Sanders 1

Conclusions on Science and Impacts on US Culture

By Jeremy Sanders

It is hard to overstate the importance that science has played in impacting the culture of the United States. Whether it is in the field of medicine, electricity, biology, or radiology, science has enabled American culture to experience a remarkably high degree of advancement, allowing American’s to enjoy a high standard of living with innumerous conveniences. Many of the scientists examined in class played a critical role in what we now think of as American culture.

Although science has been around for thousands of years, for most of that time science has been spurred forward by advances in technology to increase the standard of living among humans. Although some science was conducted for pure knowledge, science did not really begin to spur forward technology until later. Several of the scientists examined in class demonstrate this phenomenon, and their increases in the scientific field spurred technological advances that dramatically affected American culture. Van Leeuwenhoek for example, increased our knowledge of bacteria through his experiments with lens and his work with microscopes. By disproving spontaneous generation, Van Leeuwenhoek discovered the existence of micro-organisms.

This discovery in the late 1600s paved the way for the later work of Edward Jenner in the late 1700s with vaccinations. Jenner’s smallpox vaccination led to a whole new way to prevent certain diseases, enabling American’s to live longer without exposure to polio, smallpox and other deadly viruses. The healthy lifestyle offered to Americans is a direct result of these scientific advances.

Other advances in science have also dramatically affected American culture. Perhaps the most notable are the scientific advances in electricity. Nikola Tesla’s experiments with electrical power and AC electricity have allowed Americans to safely and efficiently use the innumerable electrical appliances common to every household.

Telsa also created the first radio-controlled boat, and wireless controls have since become essential to various parts of American society, whether a kid driving a toy remote controlled car, or the U.S. military flying a remote controlled drone to kill a terrorist in the Middle East.

Some scientific advancements played a key role in American history but have been replaced by newer and better scientific discoveries. James Watt, a Scottish inventor and engineer, perfected the steam engine. His invention allowed for advances in mining and steam propulsion, which led to steam powered ships and the locomotives. Even though newer and better technology has since replaced steam power, the railroad played a vital role in the American expansion into the West, and our history and culture owes a tremendous debt to Watt’s scientific advancements.

America owes a tremendous debt to the scientific work of these individuals. Our culture and standard of living would not be possible without these advancements. Perhaps the most exciting aspect of these scientific achievements is that they are the result of years of research and the work of other scientists who inspired further advances. Accordingly, we can find inspiration from the work of Jenner, Watt and Tesla, knowing that future scientific achievement will be possible due to their commitment to science.

Works Cited:

Class Presentations,

Reading material, Google Images.