South East Tasmania
Small Grant Application 2013
/The CfC Small Grant program is now available in two funding tiers;
Tier oneGrant applications up to $5,000
Tier twoGrant applicationsup to $10,000
The Small Grant Program is open to local incorporated organisations in the Municipalities of Derwent Valley, Central Highlands, Southern Midlands, Brightonand Glamorgan/Spring Bay to initiate or develop activities that improve parenting and the resilience, health & wellbeing of families with children aged 0-12 years.
Visit CfC website:
Focus Areas
Incorporated Community Groups or Organisations are encouraged to apply for a grant in the following focus areas:
- Fathers and children aged 0-12 years
- Aboriginal families
- School holiday or after school activities for the 6 -12 year age group
- Activities that improve literacy, numeracy and school readiness
- Activities that improve health, nutrition and wellbeing
- Single and partnered parents affected by the transition to New Start Allowance
- Positive parenting
- Activities aimed at reducing social disadvantage (SEIFA and AEDI) for isolated and vulnerable families with children aged 0 -12 years
The Salvation Army Communities for Children small grant fundingis available for new activities or projects where no other application has been lodged with other funding program or source. We are not able to support the following:
- Scholarships or Bursaries
- Fundraising drives
- Duplication of existing programs or projects
- Upgrade or improve buildings
- Wages and/or salaries orpersonal travel
- Individuals with a business benefit
Please note that grant monies must be usedforthe purpose that the grant was awarded. Should circumstances change and other funding is sourced for the same project, The Salvation Army must be notified and a variation submitted for approval by the Communities for Children Committee.
In some cases the grant payment may need to be returned and funding re-applied for.
Name of Organisation:______
Name contact person:______
Organisations Address:______
Telephone contact:______
Email Address:______
Organisational Aims: please describe the core activities of your service?
Description of Project: (please describe what you wish to achieve, which focus area will be addressed and why the activity/resource/project is needed)
List the primary aims the program or activity the grant will assist.
How will you address these aims?
Main Target Group– please tick
Families Children 0-5 Children 6-12 Grandparents
AboriginalFamilies Fathers Teenage parents
What are the expected outcomes of the project?
What is the expected duration of the project?
Please tick one.
0 -6 months 6 – 12 months
How many families/children will benefit?
Children 0-5 ____ Children 6-12 ____ Families ____ Fathers ____
AboriginalFamilies ____ Single Parents ____ Other ____
The organisation will need to provide some basic data at the completion of the project regarding the use of the grant funds?
E.g.Outcomes from the project/program, how often the equipment is used, do other community groups use the resources, how the resources or program has made a difference etc. This information is required for FaHCSIA reports.
Amount requested (including GST) $
Is your organisation registered for GST? Yes No
For Tier One grant applications please include a quotation for equipment or amounts over $500
For Tier Twogrant applications please include a basic budget and quotations
Please post or email your Small Grantapplication and supporting documentation,if applicable, no later than:
5.00pm Friday 31st May 2013
Stacey Milbourne – Manager Communities for Children
The Salvation Army Tasmania
250 Liverpool Street
Hobart TAS 7000
For inquiries please contact Stacey on: 6270 0302or 0457 412 114
or email:
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