

Task Overview:

The purpose of this mapping exercise is for you to identify a variety of locations that are considered current “hot spots” for environmental and resource management issues. This is a formative task. You will receive feedback to improve your mapping skills, as your map will be used throughout the rest of the course as a reference and as a study guide for an upcoming summative quiz. You may choose to do this map digitally. If you prefer this method, ask the teacher for instructions.

You will create an annotated map with a detailed legend that uses a lettering system to identify each location and then a short explanation of the issue in the legend. Only shade the locations you are labeling. See the legend example:

Complete the following using the world map provided.

  1. Follow correct mapping guidelines

Before you begin labeling, put the following on your map:

If the map is missing a border, draw a uniform 1 cm border using a ruler

A north arrow

Your name in the bottom right corner

A “Legend” contained in a box. You need to follow the number system below to keep your map organized.

A second box with the title “Source.” Inside the box, list all resources that you use to complete the map. Format alphabetically by surname and include the title of the source, the city of publication and the year.

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c/o L. Mulrine-Gorman

Modified by M. Faizi and L. Percy


  1. “Hot Spot” Locations

Locate and label the following countries on your map:

A-Alaska and the Arctic: Melting glaciers

B-Canada: Emerald Ash Borer attacking trees

C-Madagascar: Lemurs’ habitat threatened by deforestation

D-Southern California: Wildfires due to hotter and drier temperatures

E-Philippines: Severe flooding from typhoons

F-Gulf of Mexico: Number of cat. 4-5 hurricanes doubled in US since 1970s

G-Amazon Rainforest: Deforestation of the largest rainforest in the world

H-United Kingdom: Epic flooding in recent years owing to climate change

I-Ethiopia: Drought due to 30% decrease in rainfall in recent decades

J-Beijing: Worst air quality in the world

K-India: Severe poaching of Bengal tigers

L-Japan: Severe poaching of whales and sharks

M-Kenya: Severe poaching of elephants and rhinos

N-Australia: Severe coral bleaching and ocean pollution from overfishing and oil drilling

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  1. Major Water Bodies

Locate and label the following bodies of water:

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c/o L. Mulrine-Gorman

Modified by M. Faizi


Atlantic Ocean

Pacific Ocean

Indian Ocean

Arctic Ocean

Southern Ocean

Caribbean Sea

Gulf of Mexico

Persian Gulf

North Sea

Bering Sea

Mediterranean Sea

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c/o L. Mulrine-Gorman

Modified by M. Faizi


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c/o L. Mulrine-Gorman

Modified by M. Faizi



Have a peer evaluate your work to see how you can improve next time.

Mapping Guidelines

Did the student include the following on his/her map? (1 mark for those that apply)

1 cm border using a ruler

A north arrow

Name in the bottom right corner

A “Legend” contained in a box. Number system is respected in the legend.

A second box with the title “Source.” Inside the box, all sources that were used to complete the map appear. Format alphabetically by surname and include the title of the source, the city of publication and the year.

Neatness and organization: Is the map clear, legible and organized?

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c/o L. Mulrine-Gorman

Modified by M. Faizi and L. Percy


“Hot Spot” Locations and Annotations

Are all of the following locations accurately identified and included in the legend? (Check those that apply. Highlight those that need revision)

A - Alaska and the Arctic: Melting glaciers

B - Canada: Emerald Ash Borer attaching trees

C-Madagascar: Lemurs’ habitat threatened by deforestation

D-Southern California: Wildfires due to hotter and drier temperatures

E-Philippines: Severe flooding from typhoons

F-Gulf of Mexico: Number of cat. 4-5 hurricanes doubled in US since 1970s

G-Amazon Rainforest: Deforestation of the largest rainforest in the world

H-United Kingdom: Epic flooding in recent years owing to climate change

I-Ethiopia: Drought due to 30% decrease in rainfall in recent decades

J-Beijing: Worst air quality in the world

K-India: Severe poaching of Bengal tigers

L-Japan: Severe poaching of whales and sharks

M-Kenya: Severe poaching of elephants and rhinos

N-Australia: Severe coral bleaching and ocean pollution from overfishing and oil drilling

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Major Water Bodies

Has the student accurately located and labeled the following bodies of water?:

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c/o L. Mulrine-Gorman

Modified by M. Faizi


Atlantic Ocean

Pacific Ocean

Indian Ocean

Arctic Ocean

Southern Ocean

Caribbean Sea

Gulf of Mexico

Persian Gulf

North Sea

Bering Sea

Mediterranean Sea

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c/o L. Mulrine-Gorman

Modified by M. Faizi


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