More information
/Please return completed form to:
Please contact the Waste & Facilities OfficerPhone:03 5760 2600
Email: / In person: Customer Service Centre, 1 Bridge Street East Benalla
By post: PO Box 227 Benalla VIC 3671
By fax: To 03 5762 5537
By email: Scan and send to
Date of application: / Council property number: / A
Property address:
Name of applicant:
Name of property owner:
Postal address:
Phone number: / Email:
Complete only if you are requesting a replacement bin:
Downsizing is only available in May of each year.Upsizing is available at any time and additional charges will apply (except for recycle bins)
Circle the bin/s to be replaced: Waste Recycle Organics Previous Size: ______lt
Bin/s required: / Waste: 80lt
240lt / Recycle: 120lt
360lt / Organics: 80lt 120lt
Reason for replacement (please circle): Damaged / Missing / Stolen / Upsizing / Downsizing
Complete only if you are requesting or cancelling additional bins:
Additional charges apply*
Only applies to properties that have bins over & above the minimum suite or the property is uninhabitable**
request for new request to cancel reason for cancellation ______
Annual Cost
Organics / 80lt / 120lt / 240lt / $178.00Waste / 80lt / 120lt / 240lt / $142.00
Recycle / 120lt / 240lt / 360lt / $121.00
Complete only if you are requesting or cancelling a paid weekly service:
recycle only available to commercial operatorsrequest for new request to cancel Annual Cost
Waste / 80lt / 120lt / 240lt / $157.00
Recycle / 120lt / 240lt / 360lt / $98.00
Name: / Signature: / Application No: