Name: ______Date: ______

Computer Applications II
Word – Chapter 6


  1. Many file management tasks can be completed at the ______dialog box and some at the ______dialog box.
  1. Keyboards contain a Print Screen key that you can use to capture the contents of the screen in to a ______.
  1. When you press the Print Screen key, the screen image is captured in a file that is inserted in the ______.
  1. Word documents should be grouped ______and placed in folders.
  1. The main folder on a storage medium is called the ______.
  1. You can create additional ______within the root folder.
  1. A folder name can contain a maximum of ______characters.
  1. When two left-pointing arrows display before a folder, it indicates that the folder is a ______within a folder.
  1. To select several adjacent documents, click the first document, hold down the ______key, and then click the last document.
  1. To select several non-adjacent documents, click the first document, hold down the ______key, click any other desired documents.
  1. Documents deleted from the hard drive are automatically sent to the ______.
  1. If you accidentally send a document to the Recycle Bin, it can be easily ______.
  1. The Recycle Bin is located on the ______desktop.
  1. You can copy a document to another folder without opening the document by using the ______and ______options from the Organize button drop-down list or the ______menu at the Open or Save As dialog box.
  1. You can remove a document from one folder and insert it in another folder using the ______and ______from the Organize button drop-down list or the shortcut menu at the Open dialog box.
  1. Use the ______option from the Organize button drop-down list to give a document a different name.
  1. When you use the Rename option, a ______border surrounds the document name and the name to be selected.
  1. You can open multiple documents by positioning the arrow pointer on one of the selected documents, right click the mouse button, and then click ______at the shortcut menu.
  1. There are several options when you click the Send Using E-mail option. You can
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. To send a document as an attachment, you need to have an ______email account set up.
  1. PDF stands for ______.
  1. A PDF is a document format developed by ______systems.
  1. XPS stands for ______.
  1. XML stands for ______.
  1. ______is a file storage and sharing service that allows you to upload files that can be accessed from a web browser.
  1. To save a document to SkyDrive, you need a ______account.
  1. ______is a collection of products and software that includes a number of components.
  1. When saving a document as a blog post, you must type a ______for the blog post before you click the Publish button in the Blog Post tab.
  1. The maximum number of documents that you can have open at one time depends on the ______of your computer system and the amount of ______in each document.
  1. The keyboard shortcut to switch between open documents is
    ______+ ______.
  1. When a document is open, a Word button displays on the ______.
  1. If you have more than one document open, the word button on the Taskbar displays another layer in a ______manner.
  1. If you hover the mouse over the Word button on the Taskbar, it will cause ______of all of the documents to display above the button.
  1. By clicking the ______button in the View tab allows you to see a portion of all opened documents on a screen.
  1. The ______button in the active document window lets you make the window smaller.
  1. When you divide a window into two parts on the screen, each part is called a ______.
  1. Use the ______button in the View tab to divide a document into two windows.
  1. Instead of using the Split button in the View tab, another way of splitting a window into two parts is using the ______.
  1. When a window is split, the insertion point is positioned in the ______pane.
  1. There are 3 ways to remove a split. They are:
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. If you want to compare the contents of two documents, click the ______button in the Window group.
  1. By default, ______scrolling is active.
  1. If you want to insert the contents of one document into another, use the ______button in the Text group in the Insert tab.
  1. When you display the Print tab Backstage View, a preview of the page where the ______is positioned is displayed.
  1. With options in the Settings category of the Print tab Backstage view, you can do the following:
  1. Specify what ______of the pages you want to print.
  1. Change the ______.
  1. Specify how you want the pages ______.
  1. Choose a page ______.
  1. Specify ______.
  1. Specify how many ______you want to print on a page.
  1. The keyboard shortcut to launch the Print tab Backstage view is ______+ ______.
  1. To send a document directly to the printer, use the ______button on the Quick Access Toolbar.
  1. If you want to print specific pages, use a ______to indicate and, (Example 2 and 5 = 2,5).
  1. If you want to print specific pages, use a ______to indicate through, (Example 2 thru 5 = 2-5).
  1. Printing ______pages is helpful for assembly but takes more printing time.
  1. Use the ______tab to set up text to be printed on an envelope.
  1. If you enter a return address before printing the envelope, Word will display a question. What is that question?



  1. In the Envelopes and Labels dialog box, the ______sample box shows how the envelope will appear when printed.
  1. In the Envelopes and Labels dialog box, the ______sample box shows how the envelope should be inserted into the printer.
  1. When addressing envelopes, consider following general guidelines issued by the ______.
  1. When entering addresses in a label form, use the ______key to advance the insertion point to the next label.
  1. Pressing ______+ ______will move the insertion point to the preceding label.
  1. With Word templates, you can easily create a variety of documents, such as ______, ______, and ______.