


* Configuration file, generated by the iTop configuration wizard


* The file is used in MetaModel::LoadConfig() which does all the necessary initialization job



$MySettings = array(

// access_message: Message displayed to the users when there is any access restriction

//default: 'iTop is temporarily frozen, please wait... (the admin team)'

'access_message' => 'iTop is temporarily frozen, please wait... (the admin team)',

// access_mode: Combination of flags (ACCESS_USER_WRITE | ACCESS_ADMIN_WRITE, or ACCESS_FULL)

//default: 3

'access_mode' => 3,

'allowed_login_types' => 'form|basic|external',

// apc_cache.enabled: If set, the APC cache is allowed (the PHP extension must also be active)

//default: true

'apc_cache.enabled' => true,

// apc_cache.query_ttl: Time to live set in APC for the prepared queries (seconds - 0 means no timeout)

//default: 3600

'apc_cache.query_ttl' => 3600,

// app_root_url: Root URL used for navigating within the application, or from an email to the application (you can put $SERVER_NAME$ as a placeholder for the server's name)

//default: ''

'app_root_url' => '

// buttons_position: Position of the forms buttons: bottom | top | both

//default: 'both'

'buttons_position' => 'both',

// cas_include_path: The path where to find the phpCAS library

//default: '/usr/share/php'

'cas_include_path' => '/usr/share/php',

// cron_max_execution_time: Duration (seconds) of the page cron.php, must be shorter than php setting max_execution_time and shorter than the web server response timeout

//default: 600

'cron_max_execution_time' => 600,

// csv_file_default_charset: Character set used by default for downloading and uploading data as a CSV file. Warning: it is case sensitive (uppercase is preferable).

//default: 'ISO-8859-1'

'csv_file_default_charset' => 'ISO-8859-1',

'csv_import_charsets' => array (


// csv_import_history_display: Display the history tab in the import wizard

//default: false

'csv_import_history_display' => false,

'db_character_set' => 'utf8',

'db_collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci',

'db_host' => 'localhost',

'db_name' => 'test_ticekt',

'db_pwd' => 'XXXXX',

'db_subname' => '',

'db_user' => 'XXXX',

// deadline_format: The format used for displaying "deadline" attributes: any string with the following placeholders: $date$, $difference$

//default: '$difference$'

'deadline_format' => '$difference$',

'default_language' => 'EN US',

// email_asynchronous: If set, the emails are sent off line, which requires cron.php to be activated. Exception: some features like the email test utility will force the serialized mode

//default: false

'email_asynchronous' => false,

// email_transport: Mean to send emails: PHPMail (uses the function mail()) or SMTP (implements the client protocole)

//default: 'PHPMail'

'email_transport' => 'SMTP',

'email_transport_smtp.host' => 'smtp.office365.com',

'email_transport_smtp.password' => 'XXX',

'email_transport_smtp.port' => '587',

'email_transport_smtp.username' => 'XXXXX',

'email_transport_smtp.encryption' => 'tls',

// email_validation_pattern: Regular expression to validate/detect the format of an eMail address

//default: '[a-zA-Z0-9._&\'-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]{2,}'

'email_validation_pattern' => '[a-zA-Z0-9._&\'-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]{2,}',

'encryption_key' => '@iT0pEncr1pti0n!',

'ext_auth_variable' => '$_SERVER[\'REMOTE_USER\']',

//'fast_reload_interval' => 60,

// graphviz_path: Path to the Graphviz "dot" executable for graphing objects lifecycle

//default: '/usr/bin/dot'

'graphviz_path' => '/usr/bin/dot',

// link_set_attribute_qualifier: Link set from string: attribute qualifier (encloses both the attcode and the value)

//default: '\''

'link_set_attribute_qualifier' => '\'',

// link_set_attribute_separator: Link set from string: attribute separator

//default: ';'

'link_set_attribute_separator' => ';',

// link_set_item_separator: Link set from string: line separator

//default: '|'

'link_set_item_separator' => '|',

// link_set_value_separator: Link set from string: value separator (between the attcode and the value itself

//default: ':'

'link_set_value_separator' => ':',

'log_global' => true,

'log_issue' => true,

'log_notification' => true,

'log_queries' => false,

'log_web_service' => true,

'max_display_limit' => 15,

// max_linkset_output: Maximum number of items shown when getting a list of related items in an email, using the form $this->some_list$. 0 means no limit.

//default: 100

'max_linkset_output' => 100,

'min_display_limit' => 10,

// online_help: Hyperlink to the online-help web page

//default: '

//'online_help' => '

// php_path: Path to the php executable in CLI mode

//default: 'php'

'php_path' => 'php',

// portal_tickets: CSV list of classes supported in the portal

//default: 'UserRequest'

'portal_tickets' => 'UserRequest',

'query_cache_enabled' => true,

'secure_connection_required' => false,

// session_name: The name of the cookie used to store the PHP session id

//default: 'iTop'

'session_name' => 'iTop',

// shortcut_actions: Actions that are available as direct buttons next to the "Actions" menu

//default: 'UI:Menu:Modify,UI:Menu:New'

'shortcut_actions' => 'UI:Menu:Modify,UI:Menu:New',

// source_dir: Source directory for the datamodel files. (which gets compiled to env-production).

//default: ''

'source_dir' => 'datamodels/2.x/',

'standard_reload_interval' => 300,

// synchro_trace: Synchronization details: none, display, save (includes 'display')

//default: 'none'

'synchro_trace' => 'none',

// timezone: Timezone (reference: If empty, it will be left unchanged and MUST be explicitely configured in PHP

//default: 'Europe/Paris'

'timezone' => 'Asia/Kolkata',

// tracking_level_linked_set_default: Default tracking level if not explicitely set at the attribute level, for AttributeLinkedSet (defaults to NONE in case of a fresh install, LIST otherwise - this to preserve backward compatibility while upgrading from a version older than 2.0.3 - see TRAC #936)

//default: 1

'tracking_level_linked_set_default' => 0,

// url_validation_pattern: Regular expression to validate/detect the format of an URL (URL attributes and Wiki formatting for Text attributes)

//default: '(https?|ftp)\\://([a-zA-Z0-9+!*(),;?&=\\$_.-]+(\\:[a-zA-Z0-9+!*(),;?&=\\$_.-]+)?@)?([a-zA-Z0-9-.]{3,})(\\:[0-9]{2,5})?(/([a-zA-Z0-9%+\\$_-]\\.?)+)*/?(\\?[a-zA-Z+&\\$_.-][a-zA-Z0-9;:[\\]@&%=+/\\$_.-]*)?(#[a-zA-Z_.-][a-zA-Z0-9+\\$_.-]*)?'

'url_validation_pattern' => '(https?|ftp)\\://([a-zA-Z0-9+!*(),;?&=\\$_.-]+(\\:[a-zA-Z0-9+!*(),;?&=\\$_.-]+)?@)?([a-zA-Z0-9-.]{3,})(\\:[0-9]{2,5})?(/([a-zA-Z0-9%+\\$_-]\\.?)+)*/?(\\?[a-zA-Z+&\\$_.-][a-zA-Z0-9;:[\\]@&%=+/\\$_.-]*)?(#[a-zA-Z_.-][a-zA-Z0-9+\\$_.-]*)?',




* Modules specific settings



$MyModuleSettings = array(

'authent-ldap' => array (

'host' => '192.168.X.XX',

'port' => 389,

'default_user' => 'XXXX',

'default_pwd' => 'XXX',

'base_dn' => 'dc=test1,dc=xx,dc=com',

//'host' => '192.168.XX.XXX',

//'port' => 389,

//'default_user' => 'XXX',

//'default_pwd' => 'XX',

//'base_dn' => 'dc=test2,dc=xx,dc=com',

'user_query' => '(&(samaccountname=%1$s)(objectCategory=User))',

'options' => array (

17 => 3,

8 => 0,


'start_tls' => false,

'debug' => true,


'itop-attachments' => array (

'allowed_classes' => array (

0 => 'Ticket',


'position' => 'relations',

'preview_max_width' => 290,


'itop-backup' => array (

'mysql_bindir' => '',

'week_days' => 'monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday',

'time' => '23:30',

'retention_count' => 5,

'enabled' => true,

'debug' => false,



$MyModuleSettings = array(

'authent-ldap' => array (

'host' => '192.168.XX.XX',

'port' => 389,

'default_user' => 'XX',

'default_pwd' => 'XXX',

'base_dn' => 'dc=test2,dc=xx,dc=com',

'user_query' => '(&(samaccountname=%1$s)(objectCategory=User))',

'options' => array (

17 => 3,

8 => 0,


'start_tls' => false,

'debug' => true,


'itop-attachments' => array (

'allowed_classes' => array (

0 => 'Ticket',


'position' => 'relations',

'preview_max_width' => 290,





* Data model modules to be loaded. Names are specified as relative paths



$MyModules = array(

'application' => array (
















'business' => array (





























'webservices' => array (



'addons' => array (

'user rights' => 'addons/userrights/userrightsprofile.class.inc.php',


'dictionaries' => array (












































