/ UK Power Networks / CON 08 115e

Clarity on Roles & Responsibilities for Work by Independent Connection Providers on UK Power Networks HV & LV Networks

On the 30th October 2015 UK Power Networks are required to comply with a common Competition in Connections Code of Practice (CoP). One requirement of the CoP is for each Distribution Network Operator (DNO) to enter into arrangements that will enable Independent Connection Providers (ICPs) to undertake the self-connection of newly installed network extension assets in prescribed circumstances, inclusive of any operational activity.

For HV projects, an ICP has three options available for self-connection:

Mechanism 1 – UK Power Networks SAP Issues PTW to ICP Cable Jointer

The UK Power Networks SAP shall isolate and earth the HV network in accordance with UK Power Networks Distribution Safety Rules and Procedures and shall manage the HV outage in its entirety; mirroring the approach taken when internal jointing resource is employed. The only significant difference will be that the UK Power Networks SAP shall issue a PTW directly to the ICP Cable Jointer to allow the completion of the required connection works.

Connection activity that involves associated Overhead Line (OHL) works, connection of mobile generation or the interruption to a consumers’ supply; these works shall be completed by UK Power Networks – only the final jointing works will be completed by the ICP.

The table below highlights the key roles & responsibilities for each party whilst completing connection works under this approach.

UK Power Networks Responsibilities / ICP Responsibilities
Agreeing the date for the works with the ICP in conjunction with the UK Power Networks CiC Team / Providing a competent cable jointer - holds a valid competency certificate issued by the ICP
Preparing Switching Application/Booking & System Alteration Notice when appropriate / Providing all jointing materials
Safety Management of the Connection Works including the issuing PTW to ICP Jointer, cable identification, phasing checks etc. / Provision of Spiking Gun & Cartridges
The application of any LV back-feeds. This includes proving their viability before the connection date / Street-Work Noticing & Traffic Management
Removal of steel pipes, when requested by ICP (chargeable service) / Completion of excavations at POC
The management of any ‘Carded Shutdown’ / Providing UK Power Networks CiC team installation records of adopted assets
The management and installation of any temporary generation / Safety & welfare of all ICP staff on-site - ICP Jointer ‘put to work’ under ICP’s NERS accredited safety management system

Mechanism 2 – ICP SAP Takes Full Control of Works

The ICP SAP will manage the connection works in its entirety and will be provided full access to the UK Power Networks Distribution System, across all network areas.

Any connection works that require the application of an OHL Circuit Main Earth or associated OHL works, connection of mobile generation or the interruption to a consumers’ supply; is excluded from this option and all works shall be completed by UK Power Networks.

The table below highlights the key roles & responsibilities for each party whilst completing connection works under this approach.

ICP Responsibilities / UK Power Networks Responsibilities
Preparing Switching Application/Booking & System Alteration Notice when appropriate / Providing a competent SAP & Cable Jointer, authorised in accordance with CiCCoP / Supply HV Test Plugs and or earthing equipment, where appropriate
Isolate & Earth the network in accordance with the UK Power Networks DSR's / Provision of all jointing materials / Provide operational keys to ICP SAP
Safety Management of the Connection Works including the issuing of required safety documents to jointing staff / Provision of Spiking Gun & Cartridges / Provide access to UKPower Networks Systems, such as, GE Power On
Identification of HV Cable, Spiking & Obtaining Phase Colours / Street-Work Noticing & Traffic Management / Removal of steel pipes, when requested by ICP (chargeable service)
Energise newly extended network and complete any required checks, such as confirming HV Phasing / Completion of excavations at POC, including the removal of cable ducts (excluding steel pipe) / Approval of Switching Application submitted by ICP
Agree contingency arrangements with the UK Power Networks Control Engineer, to minimise risk to the network in the event of any unforeseen difficulties or an unplanned event / Providing UK Power Networks CiC team installation records of adopted assets / Confirming that the Works can commence by way of the SORN process
The application of any LV back-feeds. This includes proving their viability before the connection date / Safety & welfare of all ICP staff on-site - ICP to put Jointer to work under their NERS accredited safety management system / Undertaking, where necessary, quality audits on the ICP's Works

Mechanism 3 – Transfer of Control

The ICP engineer will take control of the connection works without any involvement of a UK Power Networks engineer. The isolation earthingof the DNO network shall be undertaken in accordance with the UK Power Networks DSR’s after which the ICP will take control of the network by issue of a Control Transfer Certificate and work under their own DSRs and use their own safety documentation. Restoration of the DNO network will be undertaken in accordance with the UK Power Networks DSR’s following cancellation of the Control Transfer Certificate.

Please refer to the process maps for further detail in CON 08 115.

The table below highlights the key roles & responsibilities for each party whilst completing connection works under this approach.

ICP Responsibilities / UK Power Networks Responsibilities
Preparing Switching Application/Booking & System Alteration Notice when appropriate / Providing a competent Engineer & Cable Jointer, authorised in accordance with the CiCCoP / Supply HV Test Plugs and or earthing equipment, where appropriate
Isolate & Earth the network in accordance with the UK Power Networks DSR's / Provision of all jointing materials / Provide operational keys to ICP Engineer
Safety Management of the Connection Works including the issuing of required safety documents to jointing staff / Provision of Spiking Gun & Cartridges / Provide access to UK Power Networks Systems, such as, GE Power On
Identification of HV Cable, Spiking & Obtaining Phase Colours / Street-Work Noticing & Traffic Management / Removal of steel pipes, when requested by ICP (chargeable service)
Energise newly extended network and complete any required checks, such as confirming HV Phasing / Completion of excavations at POC, including the removal of cable ducts (excluding steel pipe) / Approval of Switching Application submitted by ICP and the production the Control Transfer Certificate - this is a Network Control function
Agree contingency arrangements with the UK Power Networks Control Engineer, to minimise risk to the network in the event of any unforeseen difficulties or an unplanned event / Providing UK Power Networks CiC team installation records of adopted assets / Confirming that the Works can commence by way of the SORN process
The application of any LV back-feeds. This includes proving their viability before the connection date / Safety & welfare of all ICP staff on-site - ICP to put Jointer to work under their NERS accredited safety management system / Undertaking, where necessary, quality audits on the ICP's Works

LV Self-Connection & Operational Activity

The ICP will be permitted to undertake any contestable final connection to the UK Power Networks low voltage underground network in all network areas; inclusive of the LPN normally interconnected network.

Operational tasks, such as installation of LV back-feeds, pre-conditioning of the LPN inter-connected LV network and LV cable identification via signal injection is also permitted, but is dependent on the ICP employee having being assessed as competent by UK Power Networks.

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