Community Preservation Committee Meeting
Tuesday Jan. 31, 2017
Held at 7:30 PM in the
Town Hall Second Floor Meeting Room
Meeting Minutes
In Attendance: Paul Nelson, Ed Dobie, Dave Shauer, Gary Fowler, James DiMento, James Davenport
Members Not in attendance: Harry LaCortiglia, Rachel Bancroft and Peter Burns.
Meeting is called to order at 7:35pm
- Correspondence:
- None Received
- Minutes:
Motion by Paul Nelson to approve prior CPC minutes dated December 6, 2016 and January 3, and January 17, 2017.
Seconded by Ed Dobie
Motion carried unanimously, 6-0
- Project Reviews/Guests
- AHT Block Grant / P. Nelson (Project Review)
Paul Nelson to discuss AHT Block Grant.
- Describes importance and process of AHT, need to update Housing Plan, Strategic Development, Affordable Housing opportunities and continuing the program.
- Has stated looking for $80,000 but will accept less. Has ~ $190k left in CPC and $220k outside CPC. Acknowledges $50k will be acceptable this year if CPC can’t do $80k.
- Gary Fowler asks: if doing 2 report studies are true fit for AHT proposal; Paul states all studies are one of the most important aspects of Affordable Housing.
- Gary asks if information can help market planning and how to understand housing needs.
- Paul states need for town to continue to invest in studies and act on AH.
- Historic Stone Wall Restoration / P. Durkee(Project Review)
- Peter Durkee invited to speak and discusses Historical Wall project: (wall in 2 lengths), (i) 170 ft. long and (ii) 85 ft. long sections, (255 ft. in total length) town owned land. Unanimous question of board: what is historical, and cultural significance? Discussion by Peter Durkee that he did not know. GHS guests Chris Comiskey and Rick Deitweiler of Georgetown and GHS do not know specific age of wall either. Total $196k requested for projects.
- Peter provides email from GHC Chairman Phil Trapani, dated 12/14/2016 supporting CPC submission, however, did GHC know cost? Peter does not know. Peter states police detail equals $40,000 and is factored in price. Interim chairman Davenport collects email.
- Interim-chairman, James Davenport suggests going back to GHC chair to discuss in detail, cultural and historical significance before any motion to reject project.
- Gary Fowler suggests that the project may fit in CPC but doesn’t know how. Ed Dobie does not believe there is any historical significance other than a retention wall.
Motion by Ed Dobie to vote to reject the CPC appropriateness of the stonewall submission and to deny continuation of the project in CPC.
Seconded by Paul Nelson,
Discussion by James Davenport to go back to GHC to dive into detail of why this is significant versus rejecting project the submission on this 1/31 date. Gary Fowler agrees with James Davenport, however, Motion discussion continues.
Motion carries 4-2 in favor of rejecting submission.
- Brocklebank Exterior Painting / C. Comiskey (Project Review)
- Chris Comiskey and Rick Deitweiler of Georgetown and GHS invited to speak to discuss Brocklebank Exterior Painting project:
- $15,000, suggested to CPC with suggestion form.
- Historical significance identified, house built in circa 1680.
- Tours continued for town but needs painting desperately.
- Old Business:
- Updated Camp Denison Application; to be discussed at next meeting
- Draft meeting schedule for members to review.
- Jim DiMento mentions CPC dissatisfaction regarding rail trail progress. Recommends CPC board to send a letter acknowledging stated CPC’s disappointment of rail trail project particularly progress and communication.
- Ed Dobie mentions a follow up is needed with Chairman LaCortiglia at next meeting regardingCPC’s ability to regain access on reviewing CPC invoices prior to being paid.
Motion by Jim DiMento to have either Chairman LaCortiglia or member(s) of CPC board towrite a letter of dissatisfaction acknowledging CPC’s disappointment with rail trail progress. (Further details of letter will be discussed at next meeting).
Seconded by Ed Dobie.
Motion carries unanimously 6-0.
- Updated meeting schedule
- Draft meeting schedule in packet for review
- Any business that may be brought to the attention of the Committee by a participant from the audience or by a Committee Member
- None
Motion by Gary Fowler to adjourn
Seconded by Ed Dobie
Motion carries unanimously 6-0.
Meeting adjourns at 8:52PM