Connect, collaborate, share: building the equality community in HE

ECU’s 2016 UK-wide conference

Nottingham, 29 – 30 November 2016

Section 1: Poster submission guidelines



Across the UK, higher education institutions (HEIs) are delivering innovative equality work to support their students and staff, create inclusive cultures and contribute to the common good.

Often, institutions start from scratch on these initiatives, as it can be difficult to find out what others have tried before and to and learn from others. ECU’s 2016 conference aims to foster connections between institutions on common areas of their equality work and to build a stronger community of practice for equality in HE.

Conference themes

ECU is looking for poster presentations from HEIs to share experience and innovation around the following themes:

=Connecting within your institution:

–Progressing equality and diversity activity, such as equality charter marks,collaboratively between departments / functions.

–Delivering equality through wider institutional strategies, processes or frameworks, eg learning and teaching, outreach, quality assurance, international strategiesor staff recruitment and selection.

–Usinglevers and drivers tosecure buy-in for equality initiatives across the institution, egequality data, institutional targets or funding drivers.

–Developing equality champions, including recruitment and training.

=Collaborating beyond your institution:

–Working with other institutions on equality initiatives.

–Widening participation of equality groups through working with external organisations, e.g. schools, FE colleges, local authorities.

–Engagement with local community and equality groups to enhance equality initiatives.

–Collaborative working with external organisations to meet the equality and counter terrorism duties.

=Sharing your practice on equality:

–Engaging governing bodies with equality.

–Benefits and challenges of exploring intersectionality.

–Raising degree attainment for relevant protected characteristic groups.

–Using positive action to advance equality for staff or students.

Poster format

Posters will provide an opportunity for delegates to informally present on a topic or issue related to the conference theme/s during the conference lunch breaks. Posters should aim to give an overview of a piece of research or a project, sharing highlights of research findings, showcasing best practice or profiling an initiative, which can be ongoing or completed. Presenters should prepare a 5-10 minute talk to explain their poster that can be run for groups of delegates in an informal manner several times during the two conference lunch breaks.

Review criteria

Each proposal is subjected to a peer review against the following criteria:

=Relevance to conference theme/s

=Anticipated interest

=Clarity of the proposal

=Originality of the idea/approach


The deadline for submissions is17.00 on31May 2016.

Please complete the submission form and send to

You will be informed of the outcome of your submission by 1 July 2016.

Information for presenters

Presenters and co-presenters will need to complete conference booking by Monday3 Octoberor we will assume that you wish to withdraw and your slot will be offered to presenters on the reserve list.

Please include all co-presenters on the submission form. It is the responsibility of the lead presenter to pass on all relevant details to any co-presenters and to ensure the session runs to time and as indicated in the proposal.

Data protection

All the information you supply on the submission form will be stored by ECU in paper and/or electronic format for the purposes of administration of the conference. It will be shared with two external reviewers. Additionally, sections of the form (eg abstracts) may be published in the conference programme and website.

Important dates

Tuesday 31 May 2016:Deadline for submissions

Friday 1 July 2016: Presenters informed of outcome of review process

Monday 3 October 2016: Deadline for presenters to have booked onto the conference

Tuesday 1 November 2016: General conference registration closes

Further information

Please send any enquiries to:

Conference webpage:

Section 2: Poster submission form

A. Presenter details

First presenter


Second presenter


Third presenter

Name / Name / Name
Job Title / Job Title / Job Title
Institution / Institution / Institution
Email / Email / Email
Telephone / Telephone / Telephone

B: Details of proposed poster


Please insert the title of your poster here.


This should not be more than 200 words, and should summarise the aims and nature of the poster. Please also consider the review criteria in the formulation of your abstract.


Participant engagement: / Please specify if, and if so how, you will engage participants.
Relevance: / Please explain how your poster links tothe conference themes.
Keywords: / Please supply a maximum of five keywords for your poster.

Additional equipment

Boards will be provided for display of posters. Please provide details of any additional equipment, space, etc. that you require.

C: Permissions

Please tick the box if you are happy for us to tweet or blog about your session: ☐

Please tick the box if you are happy for a photographer to photograph your session: ☐