Consent to be Video Recorded
As part of a university committed to teaching excellence, the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures and the Foreign Language Center continually work toward improving the teaching qualities of Japanese and Chinese language instructors. As part of this endeavor, our language programs are integrated with the graduate-level teacher training courses we offer.
Many, if not all, of the SPEAC Chinese and Japanese participants will receive the added benefit of personalized tutorials from the teachers in training. We will also be videotaping many of the classes, taught primarily by master teachers but also taught in part by teachers in training. This will enable us to discuss the teaching without disturbing your classes.
We ask that you take a few moments to review the consent below. Please sign at the bottom and return this consent form with your Intend to Enroll Form.
By signing my name, I agree to be filmed in my classes during the summer semester of 2018, with the understanding that the recording will be used by the faculty and staff of the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures or the Ohio State University exclusively for the training of teachers or graduate teaching associates in Japanese and Chinese, or for research in East Asian language pedagogy. It is my understanding that the recording will not be used to my disadvantage in any way. I will not claim any rights for the recorded material.
Name ______Program ______
Signature ______Date______
Consent to be Posted on the SPEAC Web Site
We would like to photograph SPEAC participants to use to advertise and disseminate SPEAC information for future use. We are asking you to give us your consent to be photographed for that purpose. We intend to post the photographs on the SPEAC web site
Please take a few minutes to review the consent paragraph below. Please sign at the bottom and return this consent form to your instructors.
By signing my name, I agree to be photographed and have the photos posted on the SPEAC web site, with the understanding that the pictures will be used by SPEAC, the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures and/or the Ohio State University for promoting SPEAC. It is my understanding that the pictures will not be used to my disadvantage in any way. I will not claim any rights to the pictures.
Name ______Program ______
Signature ______Date______