Community of Miltonvale Park Regular Council Meeting Minutes Community Office – Winsloe Lions Hall 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Present:Chair Betty Pryor,CouncillorsGeorge Piercey, Tamsyn Cosh-MacKenzie,Sheila MacKinnon, Hal Parker; Administrator Shari MacDonald

Regrets: CouncillorsWalter Carver and Gail Ling


Vice Chair Piercey called the meeting to order at 5:10p.m. and thanked Councillors for attending.


The agenda waspresented and agreed upon.


Motion 2012:12- Moved by CouncillorSheila MacKinnon, seconded by Councillor Hal Parkerthat the minutes of theJanuary 24, 2012Regular Council Meeting be approved with the addition of identifying information for motion 2012:07. Motion carried.


a. Canada Post –Chair Pryor followed up with Paul Olscamp of the Province, and after her arrival at 5:21 reported that, in order to take any action, Mr. Olscamp requires a letter written directly to the province, rather a copy of one written to Canada Post. Chair Pryor is in the process of writing this letter.

b. Volunteer Development Workshops – Councillors Ling and Parker, along with the administrator, attended the Volunteer Development Workshops in Montague, (as representatives of the Milton Community Hall at no cost to Council). Highlights included the importance of job descriptions, working as a team with good communication, being prepared for meetings and having a workable agenda; and - for recruitment and retention, being able to briefly explain your organization, identify the organization’s needs and target recruitment, and to thank your volunteers appropriately.

Chair Pryor arrived at 5:21.

c. FPEIM Motion-

Motion 2012:13 -Moved by Councillor Sheila MacKinnon, seconded by Councillor Tamsyn Cosh-MacKenzie, that the Community of Miltonvale Park forward the two attached resolutions regarding the support of small rural municipalities by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to the Federation of PEI Municipalities. Motion carried.

d. Fall Elections – Chair Pryor noted that some Councillors are planning to reoffer in the November 2012 election, which is a two year term, before a four year term becomes the norm.


Councillors reviewed the circulated lists of correspondence:

Word was received today that $500 will be granted to the Diamond Jubilee Tea event in May. The request made was for $900.

The regional landfill report for 2011 was received and will be circulated with the annual meeting packages, and the water testing report was received and is on file at the Council office.


a.Environment and Community Living–Committee Chair Cosh-MacKenzie reported on the February 23, 2012 committee meeting.

  1. Summer Student Application - The application was made for the federal summer job program, and the job description was amended to include promoting the park and walking track.

ii.Communities 13 Inc. - A request was received from Communities 13, Inc. for a contribution from the community for a capital replacement fund. The requested amount was $4154, annually for five years, with the option to renew. This figure was based on the community’s assessment at $0.67/$100. Council will request further information from Communities 13, including named sponsorship information, and population and use data. Approval of this expenditure would have to come from residents at the Annual Meeting.

iii.Community Pasture

Motion 2012:14 -Moved by Councillor Tamsyn Cosh-MacKenzie, seconded by Councillor George Piercey, that the Community of Miltonvale Park release approximately ten acres from the community pasture, as requested by the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal, subject to a legal survey and a buffer zone of ten metres being left in the field adjacent to the community park. Motion carried.

Chair Pryor will contact David Morris, land surveyor, regarding this issue. The lease between the community and the farmer expires in November 2012. The lessee will be notified of the pasture adjustment.

Motion 2012:15 -Moved by Councillor George Piercey, seconded by Councillor Sheila MacKinnon, that the CommunityPasture rent for 2012 be adjusted to $1800. Motion carried.

iv.Watershed Management Group – It was felt that with the imminent location of the City’s new wellfield to the community,that it would be important to have a strong watershed group for the North River.Residents can be notified of contact information for the existing group in the newsletter. Ellen’s Creek has a separate group for its section of the North River. It may be a good idea to host an event or speaker. More effort can be put towards the watershed once the agreement is signed with the city.

v. Park -The future of the park’s well needs to be addressed.


b. EMO– The Island Community Fund application will be submitted in the next month. The community canvass will ask for information which will be helpful for emergency management. There are a number of upcoming training opportunities (Basic Emergency Management March 13-14 or Sept. 18-19, 2012; Emergency Operation Center Management- April 17-18, 2012; Emergency Public Information- May 22-23, 2012; Incident Command 200 - Jun 19-20, 2012). It was felt that First Aid training should be offered to our staff (especially summer staff) and councillors, and possibly also offered to residents at a subsidized cost. This will be further discussed at the next Council meeting.

c. Finance/Payment of Accounts

i. Remittance - The remittance has been paid for January 2012;

ii.Reports and Payment of Accounts

Motion 2012:16 - Moved by CouncillorHal Parker, seconded by Councillor Sheila MacKinnon that thefinancial statements for January 2012be accepted as circulated. Motion carried.

iii. Audit 2011

Motion 2012:17 - Moved by CouncillorHal Parker, seconded by Councillor Tamsyn Cosh-MacKenzie that the audited financial statements for 2011, as prepared by Aresenault Best Cameron Ellis,be accepted as received. Motion carried.

iv. Budget 2011

Motion 2012:18 - Moved by CouncillorHal Parker, seconded by Councillor Sheila MacKinnon that the 2012 budget, as discussed at the Council meeting,be accepted. Motion carried.

Councillor Cosh-MacKenzie left the meeting at 6:35 p.m. It was reported that the water and sewer project is expected to come in under budget.

d.Planning Board

  1. Development Applications and Permits

Councillor Parker reviewed the status of development applications and issues. Chair Pryor will write to Albert MacDonald, Director of Municipal Affairs and Provincial Planning,regarding the Special Planning Area, and Miltonvale Park`s status within it. It was determined the City would not need a permit to plant trees on its property, which is expected to be used for the wellfield. Issues regarding a mini-home which may be moving into the community will be left to the discretion of the development officer, who would apply the bylaws. There will be no additional fees levied for the development agreement for the fill permit.

Motion 2012:19 - Moved by CouncillorHal Parker, seconded by Councillor Sheila MacKinnon that, as recommended by Planning Board, Council deny the application for subdivision of parcel 940510. Motion carried.

Motion 2012:20 - Moved by Councillor Hal Parker, seconded by Councillor George Piercey that, as recommended by Planning Board, Council inform TTK Holdings of the following regarding development on parcels 505206 and 505131: a). duplexes are a permitted use in that zone, b). it will not be necessary to consult with nearby landowners, and c). as per section 4.35 of the Development Bylaws, Council requests that the plans submitted be based upon an actual survey by a licensed Prince Edward Island Land Surveyor. Motion Carried.

Motion 2012:21 - Moved by Councillor Hal Parker, seconded by Councillor George Piercey that, as recommended by Planning Board, Council advise the owner of Property 761726 that the trailer box is located on the property in contravention of the Bylaw and must be removed within 60 days of receipt of notice. Motion carried.

Motion 2012:22 - Moved by Councillor Sheila MacKinnon, seconded by Councillor George Piercey that, as recommended by Planning Board, the Community apply for funding to update the development bylaw and official plan. Motion carried.

Motion 2012:23 - Moved by Councillor Hal Parker, seconded by Councillor George Piercey that Counciladopt the report of the Planning Board. Motion carried.

e.Personnel–The Development Officer is out of the province for the month of March, but has been very available through email or telephone for issues.

f.Water and Sewer–The City and Community met today and are getting closer to an agreement. The lift station is approximately nine daysaway from being operational. The most recent water testing report from Island Waste Management Corporation is on file at the office.

e.Report from Staff–The administrator will be focusing on the newsletter, and preparations for the annual meeting and other reports and applications.


a. Annual Meeting – The annual meeting will be held March 26, 2012 at the Winsloe Lions Hall at 7:30 p.m. Storm date is March 27th. Councillors are requested to have their committee reports to the office by Monday, March 12.


The next regular meeting is scheduled for 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 27, 2012.


Motion 2012:24 - Moved by Councillor George Piercey, seconded by Councillor Sheila MacKinnonthat the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried at 7:06 p.m.




Date Approved

Attachment (March 6, 2012)FPEIM Motions

WHEREAS the objects of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) is “to represent the national interests of local governments in Canada and to act as the spokesperson for Canadian cities, towns and municipal authorities on all such matters as are properly within the jurisdiction of the Government of Canada;” Section 2.01(a)*

WHEREAS the Federation of Canadian Municipalities is committed to provincial representatives on its Board;

WHEREAS Board members are responsible for their own expenses to attend meetings;

WHEREAS small municipalities (particularly rural municipalities) have limited funds to participate on the Board;

BE IT RESOLVED that the Federation of PEI Municipalities lobby the FCM to provide funding to enable small communities the opportunity to participate at the Board level.

*Bylaw No. 1 of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities

WHEREAS the Federation of Canadian Municipalities recognizes smaller communities at its annual conference by hosting the Rural Forum (Standing Committee)

WHEREAS smaller communities within Canada have similar issues and need a strong voice;

WHEREAS smaller communities who are members may not have funds to send a representative to the annual conference;

BE IT RESOLVED that the Federation of PEI Municipalities lobby the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) to set up a funding program based on population and financial ability so small municipalities can apply for funding to send a representative to the FCM annual conference.

Minutes - Community of Miltonvale Park

Page 1 of 6 Approved –April 3, 2012March 6, 2012