table 6: - Complete the following table, using the data found in the “COMPAS Reviews and Assessments Completed by Probation Departments 2011” table of the attached 2012-2013 OPCA Community Corrections RFA Data Support Package.

Table 6: COMPAS Reviews and Assessments Completed by Probation Departments 2011

Pre-Trial / Initial NY COMPAS / Reclassification / Grand Total

Table 7: Complete the following table, using the data presented in the “Probation Cases Past Maximum Expiration Date” table found in the attached 2012-2013 OPCA Community Corrections RFA Data Support Package.

Table 7: Probation Cases Past Maximum Expiration Date

Total Cases Active on IPRS 2011 / Cases with DOD and VOP Filed / Cases without DOD and VOP Filed
Cases past Maximum Expiration / % of Active Cases past Maximum Expiration / Total #Cases >MED Closable / % of Active Cases past Maximum Expiration*

Table 8: Complete the following table using the data presented in the “Probationer Arrests: 2011” report found in the attached 2012-2013 OPCA Community Corrections RFA Data Support Package.

Table 8: 2011 Probationer Arrests

Total 2011 Adult Arrests / Arrests of Probationers / Probation Arrests as a % of Total Arrests

Table 9: Complete the following table, using the data presented in the “Violations of Probation Filed: 2011” table found in the attached 2012-2013 OPCA Community Corrections RFA Data Support Package.

Table 9: Violations of Probation Filed: 2011

Technical- Arrest / New Conviction / Absconded / Other Technical / Total / Violation Rate
(per 100 Open probation Cases)

Table 10: Complete the following table, using the data presented in the “Probationers Re-sentenced for a Violation of Probation: 2011” report found in the attached 2012-2013 OPCA Community Corrections RFA Data Support Package.

Table 10: Rate of Probationers Re-sentenced for a Violation of Probation 2011

Jail / Prison / Other / Total Offenders Resentenced / Total Probationers / Re-Sentence Rate (per 100 Probationers)

Table 11: Complete the following table, using the data presented in the “Adult Supervision Case Outcome: 2011 Case Closures” table found in the attached 2012-2013 OPCA Community Corrections RFA Data Support Package.

Table 11: 2011 Adult Supervision Case Outcome: 2011 Case Closures

Closed / Early Discharge / Maximum Expiration / Total Positive / Negative Outcome
Number Closed / % of Total Closed / Number Closed / % of Total Closed / Number Closed / % of Total Closed / Number Closed / % of Total Closed

Table 12: Complete the following tables, using the data presented in the “Probationer Felony Re-Arrests within One, Two, and Three Years of Being Sentenced to Probation 2006-2010” tables found in the attached 2012-2013 OPCA Community Corrections RFA Data Support Package.

Table 12: Probationer Felony Re-Arrests within One, Two, and Three Years of Being Sentenced to Probation 2006-2010

County/City / Year Sentenced to Probation
2006 / 2007 / 2008 / 2009 / 2010
# Sentenced During Year
% arrested Within One Year
% arrested Within Two Years
% arrested Within Three Years
Non-NYC / Year Sentenced to Probation
2006 / 2007 / 2008 / 2009 / 2010
# Sentenced During Year / 31,277 / 31,776 / 31,535 / 31,954 / 31,048
% arrested Within One Year / 11.2% / 10.9% / 10.8% / 10.9% / 10.7%
% arrested Within Two Years / 18.0% / 17.1% / 17.3% / 17.3%
% arrested Within Three Years / 23.0% / 22.3% / 21.9%
Statewide / Year Sentenced to Probation
2006 / 2007 / 2008 / 2009 / 2010
# Sentenced During Year / 40,641 / 40,727 / 40,003 / 39,863 / 38,058
% arrested Within One Year / 12.5% / 12.3% / 12.0% / 12.0% / 11.9%
% arrested Within Two Years / 20.0% / 19.1% / 19.0% / 18.9%
% arrested Within Three Years / 25.1% / 24.5% / 23.8%

Alternatives to Incarceration

Table 13: Complete the following table, using the data for your county/City presented in the “Total NYS Felony and Misdemeanor Adult Arrests: 2011” table found in the attached 2012-2013 OPCA Community Corrections RFA Data Support Package.

Table 13: 2011 Total Fingerprintable Adult Arrests

Felony Arrests / Misdemeanor Arrests / Total Adult Arrests

Table 14: Using the data found in the attached 2012-2013 OPCA Community Corrections RFA Data Support Package, complete the “Unsentenced Local Jail Population: 2011” table below.

Table 14: Unsentenced Local Jail Population: 2011

Total Average Daily Population / # Unsentenced ADP / % of total ADP / Unsentenced Rate per 1,000 Arrests

Table 15: Complete the following table, using the data for your county/City presented in the “Dispositions of Felony Arrests Among First Felons” table found in the attached 2012-2013 OPCA Community Corrections RFA Data Support Package.

Table 15: Dispositions of Felony Arrests Among First Felons

Felony Arrests of First Felons / Prison / Jail / Time Served / Jail + Probation / Probation / Other Convicted and Sentenced / Convicted, Not Sentenced / Not Convicted
County/City 2010

Table 16: Complete the following table, using the data presented in the “Prison Under Custody Population As of January 1, 2012” table found in the attached 2012-2013 OPCA Community Corrections RFA Data Support Package.

Table 16: Prison Under Custody Population As of January 1, 2012

Prison Incarceration Rate / Under Custody Population by Commitment Crime Type
(% of all inmates in prison from County)
County Pop.
(2010) / Prison Under Custody 1/1/2012 / Prison Under Custody Rate per 10,000 Residents / Violent or Coercive / Drug Offenses / Property / DWI / YO/JO / Other / Any Crime Type (Total)
# / % / # / % / # / % / # / % / # / % / # / % / # / %