Welcome to the computer lab. There are several rules and regulations that you must


Students may not:

1. ALTER the screen on the computer in any way. Each screen is set with a standard number of shortcut icons and display properties which must not be changed.

2.CHANGE OR ALTER the screen saver in any way.

3.CHANGE OR ALTER any of the programs

4.INSTALL any software onto this computer or on the network.

5.DELETE OR ADD any shortcuts to software on the desktop or on your floppy disk.

6. DOWNLOAD any software from the Internet unless assigned to do so by your instructor in THIS CLASS.

7. COPY ANY SOFTWARE from your computer network to or from your floppy disk.

8. MAKE ANY CONFIGURATION CHANGES to your computer startup or operation in any way.

9. VANDALIZE THE EQUIPMENT in any way. This could include removing the caps from the keys, the mouse ball, or putting foreign materials in the drives.

10. ALTER IN ANY WAY someone else's work on the computer, on the desk, or on the network.

11. USE THE INTERNET unless you have permission from the Instructor. You may NOT access your e-mail or chat rooms during class time or send messages on the computers within the class or between rooms.

If anything has been changed on the computer you have been assigned to, report it to your teacher at the beginning of the block.

If these rules are not followed exactly, you will be sent to the office with this form and an office referral. Disciplinary action will be decided by the principal. Tampering with computers is a very serious offense. A violation of the above rules could be damaging to an individual's work or School District Property. Consequences for such action could result in removal from class with loss of credit, payment for damaged equipment and/or time, and referral to law enforcement officials.
