Before completing this application form, please read the accompanying Guidance Notes. If you have any difficulty completing this form please call Young Scot on 0131 313 2488.

Please type clearly in black ink and cross / check boxes as required. If completing electronically, double-click on check boxes to add / remove checks.

Position applied for:Project Officer – Youth Commission on Mental Health Services
Reference No:PO01

Personal Details

Title / Forename(s) / Surname
Permanent address
Home telephone number / Mobile telephone number
Work telephone number (if convenient) / E-mail address
Correspondence/Temporary address (if different from above)
Previous or other names and surnames used
Do you require a work permit to work in the UK?YesNo
If yes and you already have a work permit what type of permit is it?
Date of issue: Place of issue: Date of expiry:
Visa number: Passport number:


Please supply details of your current/most recent employer (or if no employer, your school/university).

Name / Job Title
Telephone number / e-mail address
Relationship to you / How long have you known this person?
When may we request a reference? At any time After offer of employment

Please supply details of one personal referee (refer to the Guidance Notes for details of personal referees recognised by Young Scot)

Name / Relationship to you (e.g. mentor)
Telephone number / E-mail address
Occupation / How long have you known this person?

General Information

How did you hear of this vacancy?

Young Scot employee Young Scot Website

Local or National press please specify:

Specialist publication please specify:

Other, please specify:

Education Membership of Professional Bodies

Please give details of educational and professional qualifications, beginning with the most recent. Please add other boxes if necessary.

Date / Institution name & address / Qualification / Grade

Membership of Professional Bodies

Date / Professional body / Category of membership

Training Courses

Date / Course Attended / Brief Description of Course

Please give details of your employment (paid or unpaid) starting with your present/most recent employer and working backwards. Please explain any employment breaks.

Present or most recent employer:

Name, full address & telephone number of employer
Job title / From (MM/YY) / To (MM/YY)
Current or final salary / Period of notice required
Reason for leaving (or seeking other employment)
Please give a brief outline of your main responsibilities and achievements

Previous employers:Continue on separate sheet if necessary

Name, full address & telephone number of employer
Job title / From (MM/YY) / To (MM/YY)
Reason for leaving (or seeking other employment) / Final salary
Please give a brief outline of your main responsibilities and achievements
Name, full address & telephone number of employer
Job title / From (MM/YY) / To (MM/YY)
Reason for leaving (or seeking other employment) / Final salary
Please give a brief outline of your main responsibilities and achievements

If you have had any breaks in your employment (for example family commitments, travel, and unemployment) please give the dates to and from and an explanation of the reason(s).

Date from: / Reason for break:
Date to:
Date from: / Reason for break:
Date to:

Evidence In Support Of Your Application

In support of your application, please enter in the sections below the key competencies, exactly as they are listed in the job description, and your evidence of how you meet each competency. Note, whilst there is space for nine key competencies in this form, not every job description has nine key competencies. So please only complete the number of competencies on the job description.

You need to ensure you select brief, relevant examples of your skills, knowledge and experience to show how they match the competency criteria. Please ensure you limit your answer to 150 words in each box.

The examples you give can be work related or you may draw on other activities if necessary (e.g. as a voluntary or charity committee member or organiser). Should the job description refer to specific procedures or computer packages which you have not used, you should give examples of equivalent experience or skills. Please use the S.T.A.R. structure outlined in the application guidance notes.

The information you give in the boxes below, together with the data on qualifications and courses etc. will be used to decide if we short-list you for interview. Questions will be based on the competency criteria, and to explore your skills, knowledge and/or experience in depth at interview.

Before completing this form you should read carefully the enclosed guidance on completing the application form.

Please do not attach a CV (or any other document) unless it has been requested as part of the recruitment process; they will not be used to make selection decisions. This is to ensure that all candidates are treated consistently.

Competencies: AchievingExcellence – Level 2
Understands the link between their own work and the organisation’s strategic aims. Works towards goals set by others. Measures progress against targets. Seeks to understand challenges and to find ways to manage these. Acknowledges the work and contribution of others but can also provide an opinion from their own expertise. Has the confidence to admit when they do not know.
Competencies: UnderstandingIssuesFindingSolutions – Level 2
Identifies and exploits opportunities in the short-term. Applies one’s knowledge and expertise to developing new approaches to exploiting these. Looks at the opportunities and identifies key issues and uses to priortise and plan.
Competencies: Working with People – Level 3
Role model for effective leadership
Seeks high performance from others by setting example. Gives timely and specific feedback on what has been done well and where there is room for improvement. Helps individuals think through issues for themselves. Encourages and acts upon feedback to one’s self. Proactively shares information and learning with colleagues. Addresses conflicts or issues within the team in a positive and open manner. Uses understanding of different interests and agendas to achieve positive outcomes. Maintains a positive approach and stays calm in all situations.
Competencies: Collaborating for Success – Level 2
Demonstrates awareness of the strategic importance of effective stakeholder relationships in improving organisational delivery and in managing risk. Uses a planned approach to build positive relationships. Questions how this is adding value for the stakeholder and makes decisions with the stakeholder in mind.
Competencies: Ability to Adapt – Level 3
Identifies a pragmatic approach in order to get the job done quickly and effectively. Uses an awareness of the bigger picture along with common sense to interpret and implement policy.

Personal Statement

Please use this space for your personal statement that you feel will contribute towards your application for this role. Please keep your response under 500 words.


I authorise Young Scot to contact any previous employers or educational establishments mentioned in order to obtain references to support this application once an offer has been made and accepted.

I hereby consent to Young Scot processing the personal data on this form, personal data otherwise obtained hitherto and personal data received by Young Scot in the future, for the purpose of considering my application for employment and (if applicable) administering and supervising my employment (including the assessment of performance and discipline) and any subsequent pension with Young Scot. I agree such data may be made available to those who reasonably need to know the same within Young Scot, and if my employment entails my travelling abroad temporarily, may be transferred as necessary for the purposes of the administration of that term abroad. I also understand that under the terms of Young Scot’s records management policy my personal data may be transferred to the Young Scot archives once they are no longer required for current administrative purpose.

I confirm that the information given on this form is, to the best of my knowledge, true and complete. I understand that any deliberate attempt to provide false information to obtain employment is a serious misrepresentation and will lead to rejection, or if employed, dismissal and is likely to constitute a criminal offence.

Signed: Date:

Print name:

For persons submitting an application by e-mail please type your name and the date. This, together with your attached e-mail will be deemed to form an electronic signature. Please be aware that you will subsequently be asked to sign a hardcopy of your application.

Cautions, Rehabilitation and Criminal Records

As the National Youth Information Charity for Scotland all post holders will come into contact with young people at various times in the year. Candidates are therefore required to disclose any unspent convictions or cautions and any spent convictions for offences included in Schedule A1, ‘OFFENCES WHICH MUST ALWAYS BE DISCLOSED’ of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (Exclusions and Exceptions) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2015.Candidates are not required to disclose spent convictions for offences included in Schedule B1, ‘OFFENCES WHICH ARE TO BE DISCLOSED SUBJECT TO RULES’ until such time as they are included in a higher level disclosure issued by Disclosure Scotland. In the event of employment, any failure to disclose such convictions could result in withdrawal of job offer, dismissal or disciplinary action by Young Scot.

You are asked to declare any spent or unspent convictions (including cautions)

Have you had any previous convictions / cautions? Yes No

Please complete the Self Disclosure Statement below and return with your application. All Applicable Applications will be subject to a Protection of Vulnerable Groups Scheme Check. Under the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007 it is a criminal offence for anyone fully listed on the disqualified list held by Scottish Ministers to apply for a post that may involve working with children or young people under the age of 18 and protected vulnerable adults.

Self-Disclosure Statement – Strictly Confidential

Part A

Name / Post applied for
Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence or are you at present subject to criminal charges/ investigations?

Part B *Please continue on another sheet if required

Please provide details of police investigations, including non-conviction information. Please tick appropriate box(s)
Conviction(s) Warning(s) Reprimand(s) Caution(s) Charge(s) Admonishment(s) Procurator Fiscal Fine(s) Dropped charges (s) Other
When did the incident(s) occur?
What exactly happened?
What was the outcome
Have you offended since?

Signed: Date:

Equality Monitoring

Young Scot is committed to equality of opportunity for all job applicants and employees. In order to ensure we are meeting our aims, please answer the questions below and return this form with your application. This information is used solely for monitoring purposes and will not inform the selection process in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.


Please tick the appropriate box: Male Female Non-binary Transsexual Other

 Prefer not to say

Date of Birth

Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy):

Ethnic Origin

Please tick a box from the list below which best describes the ethnic group to which you belong:

White / Scottish
Northern Irish
Any other white ethnic group please write in:
Mixed Race or multiple ethnic groups / Any mixed or multiple ethnic groups please write in:
Asian, Asian Scottish or Asian British / Pakistani, Pakistani Scottish or Pakistani British
Indian, Indian Scottish or Indian British
Bangladeshi, Bangladeshi Scottish or Bangladeshi
Chinese, Chinese Scottish or Chinese British
Other please write in:
African, Caribbean or Black / African, African Scottish or African British
Caribbean, Caribbean Scottish or Caribbean
Black, Black Scottish or Black British
Other, please write in:
Other ethnic group / Arab
Other please write in:
I do not wish to identify my ethnic group at this stage


Do you consider yourself to have a disability?Yes No

As defined by the Disability Discrimination Act, 1995, a disability is:

“A physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities”.

Thank You for Providing This Information.