
Buskerud and Vestfold University College
application form

Complete on PC, print out, sign and submit to Buskerud and Vestfold University College, PO Box 235, 3603 Kongsberg, Norway within two months after commencement of PhD study.

1. Personal data
Surname: / First name: / Personal identification number (11 digits). If Norwegian PIN number has not been allocated, please enter date of birth (
Address: / Female Male
Postal code, city and country: / Citizenship:
Mobile telephone:
2. Higher education; bachelor and master degrees (Certified copies must be enclosed)
Type of education:
(i.e Bachelor in Economics) / Teaching institution: / Graduation semester and year
3. Knowledge of English (only to be completed by international applicants)
A good command of English is required from all who attend the PhD program. International applicants must verify this. The following applicants will be considered to fit with this profile:
  • Applicants whose native language is English
  • Applicants with a qualifying master degree from a Nordic (Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Finnish ore Icelandic) institution
  • Applicants with a qualifying master degree where the language of tuition was English
All other applicants must take TOEFL.
Tick below and enclose certified copies
TOEFL test (See score requirement) Institution code: 6536
Native language is English
The applicants have passed a Bachelor or Master degree (or equivalent) from their native country with English as the language of instruction
Applicants with a qualifying master degree from a Nordic (Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Finnish ore Icelandic) institution
Applicants with a master degree from outside the Nordic countries are required to take a GMAT.
GMAT test (See score requirement)Applicants must request an official copy of their GMAT scores and enclose this with the application. Student records will be treated confidentially.
5. Relevant professional experience after completing Bachelor/Master degree (enclose verification)
Name of company / Work description/duties / From ( / To
6. Employer during the PhD study
University/Company name and address: / Since:
( / Work description/duties:
7. Funding of the PhD study
From ( / To (
Employed by HBV as (state position):
Employed elsewhere. State name of firm/institution:
(Enclose copy of funding agreement with external institution )
8. Plan for thesis research:
Tentative title:
Describe briefly (maximum 10 lines) the research problem and the research plan (A research proposal 8-10 page must be enclosed with the application- see below):
9. Supervision
Proposed Supervisor from HBV:
Has the proposed supervisor been consulted Yes/No:
10. Research proposal for the thesis
Research proposal for the thesis is enclosed.
The research proposal shall be brief and concise, maximum ten pages.
The research proposalshall contain the following elements:
  • The candidate’s professional status, the candidate’s level of competence and an explanation of how the project will provide new and relevant knowledge to the given field of research.
  • Problem to be addressed, methodology and project goal. An account of expected outcome, preferably with verifiable hypotheses
  • Preliminary plan for data collection (source, methods and statistics)
  • List of partners, participation in meetings and conferences etc
  • Reference list (maximum 25 references)

11. Publication and copyrights

There shall be no limitations or restrictions to disclosure and publication of a doctoral thesis.

However, a maximum three months delay of publication may be granted, subject to prior agreement on commencement of the PhD study program.

The PhD candidate shall use a HBV Faculty/Institute as the address for all publications and other PhD program material.

All scientific literature resulting from the doctoral work may be used free of charge at HBV for educational and scientific purposes.

All results, methods, documents, software, biological material or other products produced or developed in connection with the doctoral work – hereafter referred to as output – shall remain the legal property of HBV, unless otherwise expressed in a copyright agreement attached to the application form.

According to the EmployeeInvention Act (Norway), PhD candidates employed by HBV are obliged to notify HBV about any patentable output resulting from the doctoral work. PhD candidates employed at other institutions similarly have such an obligation towards their employer. If the output results from technical assistance from a supervisor, then the parties must define their respective share in the patentable output.

19. Signatures

Place / …………………………………
Date / …………………………………
Signature of PhD candidate

Application approved:

Place / ……………………
Date / …………………………………
12. Appendix
List of documents to be submitted with the application:
Project description for the thesis
Certified copy listing the syllabus of the master’s degree program or similar (provided the Master’s Degree is fram a university outside Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland)
Certified copy of Diploma from Master’s Degree Program or similar
Certified copy of Diploma from Bachelor’s Degree Program or similar
List of documents to be submitted with the application – if required
Confirmation of previous employment
TOEFL or documented English proficiency (for foreign applicants)
GMAT(Applicants with a master degree from outside the Nordic countries are required to take a GMAT.)
Copies of work- and residence permits (for foreign applicants)
Official description of grading system used by the teaching institution where the degree was awarded (for universities outside Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland)
Confirmation of financial support for the PhD program or a copy of application for HBV stipend.
application form / Buskerud and Vestfold University College