Computer Skills and ApplicationsGrade 6
Desktop Publishing Basics
Suggested Components
Name: April Carpenter
Subject: CTE 6207 - Computer Skills & Applications
Date(s): Day 1
Lesson Topic: Understand business publicationsWithin Unit on: Desktop Publishing – Basics
Unit Essential Question(s):
How do I develop a publication designed to reach a specific group of people?
Time Frame for Lesson: 3 Sessions of 1 hour 20 minutes
Lesson Generalization(s):
There are principles of design and target audience characteristics to consider when developing a publication.
Lesson Essential Question(s):
- What are five design principles and why do they exist?
- What are four characteristics of the target audience that affect the design and development of publications?
- What publication is the most effective means for communicating information to the selected audience and for the selected topic?
CCSS/Objectives for the Lesson:
Essential Standards:
Understand business publications
I. Design Principles
White space
II. Target Audience
Educational Background
Group Memberships
III. Purpose of Publication
Business card
Letterhead stationary
Newsletter / How to incorporate design principles into a publication.
How to identify the target audience and why it’s importance when developing a publication.
How to develop a publication designed to advertise, educate, or inform the target audience. / Identify target audience
Identify and provide contact information into a publication
Develop a publication designed to advertise, educate, or inform a target audience.
Interdisciplinary Connections:
Language Arts: Editorials
Knowledge of Students:
Students will be grouped into 4 teams – Endeavor, Discovery, Columbia, and Atlantis.
The teams are composed based on the EOG determined reading strengths of the students.
Endeavor teamperforms at the highest levels and includes the TD students – Reading III & IV.
Discovery team performs at the average levels and includes EC-OH students – Reading III.
Columbia team performs at the lower levels and require additional modeling – Reading II & III.
Atlantis team performs at a low level and requires additional guidance/modeling – Reading I & II.
2 students are EC-IDMI and will need one-on-oneassistance.
2 students are EC-OH students and will need additional encouragement to remain with the task.
Time / Activating Strategy/Link to Prior Knowledge/Warm-up:
10 minutes /
- Students will divide into groups and utilize one of the following publications:
- Business card
- Letterhead stationery
- Flyer
- Brochure
- Newsletter
- Students will utilize a Publication Examination sheet given to each group. Each group will examine their publication using the questions on the Publication Examination sheet as a guideline. One member of each group should record the answers.
Differentiated Activating Strategy
The learning environment will be designed with flexible grouping. Students in the Atlantis and Columbia teams will be given various publications to work with. Students in Discovery and Endeavor teams will bring in the publications referred to above.
Time / Lesson/ Content/ Process Activity
15min /
- Using a digital projector, view and discuss the Design Principles PowerPoint while students take notes using the Design Principles graphic organizer.
- The class will review and discuss each design principle.
- Columbia and Atlantis will transcribe the definitions from the PPT displayed on the board to the graphic organizer.
- Discovery and Endeavor will describe each principle in their own words.
- Endeavor will record their answers on the board to share with the class.
20 min /
- Columbia and Atlantis will complete the Principle’s Description Iworksheet as a short assessment.
- Discovery and Endeavor group will complete Principle’s Description II worksheet and describe how each design Principle is demonstrated.
- Endeavor will draw the design in the Design Column
- Submissions will be reviewed as a class.
20min /
- Distribute the Classify the Design Principle activity to students and display Figure 1 while guiding students through discussion and selection of each answer.
- Identify key words that help the students link the design principle to the descriptions.
- Distribute the Design Principles in Action activity to students and display Figure 2 using a digital projector.
- Think Pair Share - Instruct students to complete the activity independently and then share and compare their answers with a partner in their teams.
- Once all teams have finished, go over the activity with the class and discuss why teams selected each answer.
- Using Flower of Design, the Endeavor team will identify key words that help the students link the design principle to the descriptions.
Differentiated Content
Content is tiered by ability levels.
Differentiated Process
Teams are differentiated by reading ability levels, ability to work in a group setting, and teacher observations. Teams will work collaboratively to ensure the team members complete their worksheets.
Adaptations for Inclusion:
Students will be given options to reach success based on their specific abilities and plan for adaptation. Students that need additional assistance may work one on one with the teacher or with another student.
Time / Summarizing Activity/Closure (each day if lesson extends more than one day)
5 min / Summarizing Activity –Students will complete a Ticket to Leave that addresses 3 points that they have learned today. Item 4 will address any questions that they still have about the content learned today.
Differentiated Summarizing Activity/Closure
Products/Assessment:Student products listed below will be assessed.
- Publication Examination group activity
- Design Principles graphic organizer
- Principle’s Description activity
- Classify the Design Principle activity
- Design Principles in Action activity
Differentiated Products
- Publication samples supplied by teacher and brought to class by students
- Publication Examination group activity
- Design Principles graphic organizer
- Principle’s Description activity
- Classify the Design Principle activity
- Design Principles in Action activity
Materials and Resource:
PPT 5.00 Desktop Publishing Basics
Publication samples supplied by teacher or brought to class by students.
Various worksheets required for the assignments.
Suggested Components
Name: April Carpenter
Subject: CTE 6207 - Computer Skills & Applications
Date(s): Day 2
Lesson Topic: Understand business publicationsWithin Unit on: Desktop Publishing – Basics
Unit Essential Question(s):
How do I develop a publication designed to reach a specific group of people?
Time Frame for Lesson: 3 Sessions of 1 hour 20 minutes
Lesson Generalization(s):
There are principles of design and target audience characteristics to consider when developing a publication.
Lesson Essential Question(s):
- What are five design principles and why do they exist?
- What are four characteristics of the target audience that affect the design and development of publications?
- What publication is the most effective means for communicating information to the selected audience and for the selected topic?
CCSS/Objectives for the Lesson:
Essential Standards:
Understand business publications
I. Design Principles
White space
II. Target Audience
Educational Background
Group Memberships
III. Purpose of Publication
Business card
Letterhead stationary
Newsletter / How to incorporate design principles into a publication.
How to identify the target audience and why it’s importance when developing a publication.
How to develop a publication designed to advertise, educate, or inform the target audience. / Identify target audience
Identify and provide contact information into a publication
Develop a publication designed to advertise, educate, or inform a target audience.
Interdisciplinary Connections:
Language Arts: Editorials
Knowledge of Students:
Students will be grouped into 5 teams – Endeavor, Discovery, Columbia, and Atlantis.
The teams are composed based on the EOG determined reading strengths of the students.
Endeavor team performs at the highest levels and includes the TD students – Reading III & IV.
Discovery team performs at the average levels and includes EC-OH students – Reading III.
Columbia team performs at the lower levels and require additional modeling – Reading II & III.
Atlantis team performs at a low level and requires additional guidance/modeling – Reading I & II.
2 students are EC-IDMI and will need one-on-one assistance.
2 students are EC-OH students and will need additional encouragement to remain with the task.
Time / Activating Strategy/Link to Prior Knowledge/Warm-up:
10 minutes /
- Students will complete a Cubing Activity to review the material learned in the previous class meeting. Cube will be rolled on the SmartBoard in Notebook software.
Differentiated Activating Strategy
The learning environment will be designed with flexible grouping. Students in the Atlantis and Columbia teams will be given various publications to work with. Students in Discovery and Endeavor teams will bring in the publications referred to above.
Time / Lesson/ Content/ Process Activity
15 min /
- Distribute Traits of the Target Audience to students for their use in taking notes while viewing TheTarget Audience PowerPoint
- Facilitate Think-Pair-Share team discussions concerning student interpretations of the PowerPoint and to review their notes
- All teams will review the characteristics of age, education, interests, and group membership
20 min /
- View the Publications PowerPoint and facilitate class discussion as students take notes using the Publications graphic organizer
- Facilitate class discussion about the different types and purposes of publications.
- Check for understanding to make sure all students have appropriate notes in proper place on graphic organizer.
30 min /
- Students will remain in their learning teams as we begin a Group Investigation activity. This activity will continue to day three.
- Distribute What Publication Am I?to students and instruct them to use their notes to Cooperatively complete the activity.
- Upon completion of the activity, review the answers with the class. Ask students to state the reasons why they chose each document. Ask students why one document is preferred over another in each scenario.
- NOTE: After lecture/demonstration of the following, students will engage in a project that generates an end product.
- Using a digital projector, teacher will demonstrate how to format a business card as students continue to take notes.
- Using a digital projector, teacher will demonstrate how to format letterhead stationary as students continue to take notes.
- Using a digital projector, teacher will demonstrate how to format a flyer as students continue to take notes.
- Using a digital projector, teacher will demonstrate how to format a brochure as students continue to take notes.
- Using a digital projector, teacher will demonstrate how to format a newsletter as students continue to take notes.
Differentiated Content
Content is differentiated by learning teams.
Students will engage in an assignment that generates a differentiated end product.
Differentiated Process
Teams are differentiated by reading ability levels, ability to work in a group setting, and teacher observations. Teams will work collaboratively to ensure the team members complete their worksheets. Students will engage in an activating Cubing strategy. Students will engage in a Think-Pair-Share activity.
Adaptations for Inclusion:
Students will be given options to reach success based on their specific abilities and plan for adaptation. Students that need additional assistance may work one on one with the teacher or with another student.
Time / Summarizing Activity/Closure (each day if lesson extends more than one day)
5 min / Summarizing Activity – Students will complete a Ticket to Leave that addresses 3 points that they have learned today. Item 4 will address any questions that they still have about the content learned today.
Differentiated Summarizing Activity/Closure
Products/Assessment: Student products listed below will be assessed.
- Traits of the Target Audience graphic organizer
- Publications graphic organizer
- What Publication Am I?
- Business card
- Letterhead stationary
- Flyer
- Brochure
- Newsletter
Differentiated Products
- Traits of the Target Audience graphic organizer
- Publications graphic organizer
- What Publication Am I?
- Business card
- Letterhead stationary
- Flyer
- Brochure
- Newsletter
Materials and Resource:
PPT 5.00 Desktop Publishing Basics
Publication samples supplied by teacher or brought to class by students.
Various worksheets required for the assignments.
Suggested Components
Name: April Carpenter
Subject: CTE 6207 - Computer Skills & Applications
Date(s): Day 3
Lesson Topic: Understand business publicationsWithin Unit on: Desktop Publishing – Basics
Unit Essential Question(s):
How do I develop a publication designed to reach a specific group of people?
Time Frame for Lesson: 3 Sessions of 1 hour 20 minutes
Lesson Generalization(s):
There are principles of design and target audience characteristics to consider when developing a publication.
Lesson Essential Question(s):
- What are five design principles and why do they exist?
- What are four characteristics of the target audience that affect the design and development of publications?
- What publication is the most effective means for communicating information to the selected audience and for the selected topic?
CCSS/Objectives for the Lesson:
Essential Standards:
Understand business publications
I. Design Principles
White space
II. Target Audience
Educational Background
Group Memberships
III. Purpose of Publication
Business card
Letterhead stationary
Newsletter / How to incorporate design principles into a publication.
How to identify the target audience and why it’s importance when developing a publication.
How to develop a publication designed to advertise, educate, or inform the target audience. / Identify target audience
Identify and provide contact information into a publication
Develop a publication designed to advertise, educate, or inform a target audience.
Interdisciplinary Connections:
Language Arts: Editorials
Knowledge of Students:
Students will be grouped into 5 teams – Endeavor, Discovery, Columbia, and Atlantis.
The teams are composed based on the EOG determined reading strengths of the students.
Endeavor team performs at the highest levels and includes the TD students – Reading III & IV.
Discovery team performs at the average levels and includes EC-OH students – Reading III.
Columbia team performs at the lower levels and require additional modeling – Reading II & III.
Atlantis team performs at a low level and requires additional guidance/modeling – Reading I & II.
2 students are EC-IDMI and will need one-on-one assistance.
2 students are EC-OH students and will need additional encouragement to remain with the task.
Time / Activating Strategy/Link to Prior Knowledge/Warm-up:
10 minutes /
- Students will rotate to centers established with multiple examples of the publications that were demonstrated in the previous class. Students will use their notes as they rotate to the various centers. Students will update their notes as necessary.
Differentiated Activating Strategy
The learning environment will be designed with flexible grouping and learning centers that students will rotate through.
Time / Lesson/ Content/ Process Activity
40 min /
- This activity began on day 2. Students will remain in their learning teams as we continue a Group Investigation activity. Students will engage in a project that generates an end product.
- Atlantis team will investigate the Business Card, develop it, and prepare to share with the class. Atlantis team will answer the following questions:
- Is the font and color scheme used in the business card for this activity appropriate for the target audience? Why/why not?
- Why is knowledge of the target audience an important design consideration?
- Why would the owner of the shop need a business card?
- Columbia team will investigate the Letterhead Stationery, develop it,and prepare to share with the class. Columbia team will answer the following questions:
- Ask students for examples of situations in which the flower shop owner could use letterhead stationery.
- Ask for student responses as to the differences and similarities between a business card and letterhead stationery
- Discovery team will investigate the Flyer and Brochure, develop it, and prepare to share with the class. Discovery team will answer the following questions:
- Ask students for additional examples of how the owner of the flower shop would use a flyer
- The team will discussion how the design principles are used in this activity (uses of proximity, white space, font styles, and font sizes, color scheme), the purpose of a newsletter, and the characteristics of the target audience.
- Endeavor team will investigate the Brochure and Newsletter, develop it, and prepare to share with the class. Team should decide who will approach the newsletter and who will approach the brochure. Endeavor team will answer the following questions:
- Students should record the answers about the differences and similarities between brochures, newsletters, and flyers to share with the class.
- The team will discuss the design principles, purpose of the brochure, and characteristics of the target audience.
10 min /
- Distribute the Publications Characteristics graphic organizer to the teams.
- Students should use a unique symbol to identify characteristics that are common between two or more publications.
- Facilitate a class discussion about the differences and similarities of each publication
Differentiated Content
Content is differentiated by learning teams.
Students will engage in an assignment that generates a differentiated end product.
Differentiated Process
Teams are differentiated by reading ability levels, ability to work in a group setting, and teacher observations. Teams will work collaboratively to ensure the team members complete their worksheets. Students will engage in an activating Cubing strategy. Students will engage in a Think-Pair-Share activity.
Adaptations for Inclusion:
Students will be given options to reach success based on their specific abilities and plan for adaptation. Students that need additional assistance may work one on one with the teacher or with another student.
Time / Summarizing Activity/Closure (each day if lesson extends more than one day)
5 min / Summarizing Activity – Students will consolidate the teams’ resources and turn in for assessment.
Differentiated Summarizing Activity/Closure
Products/Assessment: Student products listed below will be assessed.
- What Publication Am I?
- Business card
- Letterhead stationary
- Flyer
- Brochure
- Newsletter
- Publications Characteristics graphic organizer
Differentiated Products
- What Publication Am I?
- Business card
- Letterhead stationary
- Flyer
- Brochure
- Newsletter
- Publications Characteristics graphic organizer
Materials and Resource:
PPT 5.00 Desktop Publishing Basics
Publication samples supplied by teacher or brought to class by students.
Various worksheets required for the assignments.
Computer Skills and ApplicationsSummer 2011Page 1