Company training plan



  • Introduction
  • Description of the Company
  • Functions within the company / organisational diagram
  • Important aspects for the company
  • Training issues
  • Training plan
  • Annexes


Training and further training of employees is seen today as more and more important for a healthy economic climate. It should be ensured that companies are in a position to deliver the quality goods and services that the market needs now and in future.

This company training plan provides first a general description of the company and a summary of the different functions, including descriptions and requirements. On the basis of this information, as well as personnel data, relevant training and courses have been selected.

Using these data the most important issues have been selected and priorities have been set for the coming period. These results have been written in the company training plan for the coming year.

Description of the company

The following tool is used to determine and describe the company profile.

Your answer
Which sector applies best to your main activity?
-Information and communication technology
-Climate technology
-Sanitary technology / -Metal technology
-(Electrical) installation technology
-Maintenance technology
-Forestry technology
Which work does your company do within the sector?
-Engineering (design and drawing)
-Production of final products
-Production of semi-finished products
-Service activities / -Maintenance
-Project management
-Education and training
What kind of recognition has your company received and for which activities?
What is your company certified for and according to which norm?
Other relevant aspects of data.

Functions within the company

In a company there are different kinds of functions. An organisational diagram displays how the tasks and powers are distributed formally inside the company.

The following tool can help to determine which functions exist within the company and who fulfils these functions.

Function categories / Function / Employee(s)
Management / 1.
Management support / 1.
Middle management / 1.
Shop Floor level / 1.
Technical support / 1.
Administration / 1.

Function descriptions

Function descriptions and requirements should be added to the company training plan in the annex.

Organisational diagram of the company

On the basis of the data describing the functions within the company an organisational diagram can be set up.

Important aspects for the company

Besides influences from the outside, that is environmental aspects and external relations, there are also processes within the company that influence the company’s development. A list of the factors that are of importance for the future development of the company is seen below. Based on these factors, one can determine which subjects need attention, when developing the company training plan.

Internal factors

The table below lists a few examples of internal factors that could apply in your company. Indicate in the columns to the right whether each factor is a strong or weak point.

Internal factors / Strength / Weakness
Employees / 1. Shortage of personnel
2. Technical know-how
3. Training policy
Automation / 1. Administration
2. Calculation
Organisation / 1. Flat organisation
2. short / direct lines
Tools / 1. Modern
2. Quantity
3. Calibrated measurement tools
4. Equipmentin the workplace
Recognitions / certifications / 1. Accredited training company
2. ISO 9001 / (quality management)
3. …
4. …
Other / 1.

External factors

The table below lists a few examples of external factors that could apply in your company. You can then indicate in the column to the right whether the factor is a threat or a challenge.

External factors / Challenge / Threat
Competition / 1. Building contractor
2. Project developers
3. Colleague companies
4. Non-recognised companies
Technology / 1. New materials / products
2. New technology
Government / Regulations / 1. Environmental laws
2. Working climate laws
3. ISO 9000
4. Recognition as training company
5. …
6. …
Market / 1. Growing demand on certain parts of the market
2. Shrinking market
3. Sub-contracted maintenance
4. Increasing attention for the environment
5. More advanced technologies
Other / 1.

Challenges and threats / strengths and weaknesses of the company

The chart below enables you to summarise the results of the internal and external factors.

Surroundings / Company
Threat / Weakness
Challenge / Strength

Based on the challenges and threats / strengths and weaknesses described in the table above, a number of policy choices can be formulated. These choices should incorporate the aspects that need extra attention in the future.

Examples of policy choices are:

Choice 1The main long term goal for the company is to continue along the current path.

Choice 2Service activities will be organised differently in future.

Choice 3To have enough skilled personnel in the future, it is necessary to implement an active recruitment policy.

Choice 4The choices the company makes for activities, where specific technical skills are necessary, will require policy in the field of training and upskilling.

Training subjects

Based on the strengths and weaknesses / challenges and threats and policy choices, if formulated, training subjects that need attention in the future can be selected. The table below lists some examples of training subjects that could be relevant for a company.

Training subjects / Function / name
Regulations / 1. Gas
2. Water
3. Electricity
Organisation / 1. Personnel policy
2. Marketing
3. Finances
4. Training
Automation / 1. Administration
2. Calculation
Quality management / 1. ISO 9001

Along with the choice of training subject, the reasons for the choice can be written. Examples follow:

Choice 1Quality management is an integral part of the business. ISO 9001 certification is an important part of this.

Choice 2Solar-energy is a relevant training subject, considering the growing demand for alternative energy supplies.

Choice 3To be able to guide the apprentices in their training, it is necessary to have knowledge of training and guidance of apprentices. Training of apprentices is necessary for there to be enough skilled personnel.

Choice 4Automation can not be ignored, especially regarding administration and technical calculations. Because a future expansion of the company is being considered, training in the subject of automation will promote development.

Training plan

Not all selected training subjects can be covered by a training course. It is also possible to transfer knowledge internally within the company. This is, for example, possible by combining the efforts of experienced and less experienced workers in a task.

Internal training

In the table below, you can indicate which internal trainings have been selected, on the basis of strengths and weaknesses / challenges and threats and possibly formulated policy choices. For implementation, agreements between the respective employees should be made.

Internal training / Trainer / Employee

External training

External training courses can also be chosen based on strengths and weaknesses / challenges and threats, and possibly formulated policy choices. There are different possibilities for external training:


The training of new employees is usually done via apprenticeship (depending on the possibilities of the country). This requires, as a minimum, one trainer and a certain number of guidance hours per month.

Training fund possibilities:

Depending on the country, there are possibilities for employees to receive grants for training from a training fund. Regulations differ in each country.

Manufacturer’s \ training courses:

Manufacturer’s training courses can be a part of the training plan. It is important to stay up-to-date with new developments. It is difficult, though, to implement these courses in the long term plan.

Other trainings:

If a training subject can’t be covered through one of the above-mentioned possibilities, other channels should be investigated.

Overview of external training courses

Name / Training (course) / No. of days / Investment

Total, exclusive of subsistence costs(per diem) / €
Coverage of costs via training funds / €
Investment from the company / €
Per diem costs (travel and subsistence costs) / €
Total investment of the company / €


On the next pages the function descriptions and requirements of the following functions are listed:

Department / Function / Name

October 2009 1 -