Connections Proposal Template

Faculty may, if they wish, use this form to submit Connections Proposals to the Education Policy Committee via the Provost's Office. To do so electronically, complete this form and send it and copies of relevant syllabi as attachments to: James Mancall, Assistant Provost and Secretary to the Faculty. Be sure to send a copy to yourself. Or you can submit the proposal as a hard copy by printing out this form and attaching it to copies of relevant syllabi to be delivered to the attention of Jim Mancall in the Office of the Provost. Be sure to keep a completed copy of the form and all attachments for your records.

Connected courses share a topic, area, issue, concept, problem, or historical area. Two and three-course connections must include courses from at least two of the following six areas: Creative Arts, Humanities, History, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Math/Computer Science. For additional information, please consult: Guidelines for Creating Connections at the bottom of this document.

Connections Proposals should include the following:

  1. Basic Information:
  1. Provide a connections title (e.g., Modern Italy; Body, Form and Motion):
  1. List course numbers and titles of courses being connected:
  1. Indicate areas represented:

Creative Arts
History/Social Sciences
Natural Science
Math/Computer Sciences
  1. Indicate divisions represented:

Social Sciences
Math/Natural Sciences
  1. List faculty who will teach these courses:

  1. Rationale: Provide a brief overview of the topic and how the courses will be interconnected conceptually. Explain how different disciplinary perspectives or modes of inquiry will be illuminated.
  1. Structure: (Type of Connection— see guidelines below.)
  1. List any Prerequisites:
  1. List semester(s) courses will be offered:
  1. Development: (Extent of modification of courses involved—see guidelines below):
  1. Foundations/Infusion: (Will courses fulfill other requirements or contribute to Infusion component of Foundations?)
  1. Attach relevant course syllabi: (If a new course is involved, see guidelines below.)
  1. Attach Departmental Comments: (By/from department chairs on effect of course on departmental offerings and programs)

Guidelines for Creating Connections

Connections are sets of two or three courses focused on a shared topic, area, issue, concept, problem, or historical era. Connections must include courses from at least two of the following six areas: Creative Arts, Humanities, History, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Math/Computer Science. The Educational Policy Committee reviews and approves all Connections designed to fill the new requirement (which specifies that each student must complete one-3 course or two 2-course Connections). Keep in mind that one goal of Connections is to expose students to a wide range of disciplines. If students’ Connection(s) do not include at least one course from the three divisions of Arts Humanities (A/H), Social Sciences (SS), and Natural Sciences (NS), they are required to take a course in the area not covered. Connections proposals submitted to the Educational Policy Committee should include the following:

  1. Connections Title, course names and numbers, areas represented, and names of faculty involved. Brief titles are recommended. Examples:“Victorian Era”, “Food”, “Elections”, “Evolution”, “South Asia”. Breadth: Indicate how many of the three divisions are included.
  1. Rationale: Provide a brief overview of the topic and how the courses will be interconnected conceptually. Explain how different disciplinary perspectives or modes of inquiry will be illuminated.
  1. Structure: Describe the model by which the courses will be connected. In paired courses, students may be required to take both courses, or students taking the connection may just be a subset of students taking the individual courses. Linked courses are sets of three or more courses. Indicate any prerequisites that may limit accessibility of the connection. Normally, Connections courses are taught in the same semester or in contiguous semesters (fall-spring or spring-fall). Note that it is possible for a course to be part of more than one Connection. It is also possible for a Connection to include some choice (for example, a Connection could include one humanities course, one science course, and one of several social science courses.) Please be specific about all aspects of the structure so that the Registrar and Advising can formulate a workable registration process.
  1. Development: Indicate the extent of the modification needed in the courses in order to create this Connection. Modifications may range from minor revisions in the syllabi to the development of out-of-classroom shared experiences (speakers, fieldtrips, etc.) to full scale transformation of courses and the creation of new courses. Connections requiring extensive faculty development can be supported by Curriculum Transformation Funds.
  1. Foundations/Infusion: Specify if you expect any of the connections courses to fill a Foundations requirement (FYS, Quantitative Analysis, Foreign Language or Beyond the West). Briefly indicate whether how this Connection might contribute to our overall Infusion effort.
  1. Syallabi: Please attach relevant course syllabi. If a new course is to be developed, please give a summary description and indicate how it will fit into departmental offerings.
  1. Departmental Comments:Please include a brief comment by the relevant department chairs as to how the proposed connected course will affect departmental offerings and programs.