Competitive Grant Application Narrative
- Organization Financially Responsible for Grant:
- Title of Grant Request:
- Request Amount:
Please use the format below to tell us about your project, deleting the instructive text as you complete the document.
- Organization’s Mission Statement:
- Project Summary: Up to 60 words.
Write a brief summary of your proposal. This section should concisely tell committee members about your project.
- Community Need: Up to 250 words.
Describe the nature, magnitude and urgency of the need. Please include specific information regarding how this issue impacts people, land or animals in Teton County. For scholarship funding requests, please address the size of the population not currently being served. If there are other organizations working in this area,what aspect of the issue remains unaddressed?
- Project Description: Up to 500 words.
Describe the project in detail and explain how your organization will use grant funds. What are you trying to accomplish? What other agencies, if any, are collaborating with you? If applicable, how will you coordinate your work with existing programs? What plans do you have to fund this work in the future?
- Scholarship Funding Requests:Up to 250 words.
If you are requesting funding for scholarships, please provide the additional data requested below.
- What is the goal of the scholarship program?
- What is the actual cost per participant for tuition, program fees & other expenses? Is the full cost charged to participants who do not receive financial assistance?” If not please identify the amount of the subsidy and why it is offered.
- What is the number and percentage of participants receiving scholarship assistance and what is the average scholarship amount?
- What is the current retention rate of scholarship participants?
- Are scholarship parents expected to volunteer? If not, why?
- Evaluation Criteria:Up to 250 words.
What criteria will you use to evaluate and measure the success of your work? How will you assess the degree to which you have impacted the community need?
- Supplemental Information:
Please provide the additional data requested below.
- Does your organization receive government funding? If so, do you anticipate a reduction in funding in the coming year?
- For each of the past three years, list the number of Old Bill’s donations, not the dollar amount, received by your organization.
- What percentage of your current board members have received nonprofit specific training in the past 24 months?
- What percentage of your current board members have contributed financially to your organization in the past 12 months?
- List your current board members below (Please list the names only, no contact information or biographies required).
Once you have completed the narrative section, save it on your computer and return to the on-line application for upload directions.
Please save your document with the following name:“YourOrganizationNameNarrative.doc”
For example: “CommunityFoundationNarrative.doc”