Confidential Application form

Please Note: Your completed application form is the only information we use to assess your suitability for the job, so it is important that you give the correct information. Therefore, please refer to the guidance notes before and during completion of your application form.

Please type or write in black ink, as this form will be photocopied

Application for appointment of (please state job title and reference number):

YM 261 Participation Consultant

Personal details (in block letters):

Name: Title:
Email address:
Home telephone:
Mobile telephone:
Business telephone:
Which is your preferred method of contact? (Please state):


What days of the week are you available to work?:
How much notice are you required to give?:
What is the earliest date that you are available to start?:

Eligibility to work in the United Kingdom

Are there any restrictions to your residence in the UK which might affect your right to take up employment in the UK (please tick): YES NO

If yes, please provide details:


Please give details of education and qualifications including secondary, further and/or higher education starting with your most recent.

Name and location of academic institution / Qualifications and results

Professional bodies

Are you currently a member of any professional bodies? If yes please state which body, your level of membership and qualification gained.

Professional body / Level of membership

IT Skills

YoungMinds requires competence in the following IT packages. Please indicate your level by ticking the appropriate box.

IT package / Level
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Powerpoint / Basic Intermediate Advanced

Please use this space to list any other packages/databases you have used.
Please state whether you have any additional IT qualifications.
Employment History

Please provide details of all jobs held including unpaid or voluntary work, starting with your current or most recent employer. Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary.

Date from / Date
to / Name of employer / Job title and your main responsibilities / Reason for leaving


Please specify your present/most recent salary: / £

Statement of Suitability

Outline any relevant skills, experience and training appropriate to this post. YOU MUST relate your application to the requirements set out in the person specification (make additional boxes if needed).

Person Specification Criteria / Evidence of skills, experience and training
Proven ability to effectively manage projects - able to deliver multiple high quality projects with proven ability to consistently meet milestones.
Excellent interpersonal, communication and written skills with the ability to engage a range of audiences from one-to-one through to presentations and interactive workshops.
Ability to travel nationally as projects require. (This will involve occasional evening and weekend work).
Qualification in any relevant field such as community development, education, mental health, youth work, organisational change, research skills - and demonstration of how this applies to the context of participation.
Proven experience of leading and/or overseeing the design and delivery of participation in a youth or mental health service, local authority or commissioning body.
Proven experience of effectively engaging more vulnerable young people and adults in participation projects.
Proven ability to negotiate and manage the priorities, expectations and experiences of diverse stakeholder groups.
Experience of designing and delivering interactive training to professionals – ideally in a related topic like youth mental health or participation.
Experience of implementing safeguarding procedures and managing safe working boundaries with young people and with adult volunteers.
Proven experience of engaging directly with at least one of the following: practitioners, organisational or system leaders (such as service leads and commissioners), ideally in an advisory or consultancy capacity or proven experience of operating in such a role personally.
Knowledge of key policy and principles relating to participation in the context of young people’s mental health.
Understanding of the barriers and enablers to children, young people, parents and carers and professionals in implementation of individual and organisational participation.
Knowledge of effective approaches for the engagement of young people and parents and carers in participation projects.
Experience of coordinating and supporting the involvement of young people and adult volunteers in events and meetings with high profile stakeholders.
Experience of (co-)designing and facilitating workshops for young people and/or adult volunteers.
Experience of project evaluation with proven ability to produce excellent written reports for clients and external audiences
Experience of facilitating insight gathering, knowledge sharing and best practice development.
Understanding of the wider system, organisations and policies that interact with and impact upon young people and methods by which to overcome the barriers
Understanding of approaches, challenges and enablers of transformation in services and systems.


Please give the names of two employment referees, starting with your present or most recent employer. References are only taken up after a provisional offer of employment has been made. Please refer to the Application Guide when completing this section and contact us if you have any further queries.

Name: / Name:
Position: / Position:
Relationship to applicant: / Relationship to applicant:
Company: / Company:
Address: / Address:
Tel: / Tel:
Email: / Email:

Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) Checks

If your application is successful and you are offered employment with us you will be asked to consent to an Enhanced Disclosure check by the Criminal Records Bureau. This is to ensure we safeguard the children and young people we work with. You do not have to consent to these checks being carried out. However, if consent is withheld YoungMinds will have the right to withdraw the offer of employment.

Data Protection Statement

The information that you provide on this form and that obtained from other relevant sources will be used to process your application for employment. We may also use the information if there is a complaint or legal challenge relevant to this recruitment process. We may check the information collected, with third parties or with other information held by us. We may also use or pass to certain third parties information to prevent or detect crime, to protect public funds, or in other ways as permitted by law. By signing the application form you are agreeing to the processing of sensitive personal data in accordance with our registration with the Data Protection Commissioner.


I declare that, to the best of my knowledge, the information given on this form is correct. I understand that providing misleading or false information will disqualify me from appointment or, if appointed may result in my dismissal*.


Signature: / Date:

*If you are completing this form electronically and are invited to interview you will be required to sign your application form at that stage.

YoungMinds Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form

Please do not write your name on this form. The information provided will be kept completely confidential.

Thank you for taking the time out to fill in this form. We are asking these questions to understand better the composition of our paid and voluntary workforce by gender, ethnic origin, age, sexual orientation and faith. This information will help us guide our recruitment strategies. YoungMinds are committed to equal opportunities and has a policy that is supported by a code of practice

Please state which post you are applying for

Where did you find out about this post?
Gender (please tick) and Year of Birth
Male / Female / Transgender / Date of Birth

Ethnic Origin

Please indicate how you would prefer to describe your ethnic origin, please tick the category and sub-category

Asian / Asian British / Asian English / Asian Scottish
Asian Welsh / Bangladeshi / Indian
Pakistani / Other (please specify)
Black / Black British / Black English / Black Scottish
Black Welsh / African / Caribbean
Other (please specify)
Chinese / Chinese British / Chinese English / Chinese Scottish
Chinese Welsh / Chinese
Other (please specify)
Mixed / White and Black African / White and Black Caribbean / White and Asian
Other (please specify)
White / White British / White English / White Scottish
White Welsh / White Irish / Traveller/Gypsy
Other (please specify)

n  Marital Status

Please indicate your marital status
Divorced / In a civil partnership / Married / Separated / Single
Widowed / Other(please specify)

n  Sexual Orientation

Please indicate how you would prefer to describe your sexual orientation
Bisexual / Gay / Heterosexual / Lesbian / Prefer not to state

n  Disability

Do you have a disability or impairment? This includes a physical or mental health condition, which has lasted or is expected to last at least 12 months, which has an adverse effect on your ability to carry out normal day-today activities?

(please tick)

/ Yes / No
If so are you registered disabled / Yes / No
YoungMinds is committed to making reasonable adjustments for disabled staff. If you are disabled, please provide details here of any reasonable adjustments you will require to the selection process or to your job or working arrangements if appointed. The line manager for this post of a member of the HR team will contact you in confidence to discuss any adjustments you identify.
Religion or belief
How would you describe your religion?
Buddhist / Christian
(including Church of England, Catholic, Protestant and all Christian denominations) / Hindu
Jewish / Muslim / Sikh
None / Prefer not to say / Any other religious belief (please specify)

By completing this form I understand that I give my consent under the Data Protection Act 1998 for the information contained in this form to be processed in accordance with the YoungMinds policy for the purposes of equal opportunities monitoring.