Notes of the Bay Health

Community Voice patient and carer participation group

Tuesday17th February2015,

10.30-12.30pm at Scout & Guide Headquarters

Attendance List:

Tina Williams-SCVS

Sue Evans-Community Health Council

Tyrone Lewis-Member

Dana Evans-Member

Peter Thomas-Member

Stephen Clark-Member

Sandra Mumby-Member

Claire English-Primary Care Manager

  1. Welcome and Apologies

Tina introduced herself; she welcomed and thanked Claire English for her attendance. The members of the group were invited to introduce themselves and say which practice they were registered with.


Pamela Williams-Member

Steve Clark-Member

Rita Ford-Member

  1. Claire English – Primary Care Support Manager

A member of the group asked Claire if she could give an overview of the structure of the cluster plan before she began so everyone understood how the plans fits into the wider strategic aims.

Claire explained that four meetings were held a year around the cluster plans and this included eight (sometimes more) GP’s a health board representative (usually a primary care planning manger), practice mangers, social workers, third sector representative and invites were sent to other directorates through the health board when this was appropriate.

Claire explained that the four meetings were the minimum standard and additional meetings were held in and around these four where practice staff got together to ensure the plan was moving forward.

Q. does the CHC sit on the Cluster Plan Meetings?

A. Sue explained that the CHC sit at a higher level for the plans and not on the local ones.

Q. Who is the lead for the Bay Health Network?

A. Claire explained that Kristy Truman was the GP Lead for the Bay Health Network, Kristy works from the West Cross Surgery.

Claire went through the cluster plan and informed the group around the priorities which were put into the plan for the Bay Health Area, some of the priorities included:

  • Bowel Screening
  • Cervical Screening
  • Alcohol consumption – the group were informed around a pilot scheme which would be run around alcohol consumption, a questionnaire will be rolled out to all patients aged 16+ with a new scheme beginning 2015.

Q. A question was asked about a previous 3 year questionnaire which was rolled out on patients.

A. Claire explained that this was to a specific group or people and the new scheme will cover all patients 16+.

  • Obesity in Children
  • Opportunistic screening for over 75’s
  • Increase uptake of vaccinations
  • Third Sector Support in Practices

Outcome 3 - Patient Needs

  • Sexual Health
  • Enhanced Service, for example:
  • Improved shared care & substances
  • Care Pain Management (97% uptake)

Outcome 4 – Urgent care Needs

  • Risk management
  • Sign Posting Effectively

Outcome 5 – End of Life Care

Outcome 6 – Targeting early prevention cancer

Outcome 7 – Minimising Polypharmacy (range of medication)

Outcomes 5, 6 & 7 are national priorities from Welsh Government that all Networks will include in their plans.

Outcome 8 –Deliver effective clinical governance

Outcome 9 – Other Locality Issues, working collaboratively.

Q. The group asked if the plan would be made available to the community.

A. Claire explained that the plan was a working document and was in the process of being amended before being sent to Welsh Government for approval. It was explained that the plan would be out of date before the Bay Health Public would see it.

Q. A member of the group asked if the plan could be sent to them anyway.

A. Claire explained that she would ask if this was possible and let Tina know.

Action:Tina to speak with Claire to find out if the plan can be shared.

Q. members of the group asked how the priorities were driven forward and by whom.

A. Claire explained that the plan was a working document and against each priority there were actions for differing sectors to achieve outcomes.

Q. What if practices don’t feed into all the priorities?

A. Claire explained that the Bay Health Cluster Plan was a amalgamation of all the practice plans together, so each practice will write their own practice plan with their own priorities and then these will be collated into one larger cluster plan which means each practice will still fulfil their own priorities but will know what is happeningelsewhere to be able to sign post effectively or lean from.

Discussions were held around patient needs. The group spoke about appointment times, services not always available within their practices, sustainability of services, etc. Members of the group gave some examples of how some services were delivered in their practice explaining that some ran late evening sessions for people who work or sign posted individuals who had specific chronic conditions to other practices which ran a particular service which that practice did not provide.

Tina explained that these were the kinds of priorities the group may be able to support the Network with. The group could work with the local primary care staff to promote the priorities within the plan and also get local communities services which correlate to the priorities to attend the Bay Health Area to do wider promotion.

  1. Minutes of the previous meeting

Page 1 – The group noted that Alison Ransome who attended the previous meeting had categorically informed them that the Civic Centre was not to be sold and had received funding to be used as one of the hubs for the three local integrated hubs, the group had now been informed that this was not the case and that the civic would be sold.

Tina explained that she had not heard this but would look into it.

Action – Tina to find out if the civic centre will be sold or will still be used as a hub site.

Page 4 – Tina to gain some further information around costs of medication.

A member of the group explained that the Co-op pharmacy will do a medicines management review with patients if they would like to go through their medications, explaining that if they could get people to do this more regularly it may cut the medicines budget.

Sue explained that she would be attending the integrated pharmacies and medicines management first meeting and would ask this question.

Action – Sue to feed back to the group at the next meeting.

Action – Claire will also ask Rhian (planning manager) about medicines management.

Some of the group members were interested about patient data and how this information was kept.

Action – Claire and Tina will look into this and feedback.

Page 4 – Tina explained that she had yet to invite practice managers to the group as she was unsure whether the group wanted an open invite to anyone who wanted to attend or if the go up wanted only a small number invited?

The group discussed this and it was noted that an invite should g to all practice managers within the Bay Health Network.

Action – Tina to send a blanket email to all practice managers to attend the next meeting.

  1. Any Other Business

Tina asked the group if they had received the information around free training sessions. Some of the group were aware of the session’s sheet which was sent but not all.

Tina explained that in the Llwchwr Network the Group were holding a community engagement event around the priorities within the Llwchwr Cluster Plan; the group were asked if they felt this was something they would like to replicate.

Discussion was held around this and the group felt that a more solid plan was needed before they could think about informing the community.

  • Committee Member information

Tina explained that as a result of the community voice project the aim for the group after her role has ended is to have a committee for the groups to ensure its sustainability. If anyone was interested at anytime in becoming a committee member, Tina would be more than happy to speak with them about this. Training would be made available for the group.

6. Date of next meeting

The date of the next meeting will be sent to you once this has been agreed.

If you are attending the meeting by public transport, please keep your bus tickets so that we can reimburse the cost. If you cannot access a bus route and would like to book a Taxi to attend the meeting, please call Tina on 01792 544013 for her to arrange this or any other requirements you may have. Additionally if you would like to reclaim the cost for travel via your own car, (Please keep a record of your mileage).

Kind regards,

Tina Williams

Community Voice Patient and Carer Development Officer

Swansea Council for Voluntary Services (SCVS)

Telephone: 01792 544013
