Computer Networking Questions
- How do Cloud providers increase the reliability of their storage options?
- In AWS, what additional security features are available in VPC?
- Given x.y.z.q/r Determine the number of hosts, the network address, the first and last host addresses
- Regulatory compliance requires that operating systems be supported.
- How does this impact free linux distributions?
- How are RHEL and CentOS different?
- In linux, what is the default, super user account name?
- What is the CLI linux command to shutdown or restart the OS?
- What is a linux script?
- What are the specific steps to create and run a script?
- Write a simple script to:
- Save the results of ls -la to a file
- Ping
- Rename a directory
- Linux permissions
- How are Linux permissions formatted?
- Be able to change the permissions for a file to a specified setting
- How do you launch a script from the CLI?
- How can you determine what network interfaces are available on a linux machine?
- How can you turn an Ethernet interface on/off, set the IP
- Nano editor
- Create, edit and save a file
- What is the default linux shell?
- How can you display the online help file for a linux command?
- How can you run a command that requires elevated privileges in linux?
- What is Webmin?
- What can you do with it?
- How do you access it?
- What is the difference between redirection and a pipe?
- Puttygen
- What does it do?
- How do you use it?
- In VMware, what is the difference in the network settings between bridged and NAT? Other than examining the VMware settings, how could you determine which was being used?
- What is jitter, as it relates to IP packets? How is jitter calculated?
- In a AWS Type 2 VPC, what was the purpose of using NAT between the servers?
- Should all of the servers reach the Internet? Explain
- If a computer you were trying to “ping” didn’t respond, how would you troubleshoot that. Assume the destination node is in the cloud. Assume your firewall wasn’t blocking ICMP
- You are logged into a linux machine, with the username user1, you are a standard user. You can’t open a file for editing. What would you do? Explain your troubleshooting process
- How is the ls command different from ls –la ?
- Contrast ILEC and CLECs.
- How are the different.
- Why would someone choose to buy services from one over the other.
- Who is responsible for the local loop?
- Contrast the use of a Channel Bank as compared to a T1-PRI interface?
- Why would a company use a SIP trunk? When would it make sense to use a SIP trunk?
- What is Caller-ID spoofing?
- What is the meaningful advantage of using PoE with VoIP phones compared with using the AC power adapter?
- How does a phone get its config from a TFTP server.
- How does that work?
- How does the phone learn about a TFTP server?
- Explain common VoIP terms:
- Adaptive jitter buffer
- Latency
- Jitter
- Silence suppression
- CO
- Local loop
- T1
- Line appearance
- Explain the majorPBX features
- a. ACD
- b. IVR
- c. Least Cost Routing
- What are the potential issues with using a Hosted PBX