Dunlop Primary School Newsletter
October 2016
I would like to thank everyone for their very generous donations of items for the local food bank and home baking for the Senior Citizens Harvest Tea.
The food bank is accessed regularly by many families in East Ayrshire and they were delighted with the vast amount of food they collected from the school.
Last week over 55 of our local Senior Citizens were entertained by our talented performers in P1-7 while being served tea/coffee and delicious home baking by our P7 pupils. The morning was enjoyed by all.
Sponsored Event
The sponsored event was a huge success and thanks goes to Mrs Bracher for organising the day including the Olympic Quiz the children had to complete along the way.
Please may I offer a huge thank you to the parents who kindly offered to support us with this event and for the very kind and generous sponsored donations. We will confirm the total raised as soon as we have received all the sponsor money. If you haven’t already done so, could you please hand in sponsor money by Friday 28th Oct. Thank you.
We are delighted to welcome a student Miss Cullen, to the school. She will be with P4/5 class until the end of November.
Mrs Cochrane will be starting her maternity leave on Monday 14th November and we’ll all be waiting with baited breath to see if it’s a boy or a girl! Interviews for the vacancy will take place on Monday 31st October.
This year we will be having some spooky Halloween activities on the afternoon of Monday 31st October, with dooking for apples and ghoulish arts & crafts.
Please may I remind you that children don’t dress up in school for this occasion as we know the children want to keep their costumes in good condition for guizing.
Dunlop Dazzlers
Well done to all our Dunlop Dazzlers who have followed the Code of Conduct for the first term, it’s lovely to see the children wearing their special badges with pride. The new Promoting Positive Behaviour Policy is now on the Blog if you require further information.
Sporting News
  • Congratulations to Rob Miller P7 who has made it into the East Ayrshire District School football team.
  • 12 pupils in P3, 4 & 5 are busy training each morning before school for the Badminton Schools Challenge which takes place on the 4th November – Good Luck.
  • Gordon Allan, our Active Schools co-ordinator is arranging a Basketball Afterschool Club for P4 & P5 this term. More details will be sent home soon.

Dog Safety
There have been a lot of incidents reported on the news regarding dog attacks and as such The Blue Cross have spoken to all the children this week about keeping safe around dogs and how to recognise when a dog feels upset or threatened and how to behave around your family pet or an unknown dog.
Junior Youth Conference
Bonnie Harzmeyer and Ruaraidh Bates, our P7 Pupil Council members, will be representing the school at an upcoming Junior Youth Conference at Dumfries House which will be looking at internet safety and how we can raise awareness of the dangers of sharing information online. I’m sure that they will return with lots of good advice for the rest of the school.
Day of Dance
The Pupils in P6 & P6/7 will be taking part in a Day of Dance festival in the Palace Theatre later this term. They will be learning 6 Scottish dances which they will perform with other schools from East Ayrshire.
Bags 2 School
It’s a good time of year to have a clear out of clothes, shoes, soft toys etc in preparation for the winter months & Christmas toys. The Parent Council have arranged a Bags2School collection on the 8th November and bags will be sent home very soon. Please bring any bags to the front school gate on Tuesday 8th November before 9am. This is an excellent way of raising funds for the P.C. and re-using unwanted clothing.
Book Club
Thank you so much for your order for the Book Club, we have received £94 commission from our order this time which will help towards a range of literacy resources across the school. I hope you enjoy reading your new books. Another leaflet will be out in November for Christmas orders.
As of Monday 31st October milk will be available only at lunchtimes. Pupils in P1-3 are still able to choose milk or water as part of their free meal entitlement and P4-7 pupils can purchase milk with their meal at the same cost of 15p. Pupils who receive free meals are entitled to free milk. If your child takes a packed lunch and would like milk at lunchtime they can buy milk from the dining hall for 15p daily.
Dates for Diary
Wed 9th Nov – Parents Evening
Thurs 10th Nov – Parents Evening
Tues 15th Nov – P1 transition (am)
Wed 16th Nov – Flu immunisation
Thurs 17th Nov – P1 Transition (pm)
Thurs 8th Dec – Choir to Senior Citizens Christmas lunch
Tues 13th Dec – Nativity 1.30pm
Wed 14th Dec – Choir to Sainsburys (am)
Fri 16th Dec – ECC Nativity
Mon 19th Dec – P3, P4, P5 Christmas Party
Tues 20th Dec – P6 & P7 Christmas Party
Wed 21st Dec – P1 & P2 Christmas Party
Fri 23rd Dec – School closes at 2.30pm
Mon 9th Jan – Pupils return