Community Momentum Strategy– Goals and Objectives
In an effort to promote optimal alignment of local and state actions that benefit children and families, the following Goals (defined as a high-level aspiration toward which all partners will work over time) and Objectives defined as 1-4 year sub-components necessary to achieve the goal) are offered to facilitate conversation about how we can work together to drive a Common Agenda. Individual Actions to advance the Objectives will vary within each region and among state partners, but should be designed to drive toward attainment of objectives over three years. Action Plans will be developed annually to measure progress of each Early Learning Regional Coalition towards achieving these multi-year goals and objectives.
Goal 1 – Early Learning Regional Coalitionshave the capacity and infrastructure necessary to coordinate the early learning system in their region
- Objective - Functional and effective decision-makingand communication protocols are established and regularly utilized
- Objective –Specific attention is given to understanding and reducing racial inequities in the early learning system prevalent occurring in their region
- Objective – Diverse groups of stakeholders are routinely involved in planning, decision-making and implementation
Goal 2 –Early Learning Regional Coalitions function effectively and consistently across regions
- Objective – State and local data and experiences routinely inform policy, funding and resource allocation decisions at both the state and regional level
- Objective – Formalized regional coordination/governance structures are aligned and connected to the state-level Early Learning Advisory Council
- Objective – Standard and consistent process for leading and coordinating the prioritized strategies of the ELP within a region.
Goal 3–Early Learning Regional Coalitions are effective platforms for implementing prioritized strategies of the Early Learning Plan (ELP)
- Objective – Through the “Love. Talk. Play.” campaign, parents and caregivers living in vulnerable situations gain the confidence, information and skills needed to give their children a great start in life
- Objective – Parents and child care providers are aware of Early Achievers and know how to use it to support their decisions
- Objective – Families and caregivers are aware of WaKIDS and are actively engaged in the Early Learning Collaboration Component to improve the kindergarten readiness of children in their region
- Objective – Expansion of home visiting services is informed by regional need, capacity to implement various models, and the availability of other programs and services in the region
Goal 4 –Early Learning Regional Coalitions are building public awareness of the importance of and increased investment in early learning programs and services
- Objective – Legislators are knowledgeable about state and regional early learning needs and priorities
- Objective – Private funding for early learning supports and services increases
- Objective–Parents and community members promote increased investment in and greater access to high-quality early learning programs and services
- Objective – Broad, diverse cadre of early learning champions are engaged in building increased investment in early learning programs and services, specifically those that serve the most vulnerable children and families to reduce the racialized disparities in communities of color