Computer Class Rules and Procedures

Computer Class Rules and Procedures

Class Rules and Procedures

Teacher: Dr. Kerby

The purpose of these rules and procedures is not to punish you or to make your life more difficult. It is to create the best environment for learning. Following these rules and procedures will help the class run more smoothly and serve the best interests of the class as a whole.

What is expected of you:

  1. Arrive on time. This means that when the bell rings you are at your seat. You will earn an after-school detention if you are late three times.
  2. When you first come into the room, look at the board and see what the At the Bell and Objectives are. If there is a handout you need to pick up that day, it will be mentioned.
  3. Check your computer at the beginning and end of each class period. If anything is not right, let me know right away.
  4. Before you leave, log off the computer, make sure your area is neat, and push in your chair.
  5. Review your notes regularly.

Graded work:

  1. Make sure your full name is neatly written in the designated area.
  2. Make sure to complete all of your written work using your own words. If you copy someone else's words, I do not know you understand the content of them.
  3. Hand in your work on time and in the correct location.
  4. Late work will not be accepted.
  5. If you were absent, you have one day to make up that day’swork, including At the Bell, for each day you were absent. Complete the current day's assignment first. Makeup work is to be done on your own time.Examples:
  6. You are absentMondayreturningTuesday. DoTuesday'swork on Tuesday. Monday’s work is due by Wednesday
  7. You are absentMondayandTuesday, returningWednesday. Do Wednesday’s
    workon Wednesday. Work fromMondayandTuesdayis due byFriday.

A note onAt the Bells: These should be completed when the bell rings each day. If you are absent, complete the At the Bell the day you return to school. Make sure to show me the work.


  1. You are responsible for getting notes and make up work if you miss class for any reason, and for getting work handed in on time.
  2. Leave gym bags, coats, backpacks, and headphones at home or in your locker. You are not permitted to have them in the classroom.
  3. Never bring food or drink in the computer lab.Food and beverages are not allowed because of cleanliness and sanitary issues. No exceptions. If you have a doctor's note allowing you to have food or beverages in the classroom, I have a designated area where they can be kept.
  4. As per school policy, no students are allowed to make outside calls on the classroom phone. You can use the phone in the main office before and after school and during your lunch.
  5. Any use of a cell phone is not permitted.
  6. Assignments not completed during class time should be finished for homework.
  7. ASK FOR HELP!!! Please do not be afraid to ask for help. When you need help, just raise your hand. If I am busy with another student, please wait until I am finished.

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