Invite you to their

Open Dinghy Regatta

Sat. 23thMay – Mon. 25th May 2015

  • 7 races over 3 days, with 5 races to count
  • Fast & slow handicap fleet racing for any class;
  • Osprey class

Sign on from 09.30 Sat. 24th May - Briefing 12.45 – 1st race 13.30 - Entry £30 (includes temporary membership).

  • Breakfast & hot lunches daily;
  • Evening BBQs (BBQ Packs on sale);
  • Camping available at adjacent Coniston Hall site (booking essential).


23-25th May 2015



Sign on (in clubhouse bar) / 09.30 – 12.30
Hot lunch on sale / 12.00
Briefing (outside Race Hut) / 12.45
RACE 1 / 13.30
RACE 2 / 15.30
BBQ lit / 18.30
Entertainment / TBA


Breakfast on sale / 09.00
RACE 3 / 10.30
Hot lunch on sale / 12.00
RACE 4 / 13.30
RACE 5 / 15.30
BBQ lit / 18.30


Breakfast on sale / 09.00
RACE 6 / 10.30
Hot lunch on sale / 12.00
RACE 7 / 13.30
PRESENTATION / 15.30 (pending results)

Facilities available:

Changing rooms (downstairs)

Hot showers (upstairs in the toilets)

Kettle & microwave

The clubhouse bar will be open each lunchtime and evening

CSC extends a warm invitation to all competitors to join us in the clubhouse. Please also join us to BBQ (weather permitting) on Saturday & Sunday (2 person meat packs available).

Coniston Sailing Club Open Dinghy Regatta ENTRY FORM 2015 / (CSC use only) Fleet:
Helm: / Crew:
Address: / Home club:
Contact email (preferred) or telephone (so we can ask for any trophies back next year!):
Boat class: / Sail Number: / PY:
  • This regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing 2013-2016.
Disclaimer of Liability:
  • Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See rule 4, Decision to Race;
  • Coniston Sailing Club will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta.
  • Competitors shall wear personal flotation devices at least CE50 Newtons or equivalent at all times when afloat. Wet suits and dry suits are not adequate personal buoyancy;
  • A member of the race committee, or a designated official, may stop a boat launching, or require it to return ashore, if he or she considers the boat or its equipment, or helm are not adequate for the likely conditions, or for any other reason;
  • Failure to comply with safety crew instructions may result in disqualification or other penalty.

Declaration: I/we agree to be bound by the rules as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing, and all other rules that govern this event. We accept the Disclaimer of Liability, which excludes the right to claim compensation in certain circumstances. During the event we will hold a valid and current third party insurance of at least £2,000,000.

Signed (Helm): / Signed (Crew):
(Required for all sailors who are under 18 years of age)
Name of Parent or Person Acting in Loco:
Declaration: Under law, this competitor is my dependent. I accept the Disclaimer of Liability, which excludes the right to claim compensation in certain circumstances. During the event the boat sailed by my dependent will have a valid and current third party insurance of at least £2,000,000. I confirm that my dependent is competent to take part. I will be responsible for my dependent throughout the event, and during the time he/she is afloat I will be available at the event venue, or I will inform the Race Office in writing who is acting in loco parentis.