501 Jerusalem Creek Road, Eildon, North East Victoria 3713 Ph. 03 5774 2585 Fax 03 5774 2798


Site Number:106Dwelling Owner’s Name:Paul Doherty

Date:November 2013Contact Phone:0400 839 953

Inspection (staff to complete)

Date Inspected:November

  1. Age of UnitAprox 20 years
  2. Description of Unit26ft Millard
  3. A Frame conditionVery Good Condition
  4. Van/Cabin Condition: Very Good Condition Condition
  5. Annexe Condition:Very Good condition Condition
  6. Compliance Plate: Yes/NoN/A

Requirements Before Sale Permission can be Granted

Maintenance Requirements:See overleaf

Conditions of On-site Sale:See Overleaf

Outstanding Amounts (to be paid immediately):Fees Paid up till 01/01/2014

Permission is hereby given for the sale of the above dwelling on-site subject to the requirements above and the conditionson reverse.

□Unfortunately, permission to sell on-site is denied. You are free to sell your dwelling for removal, at which point your occupancy rights will end.

Signature of Park Owner:Bruce Vance Date: November

Inspection Prior To Sale

Maintenance Requirements

Flue for fire box inside annex must comply to the building code of Australia (BCA)
The fire box will need to be removed prior to sale or Flued to the standard with in the BCA.
I.e. triple skinned and hatred
Site must comply with Fire Compliance regulations prior to sale

Conditions of On-Site Sale

Will inform any prospective purchaser of the dwelling that the sale of the dwelling voids any current agreement that the occupant has with the holiday park owner.
Will advise any prospective purchaser that they should make their own inquiries of the holiday park owner with respect to the prospects of entering into an agreement enabling them to occupy the holiday site in question.
Will inform any prospective purchaser that the land is not being sold. (only the dwelling)

Located on Site 106

Price $25,000 - $30,000

Call Paul 0400839 953

New Listing.This will sell quickly

Located onSITE 106

Call Paul 0400839 953

In a quiet sort after location with in the park.

Large leased area with heaps of parking.

Nothing else left to do. Walk straight in

Sleeping Capacity 6

General Site Specs

Millard 9 meter / 26ft caravan with 10m x 3m (30ft x 10ft)

Includes in built cool room panel annex.

10m x 3m wooden decking with huge polished slab bar top and outdoor kitchen.

Inbuilt barbeque, gas fridge, sink and 3 timber bar stools.

Come and inspect also comes with:

  • 2 outdoor couches, 1 is a fold out queen-size bed.
  • Polished floorboards
  • Pot belly heater & 2 floor rugs.
  • 2 x fire extinguishers and fire blanket
  • Smoke detectors
  • Outside has a flat area with synthetic grass and a fire pit.
  • Full colorbond roof covers the caravan, annex, deck.
  • Caravan is registered
  • Jetty included in price
  • Inspection a Must too much to mention

KEY Features

This set up has been at JCMHP for 3 years

The annex has a lounge room 6m x 3m with a 2 seater couch and 2 single seaters plus a 3 seater fold out queen bed.
Flat screen TV and DVD, polished floorboards, pot belly heater & 2 floor rugs.

The main bedroom in the annex is 4m x 3m with a queen size bed, 2 bedside tables and a dresser with a sliding door to the deck.

It has kid’s bed room one end with 1 bunk bed and one single bed.
Full kitchen with gas oven and hot plates. It has another bedroom at the other end with an air conditioner that works.

The owner of a dwelling on a holiday site in a caravan park may sell the dwelling or instruct the owner of the caravan park in writing to sell the dwelling while it remains on site, provided they agree that:

Permission to Sell On-site

  1. they will first complete and lodge with Management a Request for Permission to Sell On-Site Form
  2. they will not sell the dwelling while it is on-site without the prior written permission of the caravan park owner.
  3. dwellings exceeding 30 years of age are not to be sold on site unless approved by Management.
  4. they will undertake any maintenance work required by Management (refer reverse)
  5. they will pay all outstanding amounts in full before listing the dwelling for sale (refer reverse).
  6. they will pay the Dealer Selling fee upon requesting permission to sell on-site
  7. the on-site sale price must not exceed the Maximum Sale Price (MSP) as noted on the reverse
  8. the site agreement & associated occupancy rights end when the occupant sells the dwelling
  9. they will make sure that the dwelling complies with any regulations under any Act with which it is required to comply
  10. the park does not sell the dwelling but provides a referral service.
  11. the park reserves the right to withdraw the permission to sell on site at any time.

Sales Inquiries

  1. they will inform any prospective purchaser of the dwelling that the sale of the dwelling voids any current agreement that the occupant has with the holiday park owner
  2. they will advise any prospective purchaser that they should make their own inquiries of the holiday park owner with respect to the prospects of entering into an agreement enabling them to occupy the holiday site in question.
  3. the holiday park owner is not obliged to enter in to a holiday site agreement with the purchaser of any dwelling sold on a site.
  4. they will inform any prospective purchaser that the site is not sold (only the dwelling)
  5. they will direct all prospective purchasers to obtain a Dwelling Sale Agreement and Acknowledgement by Purchaser from the park office prior to finalizing the sale
  6. One only park supplied For Sale sign can be displayed on the front door or window of the dwelling
  7. if the dwelling is advertised for sale, the name of the park must not be included
  8. the dwelling shall be listed for sale on the park noticeboard
  9. the dwelling shall be listed for sale on the parks web site
  10. Park staff will make the keys to your dwelling available to prospective buyers, for an unaccompanied inspection. The park takes no responsibility for damages or loss of goods due to these inspections.

The Sale

  1. they will complete and sign a Sale Agreement form provided by Management.
  2. Site fees are not transferable

Jerusalem-Creek-Marina-and-Holiday-Park-Permission-to-Sell-on-Site-form_November-v1 Site106_DohertyJerusalem-Creek-Marina-and-Holiday-Park-Permission-to-Sell-on-Site-form_November-v1 Site106_Doherty printed 10/10/2018 page 1 of 6