FOG Abatement Program
Compliance Schedule
For Stamford’s Class III and Class IV
Food Service Establishment
Dear Owner/Operator:
This packet of material has been prepared in an effort to provide assistance for the Owner/Operators of Stamford’s Class III and Class IV Food Service Establishments to bring their facility in compliance with Stamford’s FOG Abatement Ordinance, the State of CT DEEP General Permit for the Discharge of Wastewaters Associated with Food Service Establishments, and the Stamford Water Pollution Control Compliance Policies and Procedures.
Please read the information in this packet. All Owner/Operators of Class III and Class IV Food Service Establishments (FSE’s) in Stamford are required register their facility with the SWPCA FOG Abatement Program. Owner/Operators who have previously registered their FSE with Stamford’s FOG Abatement Program are required to complete and resubmit an updated registration form. The enclosed Registration Application shall be completed, signed, and returned to SWPCA within the time frame specified below.
All Owner/Operators of Class III and Class IV Food Service Establishments (FSE’s) in Stamford are also required to establish in writing, a FOG Abatement Plan for their facility. Once completed, the FOG Abatement Plan shall be submitted to SWPCA for approval. Upon approval, the FOG Abatement Plan shall be implemented at the Food Service Establishment. The Plan shall be detailed and designed to minimize FOG discharge into the City’s sanitary sewer and stormwater conveyance systems. The Plan shall also be detailed and designed to bring the Food Service Establishment in compliance with current regulations. A copy of the approved plan shall be posted and provided to all employees at the facility. Please feel free to contact SWPCA in the event you require assistance developing a FOG Abatement Plan for your facility. However, it is the responsibility of the FSE Owner/Operator to prepare a plan worthy of SWPCA approval and implement that plan at their facility within the time frame specified below.
The Stamford Water Pollution Control is also available to conduct on-site training workshops to assist Owner/Operators and Managers with education for the employees at the facility. If you would like to schedule a training workshop, please call the FOG Abatement Program at 203-977-4790. Efforts will be made to accommodate a time when it is convenient for all employees to attend and at a time when there will be little or no disruption to the operation of the Food Service Establishment.
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FSE Compliance Schedule
Class III and Class IVFood Service Establishments / Registration
Application Completed and
Submitted to SWPCA / Written FOG
Abatement Plan
Completed and Submitted to SWPCA for Approval / Implement SWPCA Approved FOG Abatement Plan
Previously Registered and Unregistered FSE’s currently in Operation and where there is no active Building Permit for the Facility. / Within 30 days of receipt of this notice / Within 30 days of receipt of this notice / Within 60 days of receipt of this notice
Previously Registered and Unregistered FSE’s currently in Operation and where there is an active Building Permit for an alteration, renovation, or addition to the facility. / Prior to Certificate
of Occupancy / Prior to Certificate
of Occupancy / Immediately Upon Approval to Operate
New Food Service Establishments / Prior to approval to operate / Prior to approval to operate / Immediately Upon Approval to Operate
Change in Ownership of FSE / Prior to approval to operate / Prior to approval to operate / Immediately Upon Approval to Operate
Should you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact my office at 203-977-4790 or you may reach me by e-mail at .
Jane Gibeault
Regulatory Compliance Inspector
cc: Stephen Pietrzyk, Collection Systems Supervisor
Debora Miller, Inspector III, Stamford Health Dept.
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Stamford WPCA, 111 Harbor View Ave., Stamford, CT 06902