Dear Student,
Congratulations on your academic success! As a student of junior standing, with at least an OSU GPA of 3.25, you are eligible to apply for membership inMortarBoard, the premier national honor society recognizing college seniors for superior achievement in scholarship, leadership, and service.MortarBoardis the oldest senior honor society at Oregon State University.
New members are selected on the basis of achievement in scholarship, leadership, and service; and serve as active members during their senior year. Following the application process, only select students will be invited to join this esteemed society – an honor naming them among the most amazing college scholar-leaders in the United States.
To apply, you must qualify in these areas:
1. Complete 135 credit hours by the end of Fall Term 2017.
2. Be a full-time undergraduate OSU student during the 2017-2018 academic year (do not apply if you will be graduating before Spring Term 2018)
3. Maintain a minimum cumulative OSU GPA of 3.25
4. Be interested in service
If you are selected to joinMortarBoard, you will need to pay an annual due of $80 and commit to actively participating in a variety of projects throughout the next school year.
The application form is attached to this email. Please submit your application to the membership chairperson, Trisha Chau at by November 5, 2017.
The Cap and Gown chapter ofMortarBoardat Oregon State University would be happy to answer any questions you may have about membership. Please e-mail the chapter president, Andrew Linnemann , or the membership chairperson, Trisha Chau .
SinceMortarBoard’s establishment in 1918, nearly a quarter of a million venerated members have held the honor of being initiated at 228 chartered chapters across the nation.MortarBoardmembers are not only recognized as the top scholars and leaders on their campuses, but are presented with the unique opportunity to join a diverse group of students from vastly different disciplines and interests in this great Society.
As a member of the Cap and Gown Chapter at OSU, you would be involved in activities that may include serving food at a nearby soup kitchen, volunteering with other local organizations, passing out care packages in the library during finals week, organizing a Reading is Leading campaign, as well as any other volunteer activities that your group commits to. The great thing aboutMortarBoardis that the passions and particular interests of the students drive it.
To learn more aboutMortarBoardplease visit the national site at or the chapter site at
Thank you for your time, and we look forward to hearing from you!
Oregon State UniversityMortarBoardClass of 2018