Computer Network and Internet Acceptable Usage Policy

Learners are responsible for good behaviour when using the school’s network. The internet is provided for learners to conduct research in support of their studies. Instant Messaging (IM) or E-mail (if available) is provided to “allow a reasonable” amount of communication with others, as determined by the supervising teacher. Please remember that access is a privilege, not a right, and that access requires responsibility and adherence to the values of our school’s mission statement.

General Network and Computer Rules

Access to the network should only be made through each learner’s authorised account and password, which should not be made available to any other person.

The Following Are Not Permitted

  1. Install or attempt to install programs of any type.
  2. Use the network to access inappropriate material such as pornographic, racist or offensive material of any type of non-education related material.
  3. Damage, disable or affect the current operation of computers.
  4. Eat or drink in any computer room.
  5. Remove mouse balls.
  6. Disconnect any cables or power leads in any computer room.
  7. Use the network for personal financial gain, gambling or advertising.
  8. Trespass in other learners’ folders, work or files.
  9. Use the school’s computer system to play non-educational games, or use “chat” programs, bulletin boards, user groups, etc.
  10. Intentionally waste limited resources – printing pages of information not related to school work.
  11. Use of USB drivers without being checked for viruses before use.

Internet Rules

All internet activity should be for study purposes only, unless otherwise authorised/ supervised. Learners are expected to respect the work and ownership rights of people outside the school as well as learners and staff.

The Following Are Not Permitted

  1. Download, send or print or otherwise transmit or gain access to material, which is unlawful, obscene, abusive, racist or disrespectful to others.
  2. Violate copyright laws or engage in chat activities over the internet.

E-Mail Rules

Users are responsible for all e-mails sent, and for contacts made which may result in an e-mail being received. As e-mail can be forwarded or inadvertently be sent to the wrong person, respectful levels of language and content should be applied as for letters and other media. General online precautions should always be taken. To avoid Phishing/scamming/malaware users should only open attachments id received from a trusted source. If you suspect that an attachment, e-mail, or other material sent to you, which you want to download, might contain a virus, you must not open the attachment or download the material without speaking to the supervising teacher or Head of ICT/Helpdesk to arrange a virus check.

The Following Are Not Permitted

  1. Use of obscene language
  2. Posting anonymous messages and forwarding chain letters
  3. Sending or displaying offensive messages or pictures
  4. Use e-mail to harass, insult or attack others
  5. Give out personal details such as address or telephone number


Violations of these rules can result in withdrawal of access to ICT resources and will result in disciplinary action deemed appropriate by the school or possibly other appropriate agencies.

Use of digital images - photography and video

To comply with the Data Protection Act 1998, we need your permission before we can photograph or make recordings of your daughter.

We follow the following rules for any external use of digital images:

If the student is named, we avoid using their photograph.

If their photograph is used, we avoid naming the student.

Where showcasing examples of students work we only use their first names, rather than their full names.

If showcasing digital video work to an external audience, we take care to ensure that students aren't referred to by name on the video, and that students’ full names aren't given in credits at the end of the film.

Only images of students in suitable dress are used.

Staff are not allowed to take photographs or videos on their personal equipment.

Examples of how digital photography and video may be used include:

  • Your child being photographed (by the classroom teacher, teaching assistant or another child) as part of a learning activity;e.g. photographing children at work and then sharing the pictures on the Interactive whiteboard in the classroom allowing the children to see their work and make improvements.
  • Your child’s image for presentation purposes around the school;e.g. in school wall displays and PowerPoint presentations to capture images around the school or in the local area as part of a project or lesson.
  • Your child’s image being used in a presentation about the school and its work in order to share its good practice and celebrate its achievements, which is shown to other parents, schools or educators; e.g. within a CDROM / DVD or a document sharing good practice; in our school prospectus or on our school website. In rare events, your child’s could appear in the media if a newspaper photographer or television film crew attend an event.

Note: If we, or you, actually wanted your child’s image linked to their name we would contact you separately for permission, e.g. if your child won a national competition and wanted to be named in local or government literature.

Further information for parents on e-Safety can be found at:

I. E-safety Agreement Form: Parents

Parent/Carer name: ______

Student name: ______Form: ______

As the parent or legal guardian of the above pupil(s), I grant permission for my daughter to have access to use theInternet, E-mail* and otherICT facilities at school.

I know that my daughter son has signed an e-safety agreement form and that they have a copy of the 12 ‘rules for responsible ICT use’.

I accept that ultimately the school cannot be held responsible for the nature and content of materials accessed through the Internet and mobile technologies, but I understand that the school will take every reasonable precaution to keep students safe and to prevent students from accessing inappropriate materials. These steps include using an educationally filtered service, restricted access e-mail*, employing appropriate teaching practice and teaching e-safety skills to pupils.

I understand that the school can check my daughter’s computer files, and the Internet sites she visits, and that if they have concerns about her e-safety or
e-behaviour that they will contact me.

I will support the school by promoting safe use of the Internet and digital technology at home and will inform the school if I have any concerns over my daughter’s e-safety.

Parent/Carer signature: ______

Date: ___/___/___

Use of digital images - photography and video: I also agree to the school using photographs of my daughter or including them in video material, as described in the document ‘Use of digital images - photography and video’. I have read and understood this document. I understand that images will only be used to support learning activities or in publicity that reasonably promotes the work of the school, and for no other purpose.

Parent/Carer signature: ______
Date: ___/___/___


Keeping safe: stop, think, before you click!

12 rules for responsible ICT use

These rules will keep everyone safe and help us to be fair to others.

  • I will only use the school’s computers for schoolwork and homework.
  • I am aware that a member of the Strategic Leadership Team or ICT Team can view my computer screen at any time without me knowing about it.
  • I am aware that I should not expect that my work and emails would always be private.
  • I will only delete my own files.
  • I will not look at other people’s files without their permission.
  • I will keep my login and password secret.
  • I will not bring files into school without permission.
  • I will ask permission from a member of staff before using the Internet and will not visit Internet sites I know to be banned by the school.
  • I will only e-mail people I know, or my teacher has approved.
  • The messages I send, or information I upload, will always be polite and sensible.
  • I will not open an attachment, or download a file, unless I have permission or I know and trust the person who has sent it.
  • I will not give my home address, phone number, send a photograph or video, or give any other personal information that could be used to identify me, my family or my friends, unless my teacher has given permission.
  • I will never arrange to meet someone I have only ever previously met on the Internet or by email or in a chat room, unless my parent, guardian or teacher has given me permission and I take a responsible adult with me.
  • If I see anything I am unhappy with or I receive a message I do not like, I will not respond to it but I will tell a teacher / responsible adult.

Student signature: ______Date: ___/___/___


St. Anne’s Catholic High School for Girls –Safeguarding: E Safety Policy – Reviewed December 2011