Computer Networking Questions

  1. How do Cloud providers increase the reliability of their storage options?
  2. In AWS, what additional security features are available in VPC?
  3. Given x.y.z.q/r Determine the number of hosts, the network address, the first and last host addresses
  4. Regulatory compliance requires that operating systems be supported.
  5. How does this impact free linux distributions?
  6. How are RHEL and CentOS different?
  7. In linux, what is the default, super user account name?
  8. What is the CLI linux command to shutdown or restart the OS?
  9. What is a linux script?
  10. What are the specific steps to create and run a script?
  11. Write a simple script to:
  12. Save the results of ls -la to a file
  13. Ping
  14. Rename a directory
  15. Linux permissions
  16. How are Linux permissions formatted?
  17. Be able to change the permissions for a file to a specified setting
  18. How do you launch a script from the CLI?
  19. How can you determine what network interfaces are available on a linux machine?
  20. How can you turn an Ethernet interface on/off, set the IP
  21. Nano editor
  22. Create, edit and save a file
  23. What is the default linux shell?
  24. How can you display the online help file for a linux command?
  25. How can you run a command that requires elevated privileges in linux?
  26. What is Webmin?
  27. What can you do with it?
  28. How do you access it?
  29. What is the difference between redirection and a pipe?
  30. Puttygen
  31. What does it do?
  32. How do you use it?
  33. In VMware, what is the difference in the network settings between bridged and NAT? Other than examining the VMware settings, how could you determine which was being used?
  34. What is jitter, as it relates to IP packets? How is jitter calculated?
  35. In a AWS Type 2 VPC, what was the purpose of using NAT between the servers?
  36. Should all of the servers reach the Internet? Explain
  37. If a computer you were trying to “ping” didn’t respond, how would you troubleshoot that. Assume the destination node is in the cloud. Assume your firewall wasn’t blocking ICMP
  38. You are logged into a linux machine, with the username user1, you are a standard user. You can’t open a file for editing. What would you do? Explain your troubleshooting process
  39. How is the ls command different from ls –la ?
  40. Contrast ILEC and CLECs.
  41. How are the different.
  42. Why would someone choose to buy services from one over the other.
  43. Who is responsible for the local loop?
  44. Contrast the use of a Channel Bank as compared to a T1-PRI interface?
  45. Why would a company use a SIP trunk? When would it make sense to use a SIP trunk?
  46. What is Caller-ID spoofing?
  47. What is the meaningful advantage of using PoE with VoIP phones compared with using the AC power adapter?
  48. How does a phone get its config from a TFTP server.
  49. How does that work?
  50. How does the phone learn about a TFTP server?
  51. Explain common VoIP terms:
  52. Adaptive jitter buffer
  53. Latency
  54. Jitter
  55. Silence suppression
  56. SIP
  57. CO
  58. ILEC
  59. CLEC
  60. LATA
  61. Local loop
  62. PSTN
  63. T1
  64. POTS
  65. CODEC
  66. DTMF
  67. Line appearance
  68. FXO
  69. FXS
  70. Explain the majorPBX features
  71. a. ACD
  72. b. IVR
  73. c. Least Cost Routing
  74. What are the potential issues with using a Hosted PBX