Conservation Authorities Act
Loi sur les offices de protection de la nature

R.R.O. 1990, REGULATION 170

Amended to O.Reg. 157/06


Note: This Regulation was revoked on May 4, 2006. See: O.Reg. 157/06, s.13.

This Regulation is made in English only.

1.In this Regulation,

“Authority” means the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority;

“building” means a building or structure of any kind;

“fill” means any material used or capable of being used to raise, lower or in any way affect the contours of the ground whether it originated on the site or elsewhere;

“fill line” means any line designated as such on the maps referred to in the Schedules;

“regional storm” means a storm producing in a forty-eight hour period, in a drainage area of,

(a)twenty-five square kilometres or less, a rainfall that has the distribution set out in Table 1, or

(b)more than twenty-five square kilometres, a rainfall such that the number of millimetres of rain referred to in each case in Table 1 shall be modified by the percentage amount shown in Column 2 of Table 2, opposite the size of the drainage area set out opposite thereto in Column 1 of Table 2:


73 mm of rain in the first 36 hours
6 mm of rain in the 37th hour
4 mm of rain in the 38th hour
6 mm of rain in the 39th hour
13 mm of rain in the 40th hour
17 mm of rain in the 41st hour
13 mm of rain in the 42nd hour
23 mm of rain in the 43rd hour
13 mm of rain in the 44th hour
13 mm of rain in the 45th hour
53 mm of rain in the 46th hour
38 mm of rain in the 47th hour
13 mm of rain in the 48th hour


Column 1 / Column 2
Drainage Area (square kilometres) / Percentage
0 to 25 both inclusive / 100.0
26 to 45 both inclusive / 99.2
46 to 65 both inclusive / 98.2
66 to 90 both inclusive / 97.1
91 to 115 both inclusive / 96.3
116 to 140 both inclusive / 95.4
141 to 165 both inclusive / 94.8
166 to 195 both inclusive / 94.2
196 to 220 both inclusive / 93.5
221 to 245 both inclusive / 92.7
246 to 270 both inclusive / 92.0
271 to 450 both inclusive / 89.4
451 to 575 both inclusive / 86.7
576 to 700 both inclusive / 84.0
701 to 850 both inclusive / 82.4
851 to 1,000 both inclusive / 80.8
1,001 to 1,200 both inclusive / 79.3
1,201 to 1,500 both inclusive / 76.6
1,501 to 1,700 both inclusive / 74.4
1,701 to 2,000 both inclusive / 73.3
2,001 to 2,200 both inclusive / 71.7
2,201 to 2,500 both inclusive / 70.2
2,501 to 2,700 both inclusive / 69.0
2,701 to 4,500 both inclusive / 64.4

“river”, “lake”, “creek”, “stream” or “watercourse” means any river, lake, creek, stream or watercourse under the jurisdiction of the Authority. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 170, s. 1.

2.The areas described in the Schedules are areas in which, in the opinion of the Authority, the control of flooding or pollution or the conservation of land may be affected by the placing or dumping of fill. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 170, s. 2.

3.No person shall,

(a)construct any building or permit any building to be constructed in or on a pond or swamp or in any area susceptible to flooding during a regional storm;

(b)place or dump fill of any kind or permit fill to be placed or dumped in any area described in the Schedules whether the fill is already located in or upon the area or brought to or on the area from some other place; or

(c)straighten, change, divert or interfere in any way with the existing channel of a river, creek, stream or watercourse,

except in accordance with a permission issued under section 4. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 170, s. 3.

4.Subject to the Ontario Water Resources Act or to any private interest, the Authority may permit, in writing, the construction of any building or the placing or dumping of fill or the straightening, changing, diverting or interfering with the existing channel of a river, creek, stream or watercourse to which section 3 applies, if, in the opinion of the Authority, the site of the building or the placing or dumping and the method of construction or placing or dumping or the straightening, changing, diverting or interfering with the existing channel will not affect the control of flooding or pollution or the conservation of land. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 170, s. 4.

5.(1)A signed application for permission to construct a building must be filed with the Authority and include,

(a)four copies of a plan of the property showing the proposed location of the building, its elevation and the proposed final grade plan;

(b)four copies of a complete description of the type of building to be constructed, including drainage details;

(c)four copies of a statement of the dates between which the construction will be carried out; and

(d)four copies of a statement of the proposed use of the building following completion of the construction.

(2)A signed application for permission to place or dump fill must be filed with the Authority and include,

(a)four copies of a plan of the property on which fill is to be placed, showing the proposed location of filling, the depth to which it is proposed to fill and the proposed final grade of the land when filling is completed;

(b)four copies of a complete description of the type of fill proposed to be placed or dumped;

(c)four copies of a statement of the dates between which the placing or dumping will be carried out; and

(d)four copies of a statement of the proposed use of the land following completion of placing or dumping.

(3)A signed application for permission to straighten, change, divert or interfere in any way with the existing channel of a river, creek, stream or watercourse must be filed with the Authority and include,

(a)four copies of a plan on which shall be shown on plan view and cross section the details of such straightening, change, diversion or interference;

(b)four copies of a description of the protective measures to be undertaken;

(c)four copies of a statement of the dates between which the straightening, changing, diverting or interfering will be carried out; and

(d)four copies of a statement of the purpose of the proposed work. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 170, s. 5.

6.Staff members of the Authority are appointed officers to enforce this Regulation. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 170, s. 6.

Schedule 1

That part of the watershed of the Thames River in the County of Middlesex extending upstream from the northwesterly corner of the City of London, adjacent to Lot 28 in Concession II of the Township of London to,

(a)the Fanshawe Dam on the north branch of the River Thames, in Lot 3 in concessions III and IV in the Township of London; and

(b)the road forming the boundary between the Township of Westminster and the Township of Dorchester North at the bridge crossing the south branch of the River Thames,

being the area shown on the following maps filed in the Regional Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources at London, Ontario and identified by a stamp of the Registrar of Regulations dated the 21st day of September, 1987:

1.The area outlined on the maps numbered UTR 1-1 through UTR 1-31.

2.The area between the fill lines on the maps numbered UTR 1-32 and UTR 1-33.

R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 170, Sched. 1.

Schedule 2

That part of the watershed of the Thames River in the Town of Mitchell and in the townships of Fullarton and Logan, all in the County of Perth, extending upstream from,

(a)the road allowance between concessions II and III in the Township of Logan; and

(b)the confluence of Whirl Creek with the Thames River to the line between lots 22 and 23 in Concession I in the Township of Fullarton, being the easterly limit of the Town of Mitchell,

being the area between the fill lines shown on maps filed in the Regional Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources at London, Ontario as Nos. UTR 2-1 to UTR 2-3, all inclusive, and identified by a stamp of the Registrar of Regulations dated the 21st day of September, 1987.

R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 170, Sched. 2.

Schedule 3

That part of the watershed of the Thames River in the City of Stratford in the County of Perth upstream from the westerly boundary of that city lying northeast of the line between concessions I and II in the Township of Downie and southeast of the lot line between lots 3 and 4 in Concession II in that township to the easterly boundary of that city, being the line between lots 44 and 45 in Concession I in the Township of North Easthope, being the area between the fill lines shown on maps filed in the Regional Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources at London, Ontario as Nos. UTR 3-1 and UTR 3-2, and identified by a stamp of the Registrar of Regulations dated the 21st day of September, 1987.

R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 170, Sched. 3.

Schedule 4

That part of the watershed of the Thames River in the County of Perth extending upstream,

(a)from the southwesterly boundary of the Town of St. Marys adjacent to Lot 26 in the Thames River Concession in the Township of Blanshard to the northerly limit of the Town of St. Marys adjacent to lots 15 and 16 in Concession XV in the Township of Blanshard; and

(b)along Trout Creek from its confluence with the Thames River to the northerly limit of the easterly limit of the Town of St. Marys adjacent to Lot 16 in Concession XIX in the Town of St. Marys,

being the area between the fill lines shown on maps filed in the Regional Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources at London, Ontario as Nos. UTR 4-1 to UTR 4-4, all inclusive, and identified by a stamp of the Registrar of Regulations dated the 21st day of September, 1987.

R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 170, Sched. 4.

Schedule 5

That part of the watershed of the South Branch of the Thames River within the Town of Ingersoll and the Township of South-West Oxford, in the County of Oxford, that affects the following lots as shown delineated by the fill line and shaded on maps filed in the Regional Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources at London, Ontario as Map Nos. UTR 5-1 to UTR 5-15 and identified by a stamp of the Registrar of Regulations dated the 21st day of September, 1987.

Municipality / Lot / Concession / Block / Registered Plan
Town of Ingersoll / 24 / B.F. (formerly Twp. of Southwest Oxford)
1-8 / R.P. 44
7-12 / R / R.P. 95
11-15 / S / R.P. 95
6A-9A, 16A, 10B-16B, 16, 17 / 1 / R.P. 279
25-30 / 2 / R.P. 279
128-132 / 3 / R.P. 279
10-13 / 9 / R.P. 279
3A, 7-9 / 10 / R.P. 279
1-7, 3A, 4A, 6A-8A / 12 / R.P. 279
138 / 18 / R.P. 279
18-25, 127 / 34 / R.P. 279
18-31, 23A, 169-171, 293 / 35 / R.P. 279
16, 17, 172, 173 / 36 / R.P. 279
1-9, 180 / 38 / R.P. 279
1-23, 182-189, 295 / 39 / R.P. 279
39 / R.P. 279
1-6, 190, 191 / 40 / R.P. 279
70 / R.P. 279
4, 9, 10, 11, 245 / 71 / R.P. 279
6-8, 246 / 72 / R.P. 279
294 / 102 / R.P. 279
Township of South-West Oxford (formerly West Oxford Twp.) / 1-17, 24-30 / B.F.
Gore / B.F.
1-4 (N.E. of Embro St.) / R.P. 37
1-25 (N. of Oxford St., Range 1) / R.P. 37
1-23 (N. of Oxford St., Range 2) / R.P. 37
6-22 (N. of Oxford St., Range 3) / R.P. 37
11-23 (N. of Oxford St., Range 4) / R.P. 37
17-23 (N. of Oxford St., Range 5) / R.P. 37
19-23 (N. of Oxford St., Range 6) / R.P. 37
20-23 (N. of Oxford St., Range 7) / R.P. 37
1-26 (S. of Oxford St., Range 1) / R.P. 37
1-13, 16-23 (S. of Oxford St., Range 2) / R.P. 37
6-10, 16-21 (S. of Oxford St., Range 3) / R.P. 37
16-20 (S. of Oxford St., Range 4) / R.P. 37
1, 2, 6-8, 10-17, 22 / R.P. 75
5-22 (W. of Water St.) / R.C.P. 115A
D, E, I, J, K, L, M, N, O (N. of Main St.) / R.C.P. 154
12-24 (N. of Main St.) / R.C.P. 154
11-16, 22 (W. of Zorra St.) / R.C.P. 154
1-5 (E. of Zorra St., N.of Hook St.) / R.C.P. 154
6-13 (N. of Hook St.) / R.C.P. 154
P (E. of Zorra St., S. of Hook St.) / R.C.P. 154
1-14, A (Elliott Survey N. of Main St.) / R.P. 155
A (N. of Main St.) / R.P. 155
1-3, 5 / R.P. 538

R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 170, Sched. 5.

Schedule 6

That part of the watershed of the South Branch or the main branch of the Thames River and Cedar Creek, all within the limits of the City of Woodstock, being the area between the fill lines shown on maps filed in the Regional Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources at London, Ontario as Nos. UTR 6-1 to UTR 6-3, all inclusive, and identified by a stamp of the Registrar of Regulations dated the 21st day of September, 1987.

R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 170, Sched. 6.

Schedule 7

That part of the watershed of the South Branch of the Thames River, within the Township of Blandford-Blenheim (formerly the Township of Blandford), in the County of Oxford, that affects the following lots as shown delineated by the fill line and shaded on maps filed in the Regional Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources at London, Ontario as Map Nos. 1-15, and identified by a stamp of the Registrar of Regulations dated the 21st day of September, 1987.

Lot / Concession / Block / Registered
5-13, 15 / II
3-8, 12-15 / III
3-12 / IV
2-4, 8, 9 / V
7, 8 / VI
7, 8 / VII
7-9 / VIII
9-12 / IX
11, 12 / X
1-8 (W. of King St.) / R.P.111
9-12 (S. of Harwood St.) / R.P.111
1-4, 7 / R.C.P.1624

R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 170, Sched. 7.

Schedule 8

That part of the watershed of the Thames River, within the Township of Zorra, in the County of Oxford, that affects the following lots as shown delineated by the fill line and shaded on maps filed in the Regional Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources at London, Ontario as Map Nos. 16-97, and identified by a stamp of the Registrar of Regulations dated the 21st day of September, 1987.

Lot / Concession / Block / Registered Plan
7-9, 12-18, 25-35 / I (formerly W. Zorra Twp.)
5-8, 20, 26-36 / II (formerly W. Zorra Twp.)
6-8, 16-20, 26-36 / III (formerly W. Zorra Twp.)
6-9, 12-20, 26-35 / IV (formerly W. Zorra Twp.)
8-26, 35, 36 / V (formerly W. Zorra Twp.)
3-6, 9-11, 13, 14, 18-20, 26, 27 / VI (formerly W. Zorra Twp.)
2-5, 10-15, 18, 19, 35, 36 / VII (formerly W. Zorra Twp.)
14-18, 35, 36 / VIII (formerly W. Zorra Twp.)
19-24 / VIII (formerly E. Nissouri Twp.)
24-26 / IX (formerly E. Nissouri Twp.)
1-4, 22, 23 / X (formerly E. Nissouri Twp.)
3-24, 29 / XI (formerly E. Nissouri Twp.)
5-10, 17-27, 29, 30, 33-36 / XII (formerly E. Nissouri Twp.)
7-9, 17-19, 23-25, 29, 30, 32-35 / XIII (formerly E. Nissouri Twp.)
8-14, 17-19, 23-25, 29-36 / XIV (formerly E. Nissouri Twp.)
8, 19, 20, 22-25 / I (formerly N. Oxford Twp.)
7-9 / II (formerly N. Oxford Twp.)
11, 13, 14 / III (formerly N. Oxford Twp.)
5, 7, 8, 13 / IV (formerly N. Oxford Twp.)
1-8 / V (formerly N. Oxford Twp.)
22-24 / I (formerly N. Oxford Twp.) (formerly N. DorchesterTwp.)
20-22 / II (formerly N. Oxford Twp.) (formerly N. Dorchester Twp.)
20-23 / III (formerly N. Oxford Twp.) (formerly N. Dorchester Twp.)
19-23 / IV (formerly N. Oxford Twp.) (formerly N. Dorchester Twp.)
19-24 / V (formerly N. Oxford Twp.) (formerly N. Dorchester Twp.)
22 (N. of Commissioner) / R.P. 39
Park Lots 5, 9 / R.P. 45
4-8 / D / R.P. 64
11-13 / E / R.P. 64
3-20 / H / R.P. 64
1-6 / I / R.P. 64
9-20, 37-48 / R.P. 69
353-377, 383-390, 397-404, 418, 419 / R.P. 75
A, E, F, G, H, I, S, U / R.P. 81
1, 2, 12, 13 (E. of Concession Rd.) / R.P. 81
4-9 (S. of Ann St.) / R.P. 81
1-3 (N. of Wallace St.) / R.P. 81
1-21 (S. of Scott St.) / R.P. 81
1-4 / D / R.P. 87
2, 3, 5, 6 / N / R.P. 87
2-4, 6, 7 / O / R.P. 87
1, 2 / P / R.P. 87
1-4 / R / R.P. 87
1-4 / S / R.P. 87
D, E / T / R.P. 87
4-6 (E. of Brown St.) / R.P. 87
1-22 (S. of Charlotte St.) / R.P. 87
1-3 (W. of East St.) / R.P. 87
1-6 (W. of Fraser St.) / R.P. 87
1, 2 (E. of Fraser St.) / R.P. 87
1-26 (N. of Main St.) / R.P. 87
1-4 (E. of West St.) / R.P. 87
1-5 (W. of West St.) / R.P. 87
1-25 (E. of Allen St.) / R.P. 105
1, 3-15, C (W. of Milton St.) / R.P. 105
Park Lots 8-12 / R.P. 145
G, H (S. of Commissioner) / R.P. 145
1-8 / M / R.P. 161
1-4 (N. of Hallady St.) / R.P. 164
20 / R.P. 230
1, 4-12 / R.P. 266
1, 18, 19 / R.P. 956
A, H, J / R.P. 956
1-5 / R.C.P. 1258
10 / R.C.P. 1268

R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 170, Sched. 8.

Schedule 9

That part of the watershed of the Thames River within the Township of Westminster, in the County of Middlesex, that affects the following lots as shown delineated by the fill line and shaded on maps filed in the Regional Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources at London, Ontario as Map Nos. 98-125, and identified by a stamp of the Registrar of Regulations dated the 21st day of September, 1987.

Lot / Concession / Block / Registered Plan
1-12 / B.F. (Broken Front)
46-50 / A
47-48 / B
2, 6-12, 46-49 / I
30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38 / II
1-24 / III
5, 7-24 / IV
13-15 / V
67-79 / W.T.R. (West Talbot Road)
65-72 / E.T.R. (East Talbot Road)
6, 7 / R.P. 747
A, C, D / R.P. 906
43, 44, 52-54 / R.P. 1021
K / R.P. 1021
1-3, 14 / M-64
A / M-64
7, 8, 13, 14, 16, 18-23 / M-71
D, E / M-71
3-8 / M-123

R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 170, Sched. 9.

Schedule 10

That part of the watershed of the South Branch of the Thames River, within the Township of East Zorra-Tavistock, in the County of Oxford, that affects the following lots as shown delineated by the fill line and shaded on maps filed in the Regional Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources at London, Ontario as Map Nos. UTR 10-1 to UTR 10-36, and identified by a stamp of the Registrar of Regulations dated the 21st day of September, 1987.

Lot / Concession / Block / Registered Plan
26-30 / I (formerly N. Oxford Twp.)
1, 2, 14-16, 35, 36 / IX (formerly E. Zorra Twp.)
1, 2, 4-7, 13-16, 35, 36 / X (formerly E. Zorra Twp.)
1, 3-7, 13-16, 18-20 / XI (formerly E. Zorra Twp.)
3-6, 14-18, 25, 26 / XII (formerly E. Zorra Twp.)
4 / XIII (formerly E. Zorra Twp.)
4, 5, 18, 19 / XIV (formerly E. Zorra Twp.)
5-8, 15-18, 22, 25-27 / XV (formerly E. Zorra Twp.)
5-7, 16-25 / XVI (formerly E. Zorra Twp.)
7-11, 15-17 / XVII (formerly E. Zorra Twp.)
10-15 / XVIII (formerly E. Zorra Twp.)
10-12 (north of Alma St.) / R.P. 59
25, 26 (north of Napoleon St.) / R.P. 59
29-33 (E. of Inkerman St.) / R.P. 59
9-14 (E. of Grave Rd.) / R.P. 74
11-14 (W. of Oxford St.) / R.P. 74
14 (E. of Oxford St.) / R.P. 74
89, 90, 92-94, 135, 136, 138 / R.P. 111
Park Lot 22 / R.P. 111
D (E. of Queen St.) / R.P. 111
1, 2 / R.P. 259
2-6 / R.P. 590
2-4 / M-47
1-4 / M-61

R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 170, Sched. 10.

Schedule 11

That part of the watershed of the Thames River, within the Township of London in the County of Middlesex, that affects the following lots as shown delineated by the fill line and shaded on maps filed in the Regional Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources at London, Ontario as Nos. UTR 11-1 to UTR 11-38, and identified by a stamp of the Registrar of Regulations dated the 21st day of September, 1987.

Lot / Concession / Block / Registered Plan
26-28 / II
1-4, 24-32 / III
1-9, 27, 28 / IV
1-3, 5-10, 18-20 / V
1-3, 5, 6, 9-11, 17-20, 27-32 / VI
6, 10, 14-18, 27, 28 / VII
10-15, 25-28 / VIII
10, 11, 15, 16 / IX
7-12, 15, 16 / X
12, 16 / XI
15-17 / XII
14, 15 / XIII
13, 14 / XIV
13-16 / XV
15, 16 / XVI
6, 7 E. of Elgin St. / R.P. 85
16, 17 / R.P. 91
Reserved Portion / R.P. 120
8 / R.P. 661
2-5, 12-13, 14-16, 19-21, 25-27 / R.C.P. 1028

R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 170, Sched. 11.

Schedule 12

That part of the watershed of the Thames River, within the Township of North Dorchester, in the County of Middlesex, that affects the following lots as shown delineated by the fill line and shaded on maps filed in the Regional Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources at London, Ontario as Map Nos. UTR 12-1 to UTR 12-33, and identified by a stamp of the Registrar of Regulations dated the 21st day of September, 1987.

Lot / Concession / Block / Registered Plan
3-5, 13-15, 17, 18 / I NTR (North Thames River)
1-5, 12-17 / II NTR (North Thames River)
1-4, 8, 14-17 / III NTR (North Thames River)
1-12, 15-18 / IV NTR (North Thames River)
12-18 / V NTR (North Thames River)
1-4, 8-24 / A
A, B, 1-21 / B
3-5, 10-18, 21, 22 / I STR (South Thames River)
A, B, 2-7, 10-12, 16-18, 20-24 / II STR (South Thames River)
6-10, 16-18, 21-23 / III STR (South Thames River)
9, 10 / IV STR (South Thames River)
1 (E. side of Bridge St.) / R.P. 52
1 (W. Side of Bridge St.) / R.P. 52
8A (W. of Hill St.) / R.P. 52
9A (E. of Hill St.) / R.P. 52
10-15 (S. side of Railroad St.) / R.P. 52
1A, 2A (W. of Thames St.) / R.P. 52
4A (E. of Thames St.) / R.P. 52
3-12 / R.P. 133
1-10 (E. of Elgin Rd.) / R.P. 158
1-10 (E. of Rd. Thro. Lot 11) / R.P. 158
1-10 (W. of Rd. Thro. Lot 11) / R.P. 158
1-10 (E ½ Lot 15, Con. I) / R.P. 185
1-4 (SW¼ Lot 14, Con. I) / R.P. 185
1-6 (W. of Thames St. and S. of Marshall St.) / R.P. 192
7, 8 (W. of Thames St. and N. of Marshall St.) / R.P. 192
1-9 (E. of Thames St.) / R.P. 192
2 (E. of Thames St. and N. of Main St.) / R.P. 192
1-5 (S. of Main St. and S. of Thames St.) / R.P. 192
4-7 (N. of Main St. and W. of Thames St.) / R.P. 192
1-4 (N. of Main St. and W. of Water St.) / R.P. 192
B, 1-9 (W. of Malahide St.) / R.P. 192
A / R.P. 192
1-16 (S. of Catherine St.) / R.P. 274
3-7, 9, 10 (N. of Hamilton Rd.) / R.P. 345
1, 2 (S. of Sage St.) / R.P. 351
3-5 (S. of Sage St.) / R.P. 351
2-8 / R.P. 737
1-12 / R.P. 786
1-29 / R.P. 804
C / R.P. 804
5-18, 13 / R.P. 849
7-13 / R.P. 874
4, 5 / R.P. 898
1-9, 11, 13, 15-17, 19, 20, 24-34, 42- 52, 65 / R.C.P. 1020
G, H, I / R.C.P. 1020

R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 170, Sched. 12.

Schedule 13

That part of the watershed of the North Branch of the Thames River, within the Township of Fullarton, in the County of Perth, that affects the following lots as shown delineated by the fill line and shaded on maps filed in the Regional Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources at London, Ontario as Map Nos. UTR 13-1 to UTR 13-22, and identified by a stamp of the Registrar of Regulations dated the 21st day of September, 1987.

Lot / Concession / Block / Registered Plan
13-15, 19-22 / I
14-20, 24, 25 / II
23-25 / III
1, 22-24 / IV
1-3, 20-22 / V
3, 4, 20, 21 / VI
4-8, 16-20 / VII
7-10, 17-19 / VIII
4, 5, 10-18 / IX
17-31 / XVII
19, 20, 25, 26, 29 / XVIII
2-31 / E.M.R. (Concession East of Mitchell Road)
8, 9, 16, 17 / W.M.R. (Concession West of Mitchell Road)
38-43, 48, 49, Reserve / R.P. 306
Part 50, Part 51, Part 52 / R.P. 306
1-8 (East of Hwy. 23) / R.P. 310
3-5 / R.P. 507

R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 170, Sched. 13.

Schedule 14

That part of the watershed of the North Branch of the Thames River, within the Township of Blanshard, in the County of Perth, that affects the following lots as shown delineated by the fill line and shaded on maps filed in the Regional Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources at London, Ontario as Map Nos. UTR 14-1 to UTR 14-33, and identified by a stamp of the Registrar of Regulations dated the 21st day of September, 1987.

Lot / Concession / Block / Registered Plan
8-10, 18 / I
10-19 / II
3 / VI
3-6 / VII
6-8, 18, 19 / VIII
8, 19 / IX
8, 9, 19 / X
9-25 / XI
13, 19, 20, 22, 24, 25 / XII
19 / XIII
13 / XIV
1-6, 8-16 / XV
1-12 / XVI
11, 12 / XVII
16 / XIX
5-8, 10-12 / W.B.C. (West Boundary Concession)
2-5, 20-27 / W.M.R. (West Mitchell Road Con.)
4-10, 18, 19, 20-26 / E.M.R. (East Mitchell Road Con.)
4, 7-9, 13, 14, 17, 18 / N.B.C. (North Boundary Con.)
27-31 / S.B.C. (South Boundary Con.)
26-34, 43-49 / T.R.C. (Thames River Con.)
1-4, 11-14 / R.P. 295
R.P. 297
1-3 (N. of Kirk Ave.) / B / R.P. 325

R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 170, Sched. 14.

Schedule 15

That part of the watershed of the Thames River, within the Township of Lobo, in the County of Middlesex, that affects the following lots as shown delineated by the fill line and shaded on maps filed in the Regional Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources at London, Ontario as Map Nos. UTR 15-1 to UTR 15-12, and identified by a stamp of the Registrar of Regulations dated the 21st day of September, 1987.

Lot / Concession / Block / Registered Plan
1-13 / I
1-3, 7-9, 11-13 / II
1, 6-15 / III
15 / IV
1-5 / R.P. 935
1, 21, 31-35, 48 / R.P. 958
A, B / R.P. 958
1-9 / R.P. 1008

R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 170, Sched. 15.

Schedule 16

That part of the watershed of the Thames River within the Township of West Nissouri, in the County of Middlesex, that affects the following lots as shown delineated by the fill line and shaded on maps filed in the Regional Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources at London, Ontario as Map Nos. UTR 16-1 to UTR 16-27, and identified by a stamp of the Registrar of Regulations dated the 21st day of September, 1987.