Confirmation Syllabus, 2nd year of Prep
Class to be Confirmed on Nov. 3, 2018
Date[1][2][3] / Session starting at: / Work book pages to be covered / Notes/ special instructions forstudents and parents / Lectionary/gospel reading for the Sunday of the class.
8/27 / 1 of 13 / What to expect, when, where, etc. / Students, Parents and Teachers meet in Lower Level for opening session. Students will dismissed to classrooms around 4:45. / If your student/s will not be in class, email Nancy Holpuch at . Do not call the parish office.
After classes, if your student is joining you in Church, plan to meet her/him in the Narthex. If you are picking him/her up in the parking lot, meet them in the East end of the Lot, NOT near the CHURCH. / Matt16:13-20 “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?”
9/17 / 2 of 13 / Navigation Video from Session 1, Then Session 2, What are you doing? / 27-35
/ Matt18:21-35 How often must I forgive?
9/24 / 3 of 13 / Session 2:3 Stinking Thinking / 36-55 / Matt20:1-16 Laborers in the Vineyard. The last will be first and the first will be last
10/8 / 4 of 13 / Session 8: Holy Spirit / 189-199
/ Matt21:33-43 ..the Kingdom is God will belong to people who work toward it.
10/21 / Holy Fire at the UIC Pavilion / / Leave St. Edna’s by Bus at 8:30 AM return around 6 PM.
11/5 / 5 of 13 / Session 8:3 The Fruits of the Holy Spirit / 200-213 / Matt16:13-20 “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?”
11-12 / 6 of 13 / Vocations: / All classes will meet together in the lower level. Please sit with your class to help the students stay focused. / Matt18:21-35 How often must I forgive?
Dec. 19, 20, & 21 / Tri-Parish Reconciliation: 12/20@St. Edna 3 PM
7:30 PM locations: OLW, St. Mary, or St. James / Students should celebrate Reconciliation yearly and record date on goldenrod sheet.
1-7 / 7 of 13 / Session6 Relationships / 142-165
/ We don’t want to gloss over this important subject, but we don’t have 2 weeks to devote to it. The Catechist will do their best to cover this chapter. / Matt21:33-43 ..the Kingdom is God will belong to people who work toward it.
1- 21 / 8 of 13 / Session10 Confirmation / 244-253
/ Mk 1:14-20"Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men."
2-4 / 9 of 13 / Session10:3 How will Confirmation Change me? / 254-268 / Mark 1:29-39 Jesus heals Simon’s mother-in-law. Then healed many who were sick
2-11 / 10 of 13 / Session11 Made for Mission / 269-279
/ Mark 9:2-9 Transfiguration of the Lord
3-4 / 11 of 13 / Session11:3 Finding your Mission / 280-295 / John 2:13-22 Jesus cleanses the Temple
3-11 / 12 of 13 / Session12 Holiness is possible / 297-307
/ John 3:14-21 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son…”
3-18 / 13 of 13 / Session 12:3Everything is an Opportunity / 308-325 / Parents & Sponsors are invited to attend 5:30 Liturgy after Class / John 12:20-33 “Very truly…unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a grain, but if it dies, it bears much fruit…”
April 3, 4, & 5 / Tri-Parish Reconciliation: 4/4@St. Edna 3 PM
7:30 PM locations: St. Collette, St. Mary, or St. James. Students should celebrate Reconciliation yearly and record date on goldenrod sheet.
October 14, 2018
[1]Nancy - I do not know how to format the columns like you have for the Reconciliation dates. How do you merge the columns? You may want to revise this version of the Reconciliation dates to look like the 2nd year syllabus.
[2]_Marked as resolved_
Excellent! Thank you!!