No. 501Section: Support Personnel
Title: Wage & Fringe Benefits
Date Adopted: June 24, 2013
Purpose: The Board of School Directors of Conewago Valley School District recognize the important role that qualified and competent support personnel play in the operation of the school district. Bearing that in mind, the Board assumes the obligation of offering wages and fringe benefits which attract and keep the quality of personnel desired to fill the many and varied roles served by the District's support personnel.
Authority: The Board shall approve all wages and fringe benefits annually for all full-time and part-time support personnel. Wages, fringe benefits, and conditions of employment shall be determined by the Board based on recommendations of the Superintendent or his/her designee.
Additional: The statement of wages, fringe benefits, and working conditions for the current year are attached hereto as an addendum.
Definition: The term "support personnel" is used to identify District employees who are not professionally certificated by P.D.E. to hold the positions to which they have been appointed.
Board Minutes 6/26/84 / Reference
WAGE AND FRINGE BENEFITS - Page 2 June 24, 2013 / 501-2
A. Job Categories
l. Full-time – 12 months (more than five hours per day with work scheduled
for the entire year)
a. Vacation - maximum accumulation to be carried over to next fiscal
year – total vacation time earned previous 2 years.
(l) First year - 5 days pro-rated from first day of employment
until June 30 following
(2) Second year - 5 days
(3) Third and Fourth years - l0 days
(4) Fifth through twentieth years - l5 days
(5) Over twenty years – 20 days
(6) An employee transferring from a job classification of less than 12 months per year will be able to apply his/her experience to vacation benefits as an employee of the district to a maximum of 24 months of service, thus entitling the employee to 10 days of vacation (i.e. 10 month employee working for two years would receive 20 months of credit toward increasing their vacation benefit).
b. Holidays
(l) New Year's Day
(2) President’s Day (Becomes “floating” holiday if President’s Day
is used for snow make-up)
(3) Good Friday
(4) Memorial Day
(5) July 4th
(6) Labor Day
(7) Thanksgiving
(8) Friday after Thanksgiving
(9) Day before Christmas
(10) Christmas Day
c. Sick Leave – 10 days per year, no maximum accumulation
(l) First year pro-rated according to fiscal year worked
An employee may utilize accumulated sick leave for illness or medical emergency of a member of the immediate family (as defined in the article dealing with "bereavement" within this policy). The sick leave may be utilized in any increments and may not exceed five (5) occurrences per year.
d. Hospitalization Insurance - l00% of premium paid for employee
and/or dependents / Reference
WAGE AND FRINGE BENEFITS - Page 3 June 24, 2013 / 501-3
e. Dental Insurance - l00% of premium paid for employee. Employee may
pay for family coverage
f. Term Life Insurance - $20,000
g. Workmen's Compensation - as required by law
h. Social Security - as required by law
i. Liability Insurance - Total of $l.5 million
j. Retirement – benefits as provided through Pennsylvania School
Employees Retirement System - full year of retirement credit
k. Bereavement – Whenever an employee shall be absent from duty
because of a death in the immediate family of said employee, there shall
be no deduction in salary of said employee for an absence not in excess
of three school days. The Board of School Directors may extend the
period of absence with pay in its discretion as the exigencies of the case
may warrant. Members of the immediate family shall be defined as
father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, husband, wife, parent-in-
law, grandchild, or near relative who resides in the same household, or
any person with whom the employee has made his home.
Whenever an employee is absent because of the death of a near relative,
there shall be no deduction in the salary of the said employee for
absence on the day of the funeral. The Board of School Directors may
extend the period of absence with pay in its discretion as the exigencies
of the case may warrant. A near relative shall be defined as first cousin,
grandfather, grandmother, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, grandparent-in-
law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law.
All compensation required to be paid shall be paid to the employee in
the same manner and at the same time said employee would have
received his salary if actually engaged in the performance of his duties.
l. Jury Duty – Whenever an employee is required to serve on jury duty, the
Board shall grant leave of absence and pay the difference between the
employee's regular pay and the amount paid to the employee for such
jury service.
m. Wage rate set by Board of School Directors.
n. Accumulated Vacation Payment - Payment for unused vacation leave
will be made to the estate of the employee in case death occurs while
employed in the Conewago Valley School District, upon full retirement
through PSERS, or upon resignation from the Conewago Valley School
WAGE AND FRINGE BENEFITS - Page 4 June 24, 2013 / 501-4
o. Accumulated Sick Leave - Unused sick days accrued through service
with the Conewago Valley School District will be paid to employees
under the following circumstances:
1. Payment shall be 20% of the daily payment (based on the most frequently worked length of day) of the employee.
2. Said total compensation shall not exceed 180 days of payment as described in #1 (20% x daily rate x # days in sick leave bank [max. 180]).
3. An employee must have served a minimum of ten (10) years in the Conewago Valley School District to be eligible for payment.
4. Payment will be made upon retirement or in the event of death if death occurs while employed in Conewago Valley School District. In cases where death occurs, payment will be made to the estate of the employee.
p. Personal Leave –
1. For employees with five (5) years or less of service:
1 day per year with pay will be provided, no accumulation
2. For employees with six (6) through ten (10) years of service:
2 days with pay will be provided, no accumulation
3. For employees with eleven (11) or more years of service –
3 days with pay will be provided, no accumulation / Reference
WAGE AND FRINGE BENEFITS - Page 5 June 24, 2013 / 501-5
2. Full-time – Ten Months (45 weeks)
a. Vacation – maximum accumulation to be carried over to next fiscal
year – total vacation time earned previous two years
(l) First year - 3 days pro-rated from first day of employment
until June 30 following
(2) Second year - 3 days
(3) Third to Ninth years - 5 days
(4) Tenth year - 7 days
(5) An employee transferring from another job classification will receive credit towards vacation benefits to a maximum of 20 months (2 years).
b. Holidays
(1) New Year's Day
(2) President’s Day (Becomes “floating” holiday if President’s Day is used for snow make-up)
(3) Good Friday
(4) Memorial Day
(5) Labor Day
(6) Thanksgiving
(9) Friday after Thanksgiving
(8) Day before Christmas
(9) Christmas Day
c. Sick Leave – 10 days per year, no maximum accumulation
(l) First year pro-rated according to fiscal year worked
An employee may utilize accumulated sick leave for
illness or medical emergency of a member of the
immediate family (as defined in the article dealing
with "bereavement" within this policy). The sick
leave may be utilized in any increments and may not
exceed five (5) occurrences per year.
d. Hospitalization Insurance – 100% premium paid for employee and/or
e. Dental Insurance – 100% of premium paid for employees. Employee
may pay for family coverage
f. Term Life Insurance - $20,000
g. Workmen's Compensation - as required by law / Reference
WAGE AND FRINGE BENEFITS – Page 6 June 24, 2013 / 501-6
h. Social Security – as required by law
i. Liability Insurance – Total of $l.5 million
j. Retirement – benefits as provided through Pennsylvania School
Employees Retirement System - full year of retirement credit
k. Bereavement – Whenever an employee shall be absent from duty
because of a death in the immediate family of said employee, there shall be no deduction in salary of said employee for an absence not in excess of three school days. The Board of School Directors may extend the period of absence with pay in its discretion as the exigencies of the case may warrant. Members of the immediate family shall be defined as father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, husband, wife, parent-in-law, grandchild, or near relative who resides in the same household, or any person with whom the employee has made his home.
Whenever an employee is absent because of the death of a near relative, there shall be no deduction in the salary of the said employee for absence on the day of the funeral. The Board of School Directors may extend the period of absence with pay in its discretion as the exigencies of the case may warrant. A near relative shall be defined as first cousin, grandfather, grandmother, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, grandparent-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, or brother-in-law.
All compensation required to be paid shall be paid to the employee in the same manner and at the same time said employee would have received his salary if actually engaged in the performance of his duties.
l. Jury Duty - Whenever an employee is required to serve on jury duty,
the Board shall grant leave of absence and pay the difference between the employee's regular pay and the amount paid to the employee for such jury service. Jury duty must be performed during working days to be compensated by the District.
m. Wage rate set by Board of School Directors.
n. Accumulated Vacation Payment – Payment for unused vacation leave will be made to the estate of the employee in case death occurs while employed in the Conewago Valley School District, upon full
retirement through PSERS, or upon resignation from the Conewago Valley School District.
/ Reference
WAGE AND FRINGE BENEFITS - Page 7 June 24, 2013 / 501-7
o. Accumulated Sick Leave - Unused sick days accrued through service with the Conewago School District will be paid to employees under the following circumstances:
1. Payment shall be 20% of the daily payment (based on the most frequently worked length of day) of the employee.
2. Said total compensation shall not exceed 180 days of payment as described in #1 (20% x daily rate x # days in sick leave bank [max. 180]).
3. An employee must have served a minimum of ten (10) years in the Conewago Valley School District to be eligible for payment.
4. Payment will be made upon retirement or in the event of death if death occurs while employed in Conewago Valley School District. In cases where death occurs, payment will be made to the estate of the employee.
p. Personal Leave –
1. For employees with five (5) years or less of service:
1 day per year with pay will be provided, no accumulation
2. For employees with six (6) through ten (10) years of service:
2 days with pay will be provided, no accumulation
3. For employees with eleven (11) or more years of service –
3 days with pay will be provided, no accumulation / Reference
WAGE AND FRINGE BENEFITS - Page 8 June 24, 2013 / 501-8
3. Full-time – school term (l80 days) (Employed prior to 08/01/2000)
a. Sick Leave – 10 days per year, no maximum accumulation
An employee may utilize accumulated sick leave for illness or medical emergency of a member of the immediate family (as defined in the article dealing with "bereavement" within this policy). The sick leave may be utilized in any increments and may not exceed five (5) occurrences per year.
b. Personal – Leave - 1 day per year with pay, 1 day per year without
pay, no accumulation. For employees with 5 years or more of service, 1 additional day with pay will be provided, no accumulation.
c. Holidays
(1) New Year's Day
(2) Thanksgiving
(3) Christmas Day
d. Hospitalization Insurance - l00% of premium paid for employee
and/or dependents
e. Dental Insurance – Employee may pay for individual or family
f. Term Life Insurance - $20,000
g. Workmen's Compensation - as required by law
h. Social Security - as required by law
i. Retirement – benefits as provided through Pennsylvania School
Employees Retirement System - full year of retirement credit if minimum of 1100 hours worked during fiscal year. Otherwise pro-rated by retirement system according to hours worked.
j. Bereavement - Whenever an employee shall be absent from duty
because of a death in the immediate family of said employee, there shall be no deduction in salary of said employee for an absence not in excess of three school days. The Board of School Directors may extend the period of absence with pay in its discretion as the exigencies of the case may warrant. Members of the immediate family shall be defined as father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, husband, wife, grandchild, parent-in-law, grandchild, or near relative who resides in the same household, or any person with whom the employee has made his home. / Reference