

Competitions are for teams affiliated to the Gloucestershire Youth Football Association (GYFA) for players aged under 9, 10, 11 and 12 years only

New rules dictate that all players must be under the age of 9, 10, 11 or 12 as of the 31st August and should have their names and dates of birth registered with the league prior to playing.

Should any player be registered with a professional academy, they will not be allowed to play in the Mid Glos Mini Soccer League, players registered with centres of excellence are allowed to play following the correct release forms being received.

All normal football rules apply, except for the Mid Gloucestershire Mini-Soccer League rules which take precedence. The season runs from September through to April with a break between mid December and January.

A fixtures list will be drawn up for the beginning of the season by the League organisers. Cancellations and friendly matches to be arranged between clubs on a local level.

The results secretary must be notified of any relevant changes, which will effect the league table


The teams will play each other on a home and away basis with points awarded as follows:-

WIN = 4 points

DRAW = 2 points

LOSS = 1 point


The fixtures list is issued at the beginning of the season but any changes are dealt with between clubs. The intention of this mini-soccer league is to give as many children as
possible the opportunity to show their ability and learn new football skills.


Matches will normally be played on Saturday mornings with a 10.30 kick-off. Some mid-week matches will be arranged for early season fixtures.


At least ONE adult representative of each club will be in attendance at each match. The host club ensures adequate changing facilities and provides first aid cover and where
possible a qualified referee. In the event of a qualified referee not being available, both clubs will agree on a referee for the match and be joint signatories to a “Protection of the referee” statement. Any referee costs are to be covered by the host club. Each team to supply a competent linesman (who does not need to be qualified).
PLEASE NOTE - Referee’s are to control the game, not coach the game


Each club must assume responsibility for the behaviour of both its players and spectators, the GYFA are prepared to severely punish any club bringing the game into disrepute. Each club is required to produce a Code of Conduct and register a copy with the league.
Please respect the facilities being provided by your host club
Teams being reported fort bad behaviour will be spot checked and if the committee is not happy with what they have seen then the Manager / Coach will either be yellow or red carded, Yellow card meaning a final warning, Red card meaning a total ban from the Mid Gloucestershire Mini -Soccer League

7.Child Protection

Each club shall produce a Child Protection Policy and register a copy with the league.


The host club should provide results of each match by 5.30 on the day of the match, by telephone or text , to the league results secretary. Further detailed information to be submitted by both teams within 5 days by either submission via the web site or by results cards.

Please note penalties for non-compliance of the above
is detailed in the league rules.

9.On the field

a.Under 9’s to use a size 3 football when available (size 4 when not

available), Under 10 / 11 & 12’s to use size 4 footballs

b.Play will be 25 minutes each way, with a 5 minutes break for half time

c.There are NO offsides

d.In the event of a colour clash, the home team will change their kit.

e.There are 7 players per team, with a maximum of 14 registered players

f.7 nominated substitutes are allowed during a match, these may be “rolled”

and replayed if required

g.The pitches are to be marked as near as possible to the dimensions shown.

h.Mini-Soccer goals are used (6’ High x 12’ Wide) with nets. All goals must be properly pegged down and weighted as necessary.

i.Corners marked with posts. All markings made with white markings, not cones.

j.The rule concerning the time the goalkeeper can hold the ball does not apply.

k.All free kicks other than when awarded for infringements of the back pass rule are direct.

l.Correct footwear should be worn at all times, shin pads must be worn with socks pulled up.

  1. When taking free kicks and corners, all opposing players must be at least 9 feet away.


In the event of any form of dispute, a representative from each club will be required to attend a special meeting chaired by a member of the Mid Gloucestershire Mini-Soccer League Committee. The GYFA rule No 8 in respect of appeals can apply.


All disciplinary offences shall be reported to the GYFA by the referee/person in charge of the match. All bookings to be reported via the RESULTS CARDS / INTERNET RESULTS by the home team. The GYFA rule No 8 in respect of appeals can be used.

12.Competing in the League

All age groups are able to enter the league providing an annual subscription is received for each age group by the date stated on the registration forms for the following season. A fee of £30 should be sent to the League treasurer.


In the event of bad weather or non-availability of a pitch, it is the responsibility of the host club to contact the visiting club manager and cancel the match the night before a game , if a possible, or a minimum of 2 hours before kick-off. Should a backlog of games arise, Sunday / Evening games must be accommodated whenever possible.

The Results Secretary should be advised of a cancellation and newly agreed match date.

14.Mid Gloucestershire Mini Soccer League Championships

The final league position is determined on a points basis only. In the case of 2 or more teams being tied for the top two positions, then play-off games will decide final positions.

15.Cup Competitions

These are knockout competitions. A draw will be made and teams play through knockout rounds to a final. If scores are even at the end of a match, a period of a further 5 minutes each way will be played. If after this period there is still a tie, then the result is determined by the taking of penalty kicks (no replay)

All 7 players on the field of play at the end of extra time shall each take a penalty. In the event of penalties being equal, then the same players retake penalties on a sudden death basis.

Winners and runners-up will receive medals with the winners receiving a trophy to be

Returned at the end of the season.

16.Players having played for one team in a cup competition, cannot play for another in the same competition. No player can register for any club after 1st February ‘06

17.All fixtures must be re-arranged within 10 days, unless the committee decides to intervene. Please Note : All fixtures must be played