The life choice ‘single’ is fast gaining impetus. In Germanysingles already account for 37% of all house holds, in cities the figure is up to 60%. This development is stamped by an increasing individuation of society and the ‘pluralisation’of life choices. In addition, regular changes of employment;and the risen claim in flexibility; contribute to the increase of one-person households. The thought of being independent and free is reason enough to younger people; it forms no obligations thus their life choices are open. This development can be observed throughout Europe and other western societies, especially in the urban space.
The reality of ‘single’ is not easy to equate to if a person maintains no social contacts. In addition to being out of a relationship, the concept of being single will become a pseudonym for people alone in a household. Even those in relationships have a need for individual space and separate living rooms. The classical residence is becoming extinct and substituted with what a person prefers in their own living space.
The living space needs of singles reactspoorly to change. The traditional dimensions of the living rooms agree no more with one of the constantly changing inhabitants than the next. How can a living space look newly configured every day?Only life,one life, personally signified, independent, within their own four walls. This changing need creates an opportunity of creating a living space individually configuredaccording personal needs.
The physical and spatial demands for a room change according to the activities people want to perform within it. If residential activities were fixed within suitable rooms, a person could take up a new activity simply by connecting a new room.To be able to break open this home structure, the HOME DELIVERY living space is "divided" into residential functions. Thus form the origins of single "function-slices" which can be configured individually to the needs of each person. If these functions could also be shrunk to the minimum spatial size and contain only the specific function, each residence could be customised. The size is compensated by a huge number of residential functions available to the consumer. Thus originates for every inhabitant, the possibility of individual living space configuration. With the addition of desired residential functions the living space defines itself.
HOME DELIVERY is based on "order and attach” principle. Every resident can order the desired residential functions and integrate them after delivery, in the desired position of their living space. The baseunit functions begin with hygiene, sleeping and a basic function that serves as a living space. This base unit can then be complemented with a choice of extension-functions suited to the individual. The extension-functions can also be acquired, regardless of having the base infrastructure.
The user of HOME DELIVERY can purchase new functions in showrooms and via the internet,with the ability to directly reservenew functions as they are launched to market. The chosen residential function is delivered to the base location, these separate function-slicesare then integrated by the user into the living space. Userscan create a new living space every day, which contains the different residential functions they desire. Many different trend based companies cooperate on the design of function-slices which are integrated into the residence. The design of functions is shaped by trends and develops according to demand.
When a user no longer wishes to pursue an activity, each function slice can be removed and returned. HOME DELIVERYcan collect and deliver function-slices according to the users needs. With a simple connectivity system, users can add or remove function-slices with ease. Unwanted functions are then cleaned or retrofitted before being offered to other users.
The functional-slices can be deliveredto every village, town or city. HOME DELIVERYcould be installed in fallow sites, empty hallsor on private land. As the residence can function without external care, no costly installations would have to be carried out, particularly advantageous in remote locations or areas without essential services.
The individual function slices are compacted to one-quarter their size through the use of a simple mechanical system that reduces the physical space required to house the person. The user can either replace individual slices or simply pack up and move. The function-slices are expanded by the delivery team through use of onboard compression motors. All equipment and objects within the function-slice are positioned to fit within the space when it is compressed.
To ensure the building elements are lightenough for transportation, the space-pedagogic parts are constructed from Styropor®. The respective designs are then printed onto the external surfaces. To reach pressure resistance, weathering and stiffing, the Styropor ® elements are sealed with Epoxid. The interior is designed using single panels which are attached to the frame by screw combinations in the main elements. The panels can be covered with different materials, graphic arts and colors. Each and every function-slice can be customised with the most suitable material for its specific use.
To be able to choose your own location, irrespective of the infrastructure around, the HOME DELIVERYconcept has been designed as a self sufficient living space. The base unit contains fresh water and sewage tanks which can be maintained by the user or service providers. Electricityis sourced through Photovoltaic modules mounted on the roof surface of the function-slices. By adding an addition slice, the additional energy consumption is compensated for with the rising number of functions.
HOME DELIVERY, coming soon to an empty space near you.