Section 1: General Rules
- Purpose
The Conneaut Spartan Marching Band shall increase the musical education of all member that participate. Participation in the ensemble is first, and foremost, an educational venture. It shall be used as a medium through with the directors and advisors shall teach the fine arts. Traditions of the band shall be used to enhance and forward the educational aspects of music.
- Membership
All members of the high school concert band participate in marching band. Students unable to participate in concert band because of schedule conflicts, may participate in marching band. All students involved in the band are considered members of the whole group, whenever the “band” is referred to; this includes all sections (winds, percussion and drill team and majorettes).
- Expectations
- Rehearsals: Rehearsals are imperative to participation in band. Students are expected to attend all rehearsals during the course of the season. Regular weekly rehearsals shall be held on Tuesday and Thursday after school. Members are also expected to attend a weekly music sectional held by the section leader to be scheduled with the Band Director two weeks in advance.
- Pre-Camp: Several pre-camp rehearsals will be held during the course of the summer.
- First Year Rehearsals: All first year marchers must attend three first year rehearsals held at the end of the school year.
- Band Camp: This is an obligatory event. Band camp will consist of two weeks Monday through Thursday and one short Friday during the last week.
- Football Games: Students will need to arrive at the required time. Any student arriving late after attendance without good reason will not be allowed to participate in the game that evening. The band attends both home and away games. The band is to assemble in the band room prior to the game and will leave as a group.
- Parades and Band Shows: These events will increase the visibility of the band and will allow the band members to see other bands. These events happen at the discretion of the marching band staff. There are two required parades each year: July 4th and the Christmas Parade in Conneaut.
- Meetings: Each Spring, there will be a mandatory meeting for all band members and their parents about the upcoming season. Two dates will be offered and one of them must be attended by at least one parent and the student.
- Requirements
- Citizenship (respect, responsibility, integrity, willingness to cooperate, and loyalty to school)
- Pleasant personality and appearance
- Emotional stability
- Ability to accept criticism
- Good sportsmanship
- Responsibility to learn all routines that are being used by the band.
- Cooperation and respect among the band and with other bands, (including the band)
- Respectful attitude toward the captains, advisors, chaperones and directors.
- Eligibility: Marching band members must be enrolled in concert band, unless given permission by the band director. Only students with schedule conflicts will be considered. A drill team or majorette member must pass at least (5) 1.00 credit granting classes or the equivalent and have a G.P.A of 1.5, in accordance with Board Policy #2431.
- Conduct(these come from the CHS student handbook)
- Respect both school (ours or the school we are visiting) and privately owned property.
- Present a positive attitude in all school related situations, toward teachers, students, and other school members. In other words, there will be no profanity or obscene language as well as fighting (verbal or physical) by any member of the majorette or drill team bands.
- Be on time and in attendance at all practices and/or performances.
- A band member shall not possess, use, transmit, sell, conceal, or be under the influence of any drug or alcoholic beverage. (See Board Policy 5610.05)
- A band member is not expected to show a public display of affection of a sexual nature. Anything beyond hand-holding is unacceptable.
- Cell phones will not be used during practice and/or performances. Any band member found using their cell phone will have it taken from them and returned after the practice and/or performance.
Board Policy 5610.05
Disciplinary Measures for Violating Drug, Alcohol Policy 5610.05
- If the violation occurs in the season the athlete will be suspended for the team for the rest of the season.
- If the violation occurs out of season:
- First offense-suspension from first game in a sport with ten or less scheduled games or suspension from first two games in a sport with eleven or more scheduled games.
- Second offense-suspension from all games in the first scheduled chosen sport.
- Third offense-suspension from all athletics for one calendar year from the last violation.
- Violations of the usage of drugs, and alcohol shall be dealt with as determined by the principal and/or assistant principal.
- Athletes suspended for a partial season must:
- Attend and participate in practices.
- Attend all scheduled games and sit with the advisor out of uniform.
- Discipline
- A demerit (point) system will be used as a disciplinary action for those band members that can not adhere to the codes of conduct.
- One (1) demerit will be given to a band member upon the breaking of any of the outlined rules.
- Once a band member has received three (3), they will sit out one (1) performance. When sitting out a performance, the band member must be in attendance or the sit out will not count.
- Once a band member has received six (6), they will sit out two (2) performances.
- When seven (7) demerits is reached the student will sit out all games and practices until further notice from the marching band staff.
- A list of offenses and the demerits they receive is included in Appendix A.
- Once a band member earns ten (10) demerits, he or she will be brought up by the marching band staff to the athletic administrator to determine whether the student should continue to be on the band.
- Attendance
- The band member or their parent must notify the staff of an absence from practice and/or performance. A note must accompany the member upon her return to practice and/or performance. This letter will be kept in a file by the directors. This must be done no less than a week in advance of the absence to be excused, except in the case of an emergency.
- The onlyexcused reasons for absences are:
- Personal illness
- Death in family
- Necessary work at home due to absence or incapacity of parent/guardian
- Observation or Celebration of a bona fide religious holiday
- Professional appointments-return with a signed statement from the doctor, dentist, lawyer, court officer, counselor, etc…
- All band members must attend all band/band functions; including but not limited to: practices, parades, performances, fundraising events, and Tag Day.
- Attendance records will be kept at all functions by Assistant Director.
- Any unexcused absence, from either rehearsal, performance or other required event, will result in the band member being benched until further notice.
- Special Requirements
- Attend summer band camp, pre-camp and rehearsals during the school year.
- Must have a physical examination prior to the first practice.
- Must have school insurance or some form of insurance through parents that covers accident away from the home, prior to the first practice.
- Must attend school for a full day to attend practices/performances that night. Being in attendance is defined as follows:
- A student will be considered to be in attendance for a verified doctor’s appointment, college visitation day, or court hearing.
- Must be able to bear expenses.
- Must participate in all fund raising activities the band holds.
- Uniforms
The band uniform shall be treated with respect at all times. Members are to never appear outside of the band room in partial uniform unless given permission from the band director. The uniform consists of: band t-shirt, blue shorts, jacket, pants, vest, socks, shoes, shacko and poncho. Students are required to purchase the band shoes and will be assigned a complete uniform. They are to treat it with care and are required to hang it in the required fashion. Any student who does not hang their uniform correctly will be given a demerit and required to re-hang all the other band members’ uniforms.
Uniforms are never to be taken home unless students are given permission from the band director. Uniforms will be cleaned by the music boosters. Any stains or dirt shall be removed by using a rag.
Any student who causes unnecessary wear or places the uniform in a position in which it can be caused damage or get dirty will be asked to pay a uniform repair fee of either $20.00 for a cleaning (in addition to previous cleaning charges) or the cost of repair or replacement of the uniform. Actions that can trigger this fee include, but are not limited to: not hanging a uniform correctly, placing the uniform on the ground, wearing the uniform incorrectly, losing a portion of the uniform, soiling the uniform, or not following instructions while wearing a uniform. These fees will be assessed by a staff member and a formal notice will be sent home and payment will be expected within the defined time.
- Leadership Structure
- All band members shall be aware of and follow the chain of command at all times. The Band Director shall have the final say on all issues related to the band and may change any directions previously given.
- All directions given by the staff are to be immediately followed.
- Chaperones with the band are to be treated with respect and any instructions given by them are to be followed.
- Student leaders have been selected for their positions because of the qualities they possess and any instructions that are given by any student leaders should be followed by their subordinates.
- A complete command structure is included in Appendix B.
- Any student leader found not following instructions, causing issues with the band or not following directions can be placed on probation indefinitely or removed from their position at the discretion of the band director.
- Leadership Positions
- The Drum Majors will also serve as Captains and Section Leaders for their respective sections when needed.
- Drum Major
- Job description: The Drum Major is the highest student leader in the marching band; they are the most visible and will often conduct the band in performance if music is memorized prior to performance. They are expected to represent the highest level of leadership and dignity and are the student “face” of the band. This leader will need to have two years of experience.
- Responsibilities: Set-up the rehearsal field for a rehearsal (including yard markers, podium and any other needed materials), attend weekly student leadership meetings, help prepare and pass out new drill, begin outside warm-ups with stretching and basics, help with basics and drill, and help with music.
- Section Leader
- Job description: Section Sergeants will focus primarily on music and secondarily on marching (drill shall be left to Squad Leaders). These leaders need to have at least one years of experience. Section leaders will be available for the following groups: flute, clarinet, saxophone and mellophone, trumpet, and low brass as deemed necessary by the band staff. If there are no qualified candidates for the position, it will not be awarded.
- Responsibilities: Hold weekly thirty minute long music sectionals (scheduled two weeks in advance) and fill out a sectional sheet, work with individuals on fundamentals, and check for memorization of parts.
- Squad Leaders
- Job description: Squad leaders will be made of section and third year marchers for them to gain leadership experience. They will work directly with their squad in drill and will be required to have a full copy of the drill charts at each rehearsal. Squad leaders will be in charge of keeping their sections quiet and on task. Their primary focus will be drill. These leaders must have one year of experience.
- Responsibilities: Help individual members of their squad.
Section 2: Leadership Selection Process
Drum Major
Candidates for these two positions will be required to submit an essay, then take an audition, perform a teaching demonstration, take an interview and finally be voted upon by the entire band. Scores will be given for each area and the scores in each area will be totaled and the person receiving the position they have applied for.
- Essay (50 points)
- The essay should answer the following questions:
- What is a leader?
- Who is the most successful leader you know?
- What would you bring to the CHS Marching Band?
- What would you do in the following situation: A band member has arrived without their music or instrument.
- What would you do in the following situation: A band member misses rehearsal and forges an excuse note.
- Interview (50 points)
- Interviewed by a panel consisting of the band director, assistant band director, drill team/majorette advisor and an additional person to be selected by the band director.
- The members of the panel will agree upon a group of 6 questions they will ask each candidate for any leadership position. Each member of the panel will be given the option of asking one additional question of their own choosing.
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Section Leaders
- Essay (40 points)
- Candidates should answer the following questions:
- How does a leader deal with the dynamics of a small group of peers?
- What is your strongest leadership ability? Weakest?
- What would you do in the following situation and why: A member of another section is having difficulties, but their section sergeant is not helping them.
- What would you do in the following situation: A member of your section does not show up to sections and cites that they can not get a ride at the scheduled time or they have a conflict with the selected time.
- Interview (30 points)
- Interviewed by a panel consisting of the band director and another person selected by the band director.
- The members of the panel will agree upon a group of 6 questions they will ask each candidate for any leadership position. Each member of the panel will be given the option of asking one additional question of their own choosing.
Squad Leaders
Members for this position will be chosen by the band director, assistant band director and drill team/majorette advisor at the beginning of each marching season.
Section 3: Drill Team and Majorette Tryouts
I.Drill Team and Majorette Squad Tryouts
- Anyone interested in being on the CHS Majorette and Drill Team squads, must be eligible academically after the 4th nine weeks in order to participate in the upcoming season. (Board Policy 2431).
- If you are ineligible, you will forfeit your position on the band and it will be refilled.
- In the event a position is vacated after band camp it will NOT be refilled.
- Tryout evaluations will consist of the following:
- Faculty evaluations
- Performance during tryouts
- Attendance at pre-tryout clinics
- Attendance at mandatory informational meeting prior to clinics unless an excused absence is arranged
- Judges
- Judges will consist of the Drill Team and Majorette squad advisor, the Band Director, the Assistant Band Directorand three other individuals experienced in the field from outside the community.
- Scoring
- All points will be added together for all segments of the tryouts. Band scores [Faculty Evaluation + Tryout Score]. In addition to these two areas, Captain tryouts will include [Teaching Ability + Appropriateness / Quality of Routine + Interview]
- The highest number of points will determine the squad.
- Squads will be selected out of those who audition and selected by determining the highest scores given by the judges.
- The drill team shall consist of twelve (12) members and the majorettes shall consist of six (6) members.
- All scores sheets and records will be turned over to the administration following tryouts, a copy will be kept by the band director.
- All scores will be verified by the athletic administrator, band director and advisor(s) to ensure accuracy.
- All decisions made by the judges will be final.
- Prior to Tryout
- Attend a mandatory meeting, one to two weeks before tryouts.
- Have a parent sign a permission slip that will be given with this book at the mandatory meeting.
- Give a faculty evaluation sheet to two members of the faculty who are not on the marching band staff, which are to be returned to the majorette and drill team advisor(s). For returning members, a evaluation of past citizenship is required to be completed by the previous seasons marching band staff; new members shall be required to complete a third faculty evaluation.
- All forms must be turned into the advisor(s) on the first day of clinics or you will not be permitted to participate.
- Drill Team Tryouts will consist of the following:
- Round 1: Dancing and Skills. This will be performed in squads of four (4) candidates. The dance will consist of the dance to “Long Train.” Skills assessments will be kicks, macarena, splits and a baby doll.
- Round 2: Dancing and Marching. This will be performed in squads of two (2) or three (3). Dancing will consist of a dance created by the advisor. Marching will consist of movements and basic flag movements (including a toss).
- Majorette Tryouts will consist of the following:
- Round 1: Short routine and skills. The routine will be the “Long Train” routine. Skills will consist of basic twirling.
- Round 2: Routine and marching. The routine will be developed by the advisor. The marching will consist of basic movement.
- Duties
- Drill Team Captain
- Maintain contact with the advisor(s) at all times.
- Maintain the leadership role when the advisor(s) is not present.
- Be prepared for all practices.
- Assist the advisor(s) in making up and teaching routines.
- Majorette Captain
- Maintain contact with the advisor(s) at all times.
- Maintain the leadership role when the advisor(s) is not present.
- Be prepared for all practices.
- Assist the advisor (s) in making up and teaching routines.
Appendix A – Demerits