30-31 March 2000 in Brussels

(Radisson SAS Hotel)


The meeting was held in Brussels (Belgium) in the Radisson SAS Hotel on 30th and 31st March 2000 and started at 9.30 a.m. on 30th March

The list of attendants is attached as Appendix 1.

1.  Welcoming remarks

Prof. Psaraftis welcomed the participants and the representatives of the European Commission. He stated that this was the last meeting of the Concerted Action, after 5 years of activity. The aim of the workshop was to draw the conclusions of this concerted action and to envisage the future and the ways to improve links between R&D and the industry.

2.  European RTD policies in support of waterborne transport - Past, present and future

Mr José Anselmo, Head of Unit "Optimisation of Networks, Interoperability & Intermodality" made a presentation on the importance of RTD for Intelligent Waterborne Transport Systems, from FP4 to FP5 (see Appendix 2)

He explained the content of FP4 (50 M. Euro, 55 research projects and Concerted actions) and gave details on the 5 key clusters (Logistic concepts and systems, Safer and efficient Shipping Operations, Efficient Traffic Management, Human elements and Safety, Environment). He then provided information on the new organisation of DG TREN (Transport and Energy) and on the missions of his own unit (to improve Intelligent Transport Systems and Services). He finally explained the articulation of Transport Research in FP5.

Mrs Astrid Schlewing stressed that there was a need for a platform for clustering and coordinating RTD projects, establishing users requirements, presenting current RTD projects and making follow-up of FP4.

3.  Presentation of the results of the Concerted Action Short Sea Shipping

·  Prof. Psaraftis, from NTUA, coordinator of the Concerted action, gave an overview of the work done between April 1995 and April 2000 (see Appendix 3)

·  Mr O. Schinas, from NTUA, made a presentation of the data base created in the framework of the Concerted Action.

·  Prof. M. Zachcial, from ISL, summarised the draft final report of the sub-group on multimodal statistics. He explained the methodology adopted, gave a country specific description of data sources and described five case studies (Portugal, MDST data modelling, Maritime transport data in the Netherlands-availability and bottlenecks, Italian seaborne trade with Balkan countries, Greece-Balkan-Black Sea countries).

The final report will be circulated when prepared.

4.  Industry Panel : User requirements and technology assessment - Shipowners' point of view

·  Mr Alfons Guinier, from ECSA, stressed that R&D is useful for the shipping industry only if it brings added value, which means that the results have to be better promoted to be used by the industry. He asked, as a priority, for statistics on cargo flows between regions and by commodities. Concerning the promotion of short sea shipping, Mr Guinier supports the proposals from the European Commission in its latest report and notably the reinforcement of the National focal points and a forum between governments, the European Commission and the industry.

·  Mr A. Corres from the Union of Greek Shipowners, expressed a series of wishes for the development of short sea shipping. He stated that R&D in this area is necessary and should be used as a policy tool.

·  Mr N. Telle, from the Norwegian Shipowners Association, stressed that shipowners must provide the whole logistics, otherwise they will be dependent on the logistics providers. There is a need for skilled seafarers for ship operations and ICT is a solution. Mr Telle concluded that the Concerted Action was successful but that a lot was still to be done.

·  Mr J. Schwarz, from HSVA in Hamburg, was the coordinator of the Concerted Action on Inland Navigation and made a report on the work being done by this Concerted Action and on the eight related R&D projects

·  Mrs Georgette Lalis, Director of Maritime Transport in DG TREN, made a presentation on the European Policy priorities and stressed the importance of short sea shipping and the need to develop this mode of transport. (see Appendix 4)

·  During the discussion with the floor, the following points were made:

·  Many participants wished that shipowners participate more in R&D projects but Mr Guinier repeated that this could happen only if they well understand what the added value is. It was also asked that shipowners make their needs better known. Input was also asked from other industries, such as ports and shippers.

·  The study of best practices was required and it was specified that the Panel 1 of MIF has decided to work on this issue.

·  The focal points must make known National R&D projects on short sea shipping to help for better coordination. A web site has been built for this purpose

5.  Industry Panel : User requirements and technology assessment - Ports'/Shippers' point of view

·  Mrs Pamela Le Garrec, from ESPO, stressed that ports were involved in several R&D projects and that they have reduced port duties (which proves they have increased productivity) and built specific facilities for short sea shipping. She regretted that many ships are too old and not equipped for short sea shipping.

·  Mr Patrick Verhoeven, from FEPORT, gave a report on the needs of port users to develop short sea shipping.

·  Mr L. Jansson, from Korsnaes Paper Industry in Gävle (Sweden), gave a report in favour of the use of short sea shipping (see Appendix 5) [*]

·  Mr N. Joergensen, from the City of Bremen, made a presentation of PROSIT, a R&D project to improve direct communication links in the intermodal transport chain (see Appendix 6) *

·  Mr E.S. Petersen, from Scandlines (Denmark), made a presentation on a European Economic Interest Group, IWTS (Intelligent Waterborne Transport Services) - see Appendix 7) *

·  The discussion with the floor focused on the role of shippers in the development of short sea shipping and on the ways to convince them to use more this mode of transport.

6.  5th Framework Programme : New actions

·  Mrs Astrid Schlewing (see Appendix 8) gave details on the Thematic Networks (which will replace the Concerted Actions of FP4) and on the content of the first three Calls for Proposals.

·  Mr Mel Davies, from BMT, made a presentation of ADVANCES (Added Value Network concerning European Shipping) – see Appendix 9 *.

·  Mr F. Sanchez, from EUROMAR EEIG, explained the project Intermodal Port, to create a point of entry to intermodal transport (see Appendix 10) *

·  Mr R. Jorna, from NEI, made a presentation on THEMIS, a project for intelligent freight transport system (see Appendix 11) *

7.  Follow up actions to promote European Short Sea Shipping

During the morning of the second day, on 31st March, after a summary of the first day made by Mrs Astrid Schlewing and Prof. Psaraftis, the participants were split among three parallel workshop Groups, to discuss the same theme : how to promote European Short Sea Shipping ?

At 11.30 hours, the plenary session resumed and the chairs of each Group summarised the conclusions they had reached :

·  Group A (chair: A. Sjoebris) stressed the necessity for

·  Harmonisation of documentary procedures between all modes of transport and with third countries,

·  Harmonisation between all modes of transport concerning duties and fees for the use of infrastructure,

·  Demonstration that short sea shipping is the most environmentally friendly mode of transport

·  Better statistics on door-to-door flows and on ship movements

·  R&D to be undertaken to answer these four requirement.

·  Group B (chair: N. Joergensen) expressed the opinion that

·  Short sea shipping should be integrated in the logistic chain,

·  Cultural changes, marketing efforts addressing the market needs and political support to short sea shipping are needed

·  RTD should focus on financing of equipment, operations and infrastructure, detailed statistics on cargo flows on some relations, standardisation of units (boxes, pallets), implementation of ICT applications, integration of short sea shipping in the logistic chain.

·  Group C (chair: A. Corres) insisted for

·  Renewing the fleet (notably for bulk sector),

·  Restoring equality between modes of transport,

·  Reducing uncertainty and increase transparency by adding value to the services provided,

·  Developing short sea shipping promotion Centres both at National and regional levels,

·  Recognising that the bad quality of statistics must not induce no action

During the lively discussion which followed, many participants gave clarifications on some issues tackled in their own Group. Details were also given on the activities of some National promotion Centres.

In conclusion of the workshop, Mrs Schlewing stressed the importance of RTD for the development of short sea shipping and Prof. Psaraftis noted the success of this Concerted Action but also the need to continue and intensify actions in favour of short sea shipping. He thanked everybody for their contribution to the success of the workshop and for their participation in the activities of the concerted action over the last five years.

Minutes prepared by J. Mazieres (AMRIE).

[*] also available in Power Point Presentation, by request to AMRIE